daily rambliniscings

The Constitution founded on Christian principles made America greatest country

Everywhere in America today one hears that America is not a Christian nation. They say that the founding fathers were Deist or Agnostic or Atheist or anything but Christian. While it is true that some of the more prominent ones weren’t Christian in the traditional sense, over 90% of the founding fathers were either openly, avowedly Christian, or seemingly Christian, or had made statements in support of Christianity.

The Constitution of America did not just miraculously arise without any kind of articles of law being published in America before that time. Some of the prior documents that influenced the later Constitution in 1787 were the Mayflower Compact (1620) which showed that the Pilgrims had undertaken their voyage to the new world “for the glory of God, and the advancement of the Christian faith.”

The Constitution of Connecticut was penned in 1639, and a Christian minister – Rev. Thomas Hooker, was the driving force behind that document.

Basically all the colonies, and what later would become states, based their legal codes upon a Christian legal foundation. These all played important roles in the later writing of the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Second Continental Congress, who made the Declaration of Independence in 1776, did a very interesting thing – they formally sought for an American printer for the Holy Bible, and eventually found a willing printer who would print what would become to be known as the “Aitken Bible”.

Aitken’s Bible was completed by early September 1782. Congress passed the following resolution on September 12: “the United States in Congress assembled, highly approve the pious and laudable undertaking of Mr. Aitken, as subservient to the interests of religion … , and being satisfied from the above report, of his care and accuracy in the execution of the work, they recommend this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States.” This means that with a congressional endorsement, Aitken’s Bible was the first English-language Bible published in North America.

Over half of the signers of the Constitution had gone to seminary to receive Christian religious training. Charles Thomson was the long time Secretary of Congress in the early days, and an accomplished theologian. His translation of the Septuagint, the Greek New Testament in 1808, was the first translation of the New Testament directly from the Greek into English ever written. All previous English New Testaments were translated from the Latin.

The Northwest Ordinance, which was made by the Continental Congress in 1787, determined how the states would be admitted into the Union. The first article assured the freedom of worship, and the third article placed the government in the role of insuring a special place for “religion” in America: “Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.” Of course in those days, “religion” was synonymous with “Christianity”.

It is interesting too to note that the individual states had to ratify the Constitution in order to make it into binding law. 11 of the 13 states had state recognized churches, so the new federal government was not needed or wanted in taking over the states’ power in the religious realm.

Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson are usually triumphantly held up by Agnostics and Atheists as proof that the founding fathers were not Christian and did not intend to instill Christian principles into the U.S. Constitution. However, Franklin signed Pennsylvania’s Constitution in 1776 which said: “I do believe in one God, the creator and governor of the universe, the rewarder of the good and the punisher of the wicked. And I do acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine inspiration.”

Thomas Jefferson had an eclectic view, seemingly his own private religion. It can be fairly said that while he rejected all the miracles regarding Jesus, and many of the doctrines to be found in the Bible, he very much loved the teachings of Jesus that he considered “pure”, and even went so far as to try and promulgate those teachings. He wrote in 1821: “…Jesus, when, in short, we shall have unlearned every thing which has been taught since his day, and got back to the pure and simple doctrines he inculcated, we shall then be truly and worthily his disciples: and my opinion is that if nothing had ever been added to what flowed purely from his lips, the whole world would at this day have been Christian.” Some have said his views align somewhat with the Unitarian denomination.

Patrick Henry, in 1776, stated, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great Nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded freedom of worship here.”

Ellen White has written that America is the “greatest country on earth”, and makes it clear that it is because America introduced the ideals of the Bible into the country in a way superior to any other country.

May we repent as a nation for our many sins and turning away from our Creator – Jesus Christ, and may we stand up and tell others how great things God has done for us as a nation!

Peace breaking out all over

Many people believed that President Trump would be a warmonger, starting wars here and there just to show how powerful he was. But the facts of the matter are, since he has taken office, exactly 0 wars have been started by him, and one or two have been ended.

Then a couple of weeks ago, there was big news that the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) had signed a big agreement with Israel, with Bahrain following just a week or so later. Saudi Arabia allowed Israeli airplanes to use its airspace for the first time, several countries including Guatemala and Chad announced plans to move their diplomatic missions/embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalm, and Kosovo signed an agreement to work towards peace with Serbia at the White House.

These are all very welcome news that in a normal world would be lauded loud and far, to see peace breaking out in the Middle East, but the Progressive media hates the president, so anything he does well is buried, and any barb that can be launched against him is tried, even when it is utterly false. (Yes, CNN tried to put down the peace agreements by saying that the signers weren’t “social distancing”!!!)

Fortunately, there are a few people recognizing the significance of these events, and have nominated President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. Here is what one such group from Australia has to say:

“He went ahaead and negotiated against all advice, but he did it with common sense. He negotiated directly with the Arab states concerned and Israel and brought them together,” Professor Flint said.

Professor Flint told Sky News host Alan Jones the Trump Doctrine is “something extraordinary” and is emblematic of the two things which guide the president.

“He has, firstly, common sense, and he is only guided by national interest … and therefore an interest in the western alliance” he said.

“What he has done with the Trump Doctrine is that he has decided he would no longer have America in endless wars, wars which achieve nothing but the killing of thousands of young Americans.

“So he’s reducing America’s tendency to get involved in any and every war.

“The states are lining up, Arab and Middle-Eastern, to join that network of peace which will dominate the Middle-East.

“He is really producing peace in the world in a way in a which none of his predecessors did, and he fully deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.”


Let’s pray for the president, that he and his family will stay safe, and that he will keep working to make peace and save lives.

Support declines for Black Lives Matter – Praise God!

This is good news! Even with a very biased question by the polling service, they found that support for the BLM protests has gone way down:

Forty-four percent of poll respondents said they disapprove of the protests, and only 39 percent approve of them. This marks a dramatic decline of support for the Black Lives Matter protests over the past three months. When the same question was asked by the same polling organization in June, 54 percent of poll respondents said they approved of the protests, while only 32 percent said they disapproved.

This represents a huge swing of 27 points against the Black Lives Matter protests, from a +22 point approval rating in June to a -5 point approval rating in September.


And in other good news, the BLM website has removed their “beliefs” section which showed clearly that they are a Marxist front, which wanted to “disrupt the western nuclear family”.

Perhaps my Seventh-day Adventist Church leaders will withdraw their support from this ungodly organization one day soon. 🙂

tallest building in Japan

Currently, the tallest building in Japan is Abeno Harukas in Osaka. It is 300 meters tall. I enjoyed watching it slowly going up and up and I walked past it nearly every Friday for a couple of years around 2013 or so. I even made a video about it:

Now today I read where: “Mitsubishi Estate has unveiled plans for the Tokyo Torch, a 390-meter (1,280-foot), 67-story skyscraper that will become the tallest office building in the country, and the second-tallest structure behind the 630-meter (2,080 ft) Tokyo Skytree.” https://newatlas.com/architecture/tokyo-torch/

But that won’t be completed until 2027, so I still have a few more years left to amaze tourists, like the Hong Kong lady, who refused to believe me when I pointed to Harukas and said it was the tallest building in Japan. That might be because the little area of Hong Kong has 6 buildings that are taller!

The Return 2020 in Washington D.C.

Last week I heard about an even to be held in Washington D.C. called “The Return 2020”. It is in progress now up to the end of the year, but the main event will be on September 26, 2020. They are specifically targeting the time from the Feast of Trumpets up to the Day of Atonement. They are saying this is from September 18th to 28th, but actually they are off 2 days, as September 26 is the real Day of Atonement.

Looking at their main event calendar for that weekend: https://thereturn.org/downloads/TheReturn-Program.pdf it looks like their focus in on repentance. That is wonderful! And that is so much more nice to see when one realizes that this is the part always missing from our SDA “Revival” programs. Yes! Repent!

But is this program really to lead to God, or…..? Explanation video here: https://youtu.be/cn9wlzsFKzc

There is one other huge factor at play here. Progressives are planning a “Siege the White House” from September 17th to election day. Their plan is basically to make Trump hole up so he cannot move about freely. It is basically an open attempt at a coup. http://republicbroadcasting.org/news/the-white-house-siege-occupation-starts-sept-17-2020/ Some people are already starting to wonder if there will be fireworks between the Leftists and Rightists being such close proximity to each other. Really, I believe America is nearly at the point of Civil War, where such a spark could result in sweeping changes to how America is governed.

Or, could a charismatic leader arise who could make peace between both sides? Some SDAs are saying this is a good opportunity for Satan to make his appearance, but he hasn’t laid the groundwork well enough yet. First, his fallen angels will appear to people, and get them all stirred up to hate Sabbath-keepers. When things are at fever pitch, and most likely after God has already started his fireball judgments, Satan will make his appearance as an imitation Christ, and try to deceive the world.

In any case, yes, we need to pray for America and for its leaders to do the right thing, to repent and turn to God and follow his ways. It may be that God will have compassion, and hold off on his dregs of wrath for the land of light for a while longer. But as long as America kills its babies, and legalizes an abomination, and God’s people refuse to vote to stop those immoral acts, then the wine in the cup keeps getting closer and closer to the brim.

Ellen White’s prophecy of “blasphemy to speak against spiritualism” soon to be fulfilled by BLM?

I got quite electrifying news last week that Black Lives Matter is based on spiritualistic, African “voodoo” ancestor worship.
It sounds crazy, but here is what went down at a BLM event in LA in 2015:

“Participants arrived dressed in white, in keeping with traditional Ifá ceremonies. Ifá is a faith and divination system that originated in West Africa and involves rituals of chanting, dancing, calling on deities, magic, ancestor worship and traditional medicine like reiki and acupuncture.
At the ceremony, participants joined hands and a preacher facilitated the ritual, conjuring Ford’s spirit and transferring it to the crowd.

BLM and affiliated groups like Dignity and Power Now have been working together to blend a variety of spiritual practices, including Ifá rituals and other traditional African practices, with the idea of “transformative justice” with origins in Quaker and Native American groups. …..

Thomas aims to integrate elements of African spirituality like pouring libations and invoking the presence of deceased relatives into Black Christianity. ”


If you don’t know why it electrified me, it’s because while I’ve already seen that this movement has the power to sweep everything in front of it, I did not know it had the possibility of fulfilling one of the greatest prophecies of the 1858 Great Controversy book by Ellen White, about how evil angels will appear as dead people who went to heaven and came back to tell us things, and how Ellen White writes in other places how it will be seen as “blasphemy” to speak against this almost overpowering delusion of Satan. Even without the visible manifestation of Satan’s angels now, many people are losing jobs and more for speaking out against this madness. The section of the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. that has to do with African-American history, came out with a very strange thing this week, saying being on time, working hard, having a normal family, following the scientific method etc. basically were all related to “white privilege”! Of course they always have to put their dig in against Jesus Christ too, as He is their number one enemy.


“I saw that soon it would be considered blasphemy to speak against
the rapping, and that it would spread more and more, and Satan’s power
would increase, and some of his devoted followers would have power to
work miracles, and even to bring down fire from heaven in the sight of
men. I was shown that these modern magicians would yet account for all
the miracles wrought by our Lord Jesus Christ by the rapping and
mesmerism, and many would believe that all the mighty works of the Son
of God, when he was on the earth, were accomplished by this same power.
I was pointed back to the time of Moses, and saw the signs and wonders
which God wrought through him before Pharaoh, most of which were
imitated by the magicians of Egypt; and that just before the final
deliverance of the saints God would work powerfully for his people, and
these modern magicians would be permitted to imitate the work of God.”
A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White 1851.

Get ready, get ready, get ready!
Especially Seventh-day Adventists who already know these things – get ready!
Keep your eyes focused on Jesus.

Black Lives Matter affiliated group leader Jessica Byrd says movement is a “rebellion”

Black activists will hold a virtual political convention on August 28, 2020. The convention will be organized by the Electoral Justice Project of the Movement for Black Lives, a collection of more than 150 organizations.

They plan for the convention to make a “black liberation agenda” according to Jessica Byrd, director of the Electoral Justice Project. They plan to make a platform and demand the next administration in the White House to implement them in the first 100 days.

“What we have the opportunity to do now, as this 50-state rebellion has provided the conditions for change, is to say, ‘You need to take action right this minute,’” Byrd said.

Well, there you have it. They admit to be doing the same thing as the instigator of all rebellion.

People, repent!, wake up!, turn away from sin and turn towards Jesus!

Why I’m not a pillar

Why I’m not a “pillar” in the church

Reading Ellen White’s letters where she calls on church members to grow and take responsibilities in the church, and listening to the book of Galatians this morning got me to thinking about why am I not a “pillar” in the church. At this age and love for the cause of God, it wouldn’t be unusual for me to be an elder or deacon in the church. So why am I not?

My family was always on the “fringe” of the church. Since my mom was involved with Robert Brinsmead and the Awakening (until it went into error) our family was basically ostracised from the church. The only church function my parents ever did, was once or twice my father was called on to pray up on the platform. That’s it. Of course I was never called on to do anything either.

After college I moved to Atlanta, and was given some responsibility in the church there. I remember being scared to death when I gave my report after Sabbath School once, and that’s the last time I did anything on the platform there. After moving to Japan there was nothing given me to do, and I’m not one to seek for it either. In 1999 I became English school director at the church-run school, so organized worship programs once a month on Friday nights in the school lounge. Never was there a call to do anything else in the church tho. When they kicked out my homeless friends, I quit going there, and bounced around to several different churches, and also started spending some Sabbaths at home.

In 2005 I went travelling around many countries spreading the 1858 Great Controversy book, and many churches were happy to have me give studies or even sermons in their churches.

After coming back to Japan in 2011, I finally was welcomed at the Kobe church, and told them I could give a mission report which I did once, which was the end of my church-related functions there too, except for twice I year when I lead my English school students in a song and Bible recitation at VBS and Christmas time. I go to church there only 7 or 8 times a year, and started going to another little church last year around once a month or so. Most Sabbaths I spend at home, reading Ellen White’s Letters and Manuscripts, watching Bible vidoes, etc.

I know it would be best if I would use my God-given skills to uplift God’s remnant church in more of a direct manner. I also know that I’m not cut out to be a leader. I believe I’m a good teacher, but not a leader of men. We are also told not to go where we know error will be taught, which is why I’m not too interested in going to church anywhere.

What Would Jesus Do? Really, would he go sit week after week listening to error? Would he go and sit silently in the pews, then go quietly back home? This type of church-goer is what is seen as the “ideal” in most of our SDA churches around the world – oh, and don’t forget the tithes and offerings!! Come to think of it, Jesus was on the “fringe” too. He was given opportunity to speak in church, and he used the opportunity to speak truth. It made them so mad that they tried to push him over a cliff for it. I wonder if they ever invited him back to speak??? He spent most of his time travelling around here and there, never staying long in one place. hmmm.

In my heart, I want to see the church that God set up, this Seventh-day Adventist church, become stronger and stronger, being a shining light of truth in this world wrapped in the darkness of error. But it seems like we’ve become rich and increased with goods, in need of nothing except our “organization”, so I will always be a fringe member. If we aren’t careful and heed the testimony of the True Witness, Jesus will spue us out of his mouth. His Holy Spirit will work where it is unhindered, and he will bypass the organization if necessary in order to finish the work of preparing a people to stand in that great day.

Even so, may we all be at our post of duty wherever it is, leading others to eternal life in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Does sunlight change our gut microbiome?

This article highlights recent research suggesting that sunlight can help those with gut problems (like me?), but it only seems to help those with vitamin D deficiency. For the past several years I’ve actively sought out lots of sunshine in the winter months, as I found it really helped lessen the tightness in my chest. I also started taking vitamin D pills per a friend’s recommendation, and that works very well too.

It’s very interesting how God created our bodies to interact with the environment, and even work most of the time in a sinful, cursed world.


Black holes turn bright, scientists confused

Scientists have allowed their belief in Evolution to so twist their minds, that the craziest, contradictory stuff can be spouted by them with apparently no concern for common sense or the English language.

Case in point: today I saw an article on the “Science Alert” website (not a spoof website) with this ridiculous quote:

The black hole was so bright I at first mistook it for the star S0-2, because I had never seen Sgr A* that bright. Over the next few frames, though, it was clear the source was variable and had to be the black hole. I knew almost right away there was probably something interesting going on with the black hole.

Our Galaxy’s Supermassive Black Hole Has Emitted a Mysteriously Bright Flare

But this is what passes for science these days….
Bright black holes

Heavenly bliss, Ellen White’s letter 1882

“While seated in this beautiful, retired park, free from all confusion and bustle, a sweet peace came over my spirits. I seemed to be taken away from myself, and the bright home of the saints was presented vividly before me. In imagination I gathered with the saints around the wide – spreading tree of life. Friends and dear home relatives who had been separated from us by death were gathered there. The redeemed, white – robed multitude, who had washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, were there. No flashing guard stood around the tree of life, barring our approach. With happy, joyous songs of praise, the voices were blended in perfect harmony as we plucked of the fruit from the tree of life.

For a time I lost all thought of time, of place, or occasion – of everything earthly. Heaven was the subject of my contemplation – heaven, the much longed – for heaven. I seemed to be there, where all was peace, where no stormy conflicts of earth could ever come. Heaven, a kingdom of righteousness where all the holy and pure and blest are congregated – ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands – living and walking in happy, pure intimacy, praising God and the Lamb who sitteth on the throne! Their voices were in perfect harmony. They never do each other wrong. Princes of heaven, the potentates of this mighty realm, are rivals only in good, seeking the happiness and joy of each other. The greatest there is least in self – esteem, and the least is greatest in his gratitude and wealth of love.”
EGWhite Letters #30 1882

younger generation not as accepting of abominations

From Breitbart web site:”A survey produced by the Harris Poll in partnership with Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) finds young Americans’ comfort with LGBTQ individuals has plunged from 63 percent in 2016 to 45 percent in 2018.

According to the Accelerating Acceptance report, Americans aged 18-34 who say they are comfortable interacting with LGBTQ people dropped from 63 percent in 2016 to 53 percent in 2017, and then to 45 percent in 2018…

Among the survey’s findings are that the acceptance of LGBTQ individuals among young women dropped from 65 percent in 2016 to 64 percent in 2017, and then plunged to 52 percent in 2018. Among males, 62 percent were accepting in 2016, plunging to 40 percent in 2017, and then further down to 35 percent in 2018….

John Gerzema, CEO of the Harris Poll, called the survey results “alarming” and “toxic,”reported USA Today.

“We count on the narrative that young people are more progressive and tolerant,” he said. “These numbers are very alarming and signal a looming social crisis in discrimination.”

My takes on this are basically 4:
1. Despite the media & culture onslaught to make abominations “cool”, many young people are rebelling against it. Young people tend to be rebellious, so this is a little bit expected, but I think that many youngsters are seeing the lgbtq crowd as bullies, and don’t like it.

2. Women are more accepting of abominations than men. This is most troubling, as mothers usually have more influence on their children’s characters than fathers do.

3. The head of the polling organization himself is showing his extreme bias. Ideally, polling should be bias-free, but in reality, they are showing that they use polling to try and influence people to think how they want them to.

4. Nearly 75% of Americans claim to believe in Jesus Christ, yet a large percentage of Americans support abominations, showing that the churches of the land, including many in our own SDA Church are not following what God has told us in his Holy Bible. We need to teach the words of God to the younger generation, and live them in our own lives.

May we Christians educate the young to reject all abominations.

United States has longest recorded period of no droughts

I’m old enough to remember all the hysteria regarding the changing climate coming from California because of their drought (and self-important loud mouths) in 2010-2012 or so. Wonder where all those deluded mouths went?

This web site shows that since records started in 2000, more of America than ever – over 90% – is now drought-free:

Once people believe Evolution, which has never been observed while it’s happening, they are more prone to believe other so-called scientific foolishness.

Also, us Christians should be more careful about pointing to every news event as signs of the end of the world, because it makes us look foolish when things get better.

some people have been treated worse by courts than you have

Progressive judges and lawyers are quickly establishing mob rule in America.
Here is a story of a Canadian publisher whose business and years of his life were ruined by a Liberal judge and his Liberal supporters.
Conrad Black presidential pardon

His publications were pro Conservative values, which raised the ire of the Progressives, so when a cleric in his American office sent some money to the Canadian office without the proper authority, it became a huge crime that got him sent to federal prison. His case was even heard by the Supreme Court, which unanimously vacated the four remaining counts against him, but then the original judge (Richard Posner) sent him to jail on some other charge anyway.

So his 2 billion dollar company went down the tubes, in federal prison for 3 years, but finally out today thanks to President Trump who said that “he was reversing an unjust verdict”.

Praise God for President Trump. No wonder the Left hates him so much, as he has set back their plans for mob control over the entire country by a few years at least.

Unconditional Love makes abominations get weirder

Here’s a story about a mother in Nebraska who, as a surrogate mother, mothered her own granddaughter: https://www.dailywire.com/news/45508/61-year-old-woman-gives-birth-own-granddaughter-amanda-prestigiacomo

She is 61 years old. Her son is homosexual. She got the sperm from her son, and the eggs from her son’s “husband’s” sister.

What does this have to do with “Unconditional Love”? Here is what the incestual new grandmother has to say about it: ““I just never hesitated. I was just so excited to be able to be part of this adventure with them. … It was just unconditional love,” she said.”

Flee Unconditional Love and all other abominations dreamed up by Satan!