Last week I heard about an even to be held in Washington D.C. called “The Return 2020”. It is in progress now up to the end of the year, but the main event will be on September 26, 2020. They are specifically targeting the time from the Feast of Trumpets up to the Day of Atonement. They are saying this is from September 18th to 28th, but actually they are off 2 days, as September 26 is the real Day of Atonement.
Looking at their main event calendar for that weekend: it looks like their focus in on repentance. That is wonderful! And that is so much more nice to see when one realizes that this is the part always missing from our SDA “Revival” programs. Yes! Repent!
But is this program really to lead to God, or…..? Explanation video here:
There is one other huge factor at play here. Progressives are planning a “Siege the White House” from September 17th to election day. Their plan is basically to make Trump hole up so he cannot move about freely. It is basically an open attempt at a coup. Some people are already starting to wonder if there will be fireworks between the Leftists and Rightists being such close proximity to each other. Really, I believe America is nearly at the point of Civil War, where such a spark could result in sweeping changes to how America is governed.
Or, could a charismatic leader arise who could make peace between both sides? Some SDAs are saying this is a good opportunity for Satan to make his appearance, but he hasn’t laid the groundwork well enough yet. First, his fallen angels will appear to people, and get them all stirred up to hate Sabbath-keepers. When things are at fever pitch, and most likely after God has already started his fireball judgments, Satan will make his appearance as an imitation Christ, and try to deceive the world.
In any case, yes, we need to pray for America and for its leaders to do the right thing, to repent and turn to God and follow his ways. It may be that God will have compassion, and hold off on his dregs of wrath for the land of light for a while longer. But as long as America kills its babies, and legalizes an abomination, and God’s people refuse to vote to stop those immoral acts, then the wine in the cup keeps getting closer and closer to the brim.