daily rambliniscings

Glory! Glory! Glory! New book about Ellen White’s first visions by Pr. Kevin Morgan

Glory! Glory! Glory!
Glory! Glory! Glory!

Pastor Kevin Morgan is writing a new book on the early visions of Ellen G. Harmon/White. It promises to become the definitive book on this subject. It will be a very important work for all those interested in where the visions took place, what the circumstances were physically and spiritually leading up to the visions (no breathing sometimes!), who witnessed the visions, and what the effects were of the visions.

I’ve made a promo video for the book which can be seen on Youtube:

For the first time ever, a table has been made of the first 141 visions Ellen had, and are described, named, and numbered chronologically, with references given. There are many pictures of people and places related to Adventists that I’d never seen before, maps of places like of West Island, near Fairhaven, Massachusetts, where Ellen experienced while in a little boat in a wild storm: “the rain descended as I never saw it before, the lightnings flashed and the thunders rolled, I was taken off in vision, and saw that sooner would every drop of water in the ocean be dried up than we should perish, for I saw that my work had but just begun.” (V33)

Spreading the original, 1858 edition of The Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels, and Satan and His Angels, has been my main life work. I’ve read more of Ellen White’s material than anyone I know of, and have found that while there are some things with her name as the author that don’t match up, and as a person, she had some big faults, her visions and early works are undoubtedly from God, as she passes all the tests of being a true prophet. This book has deepened my love and respect for her as being given the special prophetic gift by God, and also for her as a person in carrying out that responsibility in doing disagreeable tasks such as warning others of errors, telling men 3 times her age that they were teaching against the Bible, and wearing herself out travelling here and there to give the messages gave God her to bear.

Here is one abridged report in the book that interests me: “We were suspected of holding a meeting somewhere,and we afterwards learned that persons were sent to Brother W’s (White’s) house to see if we were there, or if there was a meeting. At the time these two men came we were all bowed before God. There was no noise but a peaceful weeping spirit rested upon us. The windows were high so that none of us were noticed from the outside. The men went away satisfied that we were not there. {Ms9-1859.13}

The last meeting we held there was especially solemn. The poor souls who had not the privileges of meeting for a long time were greatly refreshed. While we were praying and weeping before God that night, I was taken off in vision and shown that our work was done in Orrington, that we must leave by daybreak the next morning, for men would come to take us and we should suffer abuse.” (V14)

In the confusion following the Great Disappointment of October 22, 1844, there were a ton of “Lo here”s and “Lo there”s trying to deceive the scattered, torn flock. But in that, God raised up a bright, shining light, saying: “This is the way, walk ye in it”.

The book title is “Glory! Glory! Glory!”, and will be published by TEACH Services. Exhibit-7 of the book, a whole book in itself, is free to read online here:

I cannot recommend this book more highly. It will strengthen your faith, give you courage, and help you prosper in the Lord.

“…Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.” 2Chronicles 20:20

Visiting Sasebo SDA Church, and seeing more Hidden Christian history in Kyushu


This post is the 2nd part of a 2 part series about my summer 2022 trip to Kyushu. (First part of Hidden Christian trip) The highlights were visiting the Sasebo SDA Church, seeing more Hidden Christian history at Shimabara castle, sleeping on a bench, and getting re-acquainted with Hiroshima.

I took the bus in a light rain back to Sasebo, then went to the shopping mall at the port and after buying some nearly-expired bread and a big rice ball, I found a nice patio table and ate overlooking the port. I had walked past a small hotel the first night I came to Sasebo, but since the sign said the front desk closed at 10pm, I walked on by as it was already closed. But today when I walk in, a loud chime rings, and an old, bent woman comes out from somewhere. She looks up at me, and after I ask in Japanese if there are any vacancies, she breaks into a broad smile and creakingly leads me up the stairs to a 3,800yen room. sasebo hotel

Yes, I wondered if I should pay to stay on the Sabbath, but I considered it would be better to do that than to lay out in the park and go to church the next day all sleepy and grimy, as that wouldn’t give a good witness. I walked out to the naval museum, but it had just closed when I got there. It was interesting to walk by the American naval base there tho.

There are a lot of Americans walking around Sasebo. I was surprised to see how many of them had tattoos, and how many of them looked like teenage persons of color. There are so many Americans in fact, that this McDonalds, along with a few other shops, even accept American currency! mcdonalds

Going to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sasebo

Sasebo SDA Church

This was one of the 3 main reasons for this trip – to go to the Sasebo SDA Church. I knew the recently installed pastor was a Brazilian man (whose grandfather was Japanese) that I had met and stayed with for a couple of days in Saitama at a self-supporting Portuguese school in 2009. At that time, he had just quit his FX trading job, and was still very much into the rise and fall of pips. We had some good talks, and I tried to show him to get completely out of that worldly mindset, and work wholly for Jesus. Well, I hadn’t had any contact with him for these 13 years, but knew that he later went to AIIAS in the Philippines to study theology, and had just recently been ordained as a pastor in Japan.

Only around 20 people attended the day I was there, but there were 3 kids and several young (under 40) couples, and 2 people who are not yet Adventists. Since this was “Bon holidays” when most everybody in Japan believes their dead ancestors return, so they go back to their hometown for about a week, the pastor’s “sermon” was on the State of the Dead – excellent timing! Why do I put sermon in quotes? Because he had extracted many Bible verses showing the true state of the dead, printed them out on paper, and then had each person in the congregation read one of the texts, then he would comment on it, then they would pass the paper and microphone to the next person, until everybody in church had a chance to read one. It was really good! The Sabbath School was good too, as he actually encouraged discussion, something that is almost never done in Japan. About 5 of us in the congregation are native English speakers, and since his English is better than Japanese, he would speak in English, then his wife would translate into Japanese.

After the sermon we had potluck, then a good time of more study and online conference in the afternoon. It was a wonderful time, so much so that I really wish I could quit all my work here in Osaka, and move to Sasebo to help them. That’s not going to happen tho… Oh yes! There was one 50+ man in the congregation who asked some good questions in the Sabbath School. He is not Christian yet. I asked later how he started coming to church, and the pastor said that he was cleaning the church one Sunday afternoon, and ths man just walked in, saying that he was trying to find a church. Wow! I told the pastor that if all our churches were open 24/7 like convenience stores, we would no doubt have many more souls coming in, looking for help and eternal life in Jesus. sasebo adventist church

That evening I spent in the park again, in the same place I was on my first night in Sasebo. A email from one lady at church really encouraged me, and helped me ignore the mosquito bites. I prayed that God would bless the Sasebo SDA Church.

Going to Shimabara

I took a pic of this Catholic church walking to Sasebo station. sasebo catholic churchI know it looks very common for a European, but in Japan, scenes like this are very rare. The one-car train to Shimabara took us by this station, which has been featured on TV many times as the closest station to the sea in Japan. As you can tell, there is no fence or anything to keep one from falling in, something I cannot even imagine coming from Osaka – ha!

Shimabaa is famous for its rebellion against the Tokugawa government. I will copy and paste what Wikipedia says about it:

Shimabara Rebellion is often portrayed as a Christian rebellion against violent suppression by Matsukura Katsuie. However the main academic understanding is that the rebellion was mainly against Matsukura’s misgovernance by peasants, with Christians later joining the rebellion.

The Shimabara Rebellion was the largest civil conflict in Japan during the Edo period, and was one of only a handful of instances of serious unrest during the relatively peaceful period of the Tokugawa shogunate’s rule.

Shimabara_Rebellion wiki

That’s exactly right. I was surprised too, as everything I had heard about this rebellion, was that it was about Christians fighting for their freedom to worship peacefully, when actually the root cause was because people didn’t like the high taxes, started a rebellion, and many Christians joined them. hmmmm.

Why in the world would a Tennessee state flag be flying in the shopping arcade in Shimabara? First time I’ve ever seen that in Japan! You can tell from the picture that there are hardly any people. The free, hot foot bath sure felt good! And then I could get on a ferry and cruise about one hour. That was nice, and useful, as it landed me in Kumamoto. The free little van to take passengers to Kumamoto train station were all reserved, but there were some empty ones, so the driver kindly let me ride too – sweet! There are vending machines for just about everything in Japan, but this is the first one I’d seen for FISH!

In the afternoon I had to change trains, and saw this sign for “Usa”. That reminded me of something I had back when I was a kid, how a Japanese company had marked its clothing “Made in Usa”. So many Americans happily purchased it, thinking they were supporting an American company. For me, as a kid, it symbolized how sometimes people can say what is true to the listener/reader, but what is actually false in purpose. It was quite a big lesson in my life, so to see this sign was very interesting.

Bench press and Hiroshima ending

Around the Fukuoka and Kokura areas of Kyushu, there were lots of people, and even some young people, making me feel almost like I was back in Osaka. I got off at Shin-Yamaguchi, walked around about 1/2 an hour, and found this secluded bench in a park right by some hgh-rise apartments. When sleeping outside, I never want to be too remote, as sometimes gangs or just a group of drunk young people might come up and do things they normally wouldn’t. But I don’t enjoy being too noticeable either, so to be a bit secluded, near people is the best. 🙂 I put the mosquito repellant all over my skin, but they decided to bite me thru my shirt and pants anyway, so finally I put on two layers of everything to finally get some sleep. As you can imagine tho, it was quite hot, so it’s hard to call it “sleep”. It’s more like dozing for a while, sleeping for a few minutes, waking up, and doing that all over again. Just before 5:00 I woke up with a fluttering sound in my ears. Big mosquitoes? No, little bats. They were really cute, and their acrobatic skills were amazing! It was cool too, to see a bunch of little flying insects come down to my level every time a bat passed about 3 feet overhead.

This was my 7th time, I think to spend at least a few hours in Hiroshima. The day I went was exactly the 77th anniversary of the end of WWII. I could get my bearings quickly, and walked over to the castle, which, for some strange reason, I had never been to before. Here’s a pic of a eucalyptus tree there that was 740meters from the atomic blast, and you can still see burn marks on one side of it. It was funny/infuriating to see signs in Hiroshima saying how they were just helpless sufferers from this terrible atomic bomb, then see small signs here and there how this was a military installation, housing for officers, air-warnng location etc. When I first went to Hiroshima on vacation in 1988, the A-bomb museum was very small and junky and honest. Just a few years later they made a big, modern museum that decries how all these innocent people suddenly lost their lives in a blinding flash. (I will never enter it again) Of course they don’t explain well how the American planes dropped leaflets for days in the town telling people to get out, that somethng terrible was going to happen, and to stop the war. Actually, the military got agitated because of those leaflets, and ordered anyone finding one to bring it to them for burning. One more very unusual thing before I leave this topic is that there is some scientific evidence that those who survived the radiation, actually live longer on average! Some say it is because they get more health treatment and checkups, which may be true, but some say that a bit of radiation is actually effective in preventing some diseases. Who knows?

Lunch was in Okonomimura, a place that used to have a bunch of little okonomiyaki stands, but had only one open the day I went. Okonomiyaki is flour, water, egg, bean sprouts, noodles, and usually some kind of main ingredient like meat, but I got mine with rice cakes and corn – delicious!!! But at 1,200 yen, it was by far the most expensive meal of my trip. I made it last until the next mornng. 🙂

So ended my excellent adventure. After 3 years of not really being able to take a long trip because of corona, I was very happy to get out and see something new. I fulfilled my dream of seeing the Hidden Christian history, got some new information regarding them, saw my friend from 13 years ago and enjoyed his church tremendously, and got to see the sea and even ride on it a bit. Altogether my one week trip cost only 34,000yen, being totally worth that and much more. I hope you’ve enjoyed experiencing this with me!

Trip to see Hidden Christian history in Japan

Hidden Christian Hirado panorama

My long-awaited trip to Kyushu in Japan to see Hidden Christian historical places (隠れキリシタン) finally came to fruition from August 9 – 15, 2022. I had originally planned to go to the 5 outlying islands off of Nagasaki called “五島列島” in Japanese, but in checking the web a couple of days before going, saw that they didn’t really want anyone outside of Nagasaki prefecture coming there, as they are scared of corona. OK. So instead, I went to some of the most western area of Nagasaki where there were quite a few hidden Christians, and had a meaningful time seeing historical places, and just enjoyed being in a totally different environment for a few days.

I like to ride trains and see the sea, and got my heart’s desire full of both! I also got to see some castles, and best of all, a Seventh-day Adventist friend who I’ve only seen once before, and that was at a little self-supporting place in Saitama prefecture that had a school for Portuguese speakers back in 2009.

This post will be about just the first 3 days of the trip.

I bot a “青春18切符” which translates to “Youthful 18 ticket”. There’s no age limit, and you buy a ticket for around 12,000jpy (100usd) and you get it stamped each day you use it, and you can use it for any 5 days in a period. Summer has the longest period of us: from July 20 to September 10, and you can use that ticket any 5 of those days, or of course you can have 5 people use it all together in just one day, or whatever. It’s very convenient. However, you cannot ride any of the fast trains. So to travel the 758km (471miles), I had to take the first train at 5:13, and arrived in Sasebo at 22:27. I have never had a problem with motion sickness on anything before, but I felt woozy for several hours after getting off. I had supper of noodles on the platform of the Tosu station, something I used to do a lot but has nearly completely disappeared from Japan. The lady running it looked like she was around 80:

So I arrived in Sasebo at 22:27, as the trains in Japan are nearly always on time (only one train was late on all this trip – about 9 minutes), and I promptly went looking for the Sasebo SDA church which I easiy found, and took this picture:

I went back to this church on Sabbath, and will have more pics of it in my next post.

The least of these my brethren get love from the U.S. Supreme Court!

Jesus Christ in womb

After 49 years of dismembering and beheading over 50 million of the least of these my brethren, finally this travesty of a decision of Roe vs Wade in 1973 has been overturned by a vote of 5-4.

This was made possible by Donald Trump and people who voted for him for president in 2016, and of course these 5 Supreme Court justices. Thank you God for raising up such people!

It’s calculated that within a month, over 1,000 kids a day will be given life because of this godly decision. 🙂

I can’t think of anything happier that has happened in society since this anti-christian law was enacted.

For all SDAs who support abortion, or don’t care enough to vote – REPENT! The blood of those littlest ones made in the image of God can be forgiven by Jesus today.

May our SDA Church finally wipe the stain of supporting this evil off its collective membership, so God can finally pour out the Latter Rain on us.

For the least of these my brethren who will have their lives spared because of this godly decision: we love you, and pray that you will choose Jesus to the salvation of your souls, and we will meet in heaven around the great white throne very soon!

New Texas law saves 2,000 kids in one month!

Texas law saves 2,000 kids

The Texas Heartbeat law that came into effect on September 1, 2021, allows citizens to report and sue anyone performing or getting an abortion after the baby’s heartbeat is detected (usually at 6 weeks). It is estimated that in the first month, it saved around 2,000 lives! In September 2020, 4,313 little kids’ lives were snuffed out. In the same month in 2021, that had dropped to 2,164.

Yes, it is still horrific that over 2,000 kids were thrown in the trash in one month in one state in America, but to see this reduction, and to know that many lives are actually being saved every second this law is in place, is a great encouragement. 🙂

Don’t ever believe it when people say “my vote doesn’t matter”, because it does. Vote as if your life, and the life of the least of these my brethren, were on the line, because it is!

Article: https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/september-abortions-texas/2021/10/29/id/1042572/

Mark of the Beast coming thru Saule Omarova, Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency?

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Revelation 13:16-18.

We Seventh-day Adventists know without a doubt that the Mark of the Beast will be not just worshiping on Sunday when the governments around the world decree it, but actually being forced to break God’s 7th day Sabbath. When you submit to their demands to do that, you will receive the Mark of the Beast, and there is no more hope of redemption for you.

“President* Joe Biden wants to put an actual Communist — self-proclaimed “radical” Cornell University law school professor Saule Omarova — in charge of the nation’s banking system.

Saule Omarova graduated from the Soviet Union’s Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship, … ““The core idea here is simply to allow all U.S. citizens and lawful residents, local governments, non-banking firms and non-business entities to open transactional accounts directly with the Federal Reserve, thus bypassing private depository institutions,” she wrote. “In this sense, it is a variation on the familiar FedAccounts — or FedCoin, ‘digital dollar wallets,’ etc. — theme. In principle, FedAccounts can be made available as an alternative to bank deposit accounts, upon a person’s request.””

“as Kristin Tate wrote for The Hill on Wednesday: Taken to its extreme, this would mean that the Federal Reserve, acting on behalf of Washington, could become the only place citizens could deposit their money. Such a massive transformation would be accomplished by replacing consumer deposits into a new digital dollar, held by the Fed.” https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2021/09/30/lenin-smiles-biden-nominates-soviet-trained-radical-saule-omarova-for-top-banking-post-n1520765

Mark of the Beast cannot happen under a cash system

I’ve been saying this for quite a long time, especially ever since I went to India first in 1998: “It is not possible for this to be fulfilled (normally thinking) if cash is in use. With cash, it doesn’t matter what you look like or what you believe, shopkeepers will take your cash.

HOWEVER, if there is no more cash, then it is a simple thing, kind of like what we are seeing now regarding methods to keep people from getting sick, to keep people from having access to their digital currency.

What should we do? We should vote for people who will not install workers of iniquity into high positions in government, use the money you have now for spreading the Three Angels’ Messages, and prepare spiritually and physically (but not hoarding food) for the Time of Trouble that is coming soon.

日本で一番安いプロテイン(トップ20)(Cheapest protein in Japan)


最近、プロテイン(たんぱく質)が足りないと感じるようになりました。 数ヶ月前から腕の筋肉が痛くなり、頭がモヤっとして悪化しているような気がして、精神状態もいつものようにハッピーではなくなってきました。 昔から超痩せ型で、丸いBMIメーターでは目盛りがマイナスになるほどで、それは40年ほど前にベジタリアンになる前からそうだった。

プロテインが足りないのでは? この素朴な疑問から、最も安いタンパク質を摂取できる方法を探すことにしました。



大学時代以来、肉や魚を食べていないので、植物性タンパク質が第一候補です。 植物性の食事は神の計画であり、多くの動物や魚は病気であると信じています。 しかし、自分的には「肉=タンパク質」というイメージがあります

神が創った動物を殺して、血を抜いて食べるというのは、自分にとってはめっちゃ気持ち悪いことです。 今、このことを書いているだけで、胃が痛くなってきた。 ウェー!。 肉にはたくさんのタンパク質が含まれていることは知っているけど、神様が「生きるため食べなさい」と言わない限り、食べないつもりです。

しかし、魚は別物だと思います。 イエス様が魚を食べたところを聖書で読んだ。 魚を食べただけでなく、祝福して増やし、他の人にも食べさせたのです。 イエスはそれをあるところで「良い」と言ったのです。 そして、最も驚くことは、復活した体になってからも魚を食べていたということです。 これには驚きました。 蜂蜜も。 だから、イエス様は菜食主義者ではなく、ベジタリアンでもなく、魚を食べるベジタリアン(ペスカタリアン)だった。 羊肉を食べていたと言う人もいるけど、霊感を受けた言葉の中には、その事を確実に証明する言葉はどこにもありません。

では、日本で最も安いタンパク質源は何でしょうか? 勝者は「大豆」で、間違いなく第1位は→
1. きなこ(焙煎大豆パウダー)
. おから
. 豆腐
. 高野豆腐

リストアップした物は、元となるタンパク源の種類にグループに分けていています。 この記事の下の方に、これらの物を順番に並べた簡単な表があります。


きなこは、甘くないまろやかな味を出すために、お餅などのお菓子にトッピングする日本の伝統的な食材です。 この写真のように薄茶色で、通常は何も加えていません。 たまに砂糖を入れる人もいる。 もう大きな袋を買う人は少なく、小さな袋に入っていてわらび餅に振りかけるものとしてしか知らない人は多いかも。 この袋には、カナダとアメリカ産の大豆が入っています。


100gあたり36.5gとは、すごい! この袋には200g入っていて、お値段は? 業務スーパーで買った。 https://www.gyomusuper.jp/
日本全国に店舗があり、安いことで知られている。 ここでは、73gのタンパク質が65円で摂取でき、1円で1g以上のタンパク質が摂取できることになります。 1円で1g以上のたんぱく質が摂れる商品は、現在私が知る限り日本ではこれだけです。 ちょっと待った! 今、きなこブームになってて、今日買いに行ったら、1kgの袋がなんと298円でした。 367gのプロテインが298円で!? 信じられへん! 1gあたり0.81円、つまり1.23gが1円です。


Cheapest sources of protein in Japan (Top 20)

muscle bound boy

Recently I’ve started to feel like I’m not getting enough protein in my diet. For several months my arm muscles have hurt, my brain seems to be in a fog and getting worse, and my mental state is not as happy as I normally am. I’ve always been super skinny, registering off the scale on the downside on those little BMI meters, and that was true even before I became vegetarian around 40 years ago.

Maybe I’m not getting enough protein? This simple question has put me on a quest to find the cheapest method to get me protein in my body.

Plants are best

Plant-based protein is obviously my first choice, as I haven’t eaten meat or fish since I was in college. I believe a plant-based diet is God’s plan for us, and that many animals and fish are diseased. But I have this mental image that meat = protein.

Now the idea of killing an animal that God has created, and draining the blood and eating it, is beyond gross to me. Just writing about it now, my stomach is starting to churn. Yuck! I know there is lots of protein in meat, but unless God tells me to eat it, or to stay alive, I’m not going to.

But to me, fish is different. I see where Jesus ate fish. Not only did he eat fish, but he blessed it and multiplied it and gave it to others to eat. He called it “good” in one place. And the most amazing thing about it, is that he even ate some AFTER he had his resurrected body. That astounds me! Honey too. So no, Jesus was nowhere near being a vegan, not even a vegetarian, but a fish-eating vegetarian (pescatarian). Some people say he ate lamb, but there is nothing in the inspired words to definitely prove that position.

Kinako is hands-down the cheapest source of protein in Japan!

OK, so what is the cheapest source of protein in Japan? The clear winner is “soybeans”, and without a doubt, number 1 is:
. Kinako (roasted soybean powder)
The only other things that give this a run for the money are:
. Okara (Soybean leftovers from making tofu)
. Tofu
. Koya dofu (freeze dried tofu)

The sources I checked are based on classification of the underlying protein source. There is a simple table at the bottom of this post listing these sources in order.

kinako is the number one cheapest protein source in Japan

Kinako is a traditional Japanese topping on rice cakes and other sweets to give a bit of a mellower, not-so-sweet taste. It is light brown in color, as shown here, and usually has no added ingredients. Sometimes people add sugar to it. Few people buy a whole bag of it anymore, and many people probably only know it as something in a tiny bag to sprinkle on warabi mochi. This bag has soybeans from Canada and the U.S.

But look at the amount of protein!

36.5 grams per 100 grams – wow! This bag has 200g in it, and the cost? I bought it at Gyomu Super. https://www.gyomusuper.jp/ They have stores all over Japan, and are known for being cheap. Here you can get 73g of protein for only 65 yen, which means you get MORE than one gram of protein for 1 yen. This is the only product I currently know of in Japan where you can get more than one gram of protein for one yen. HOLD THE PRESSES! It looks like there is a mini boom in kinako right now, as today when I went to get some more, they had 1kg bags for – drum roll – only 298 yen!!! 298 yen for 367g of protein! This is unbelievable. Only .81 yen per gram, or 1 yen for 1.23g!

nutrition label for roasted soybean powder (kinako) highest protein for the money

Thomas Paine reappears to unite Left and Right

Recently I remade a video of Thomas Paine reappears and put it on Youtube:

What makes this important? Because Thomas Paine is mentioned in the inspired book: “The Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels, and Satan and His Angels”. It is ONLY in the original, 1858 edition.

According to the inspired words, one of Satan’s angels is going to impersonate Thomas Paine near the end time, in order to get people to doubt the Bible.

Since many people do not know who Thomas Paine was, and why he was such a bad man, and even question the idea that he would be important enough for Satan to make a special effort to “bring him down from heaven” and make it look like Thomas Paine reappears, this video will try to make it all abundantly clear.

Thomas Paine was one of the most influential writers of the American Revolution. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Paine

Thomas Paine’s writings

His most famous book/pamphlet is “Common Sense”. This book, probably more than any other, helped spread the ideas of independence from Europe, and of democracy in America, and thus, the world. In his pamphlet “American Crisis”, which George Washington had read to his soldiers, he coined the famous phrase: “These are the times that try men’s souls”.

However, he later turned against the Bible and attacked it fiercely. In “Age of Reason”, he wrote: “Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.”

“It is far better that we admitted a thousand devils to roam at large than that we permitted one such impostor and monster as Moses, Joshua, Samuel, and the Bible prophets, to come with the pretended word of God and have credit among us.”
And, “stupidity of the Bible”.

So we see that Thomas Paine, by his own admission, believes the Bible is just pretended to be from God, is from demons, and is stupid!

This is the background for the amazing quote in the original, 1858 Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels, and Satan and His Angels (by Ellen White) detailing how Satan will make it appear that Thomas Paine reappears and is living in heaven now!

Chapter 30 “Spiritualism”

Thomas Paine, whose body has mouldered to dust, and who is to be called forth at the end of the 1000 years, at the second resurrection, to receive his reward, and suffer the second death, is purported by Satan to be in heaven, and highly exalted there. Satan used him on earth as long as he could, and now he is carrying on the same work through pretensions of having Thomas Paine so much exalted and honored; and as he taught on earth, Satan is making it appear that he is teaching in heaven. And some on earth who have looked with horror at his life and death, and his corrupt teachings while living, now submit to be taught by him who was one of the vilest and most corrupt of men; one who despised GOD and his law.

He who is the father of lies, blinds and deceives the world by sending his angels forth to speak for the apostles, and make it appear that they contradict what they wrote when on earth, which was dictated by the Holy Ghost. These lying angels make the apostles to corrupt their own teachings and declare them to be adulterated. By so doing he can throw professed Christians, who have a name to live and are dead, and all the world, into uncertainty about the word of GOD; for that cuts directly across his track, and is likely to thwart his plans. Therefore he gets them to doubt the divine origin of the Bible, and then sets up the infidel Thomas Paine, as though he was ushered into heaven when he died, and with the holy apostles whom he hated on earth, is united, and appears to be teaching the world.

Satan assigns each one of his angels their part to act. He enjoins upon them to be cunning, artful and sly. He instructs some of them to act the part of the apostles, and speak for them, while others are to act out infidels and wicked men who died cursing GOD, but now appear to be very religious. There is no difference made between the most holy apostles and the vilest infidel. They are both made to teach the same thing. It matters not who Satan makes to speak, if his object is only accomplished. He was so intimately connected with Paine upon earth, and so aided him, that it is an easy thing for him to know the very words he used, and the very handwriting of one of his devoted children who served him so faithfully, and accomplished his purposes so well. Satan dictated much of his writings, and it is an easy thing for him to dictate sentiments through his angels now, and make it appear that it comes through Thomas Paine, who was his devoted servant while he lived. But this is the masterpiece of Satan. All this teaching purporting to be from apostles, and saints, and wicked men who have died, comes directly from his Satanic majesty.

This should be enough to remove the vail from every mind and discover unto all the dark, mysterious works of Satan;–that he has got one whom he loved so well, and who hated GOD so perfectly, with the holy apostles and angels in glory: virtually saying to the world and infidels, No matter how wicked you are; no matter whether you believe in GOD or the Bible, or disbelieve; live as you please, heaven is your home;–for every one knows that if Thomas Paine is in heaven, and so exalted, they will surely get there. This is so glaring that all may see if they will. Satan is doing now what he has been trying to do since his fall, through individuals like Thomas Paine. He is, through his power and lying wonders, tearing away the foundation of the Christians’ hope, and putting out their sun that is to lighten them in the narrow way to heaven. He is making the world believe that the Bible is no better than a storybook, uninspired, while he holds out something to take its place; namely, Spiritual Manifestations!

Thomas Paine reappears to unite Conservatives and Liberals!

“So what if Thomas Paine reappears?” you say? Here’s what makes it such a big deal: Right now in America, there is a very bitter divide between Conservatives and Liberals. Conservatives call Obama the “antichrist” while Liberals call Trump unprintable names. Conservatives are usually for Christian morality (?), small government, and individual freedom. Liberals are more concerned with social justice (?), big government, and group consensus morality. The impasse seems to be too great to ever, ever be reconciled peacefully.

Except that Thomas Paine already does it! His writings on freedom and small government fire up even strong Conservatives, like the Tea Party members, while at the same time, his writings on social justice and against Christianity give the Progressives a warm feeling that he is on their side – the supposedly morally and intellectually superior side.

So Satan’s angels will impersonate Thomas Paine, and bring “peace and safety and unity”, to get the world to follow them as they call for a law to make Sunday a holy day, and put restrictions on people who keep God’s 7th day Sabbath holy. They will look like they have won for a while, but God will destroy them in the 7 Trumpets and 7 Last Plagues, and then Jesus will destroy the rest of the wicked when he comes in the clouds.

Dead people are dead, not in heaven

Here is a forum showing some connections to Thomas Paine reappears:

Let’s be prepared with God’s words that “The dead know not anything.” (Ecclesiates 9:5).

Corona gets real in India

Not having a TV or reading newspapers, and having been raised with a skeptical mind, I’ve looked pretty objectively at the corona crisis, and have seen that while it is bad, it has killed just a few more people than the standard flu does every year, and it is not anywhere near as lethal as viruses in other pandemics, such as the Spanish flu in 1918 which killed over 20,000,000 people worldwide. The vast majority of those killed by the Corona virus have been elderly, or those with major health issues already, like diabetes or obesity etc.

India melts down under corona cases

Indian hospital with corona patients

Now, however, my mind is changing on the matter, as two Brothers in India that are very dear to me have contracted this new strain, and one has written:

I am admitted in covid positive center. survival due to oxygen. Please uphold me in special prayer so that I can have speedy recovery and be in His vineyard.

I am under observation for one week strictly and doctor will give final decision. I hardly communicate because my throat is chocking and having serious breathing problems. I am battling for life. Please pray and thank you.

Change mind on corona?

Some might be tempted to say that I’ve changed my mind just because it’s hit home, but that’s not it. Something is different now. I can feel it. Here in Japan too a healthy-appearing 50 year old man came back from India last week, had the pcr test at the airport, was confirmed positive, was sent to a dormitory for quarantine, 3 days later developed breathing problems and lots of coughing which subsided the next day, but then died just three days later. Japanese man dies from new Indian corona

Hospitals in Japan are basically refusing new patients. I read just this morning of a case where a 60 year old in Tokyo went to to the nearest hospital where he was told to go to the govt. health center because they couldn’t help him, and he died the next day. One other man was left in an ambulance for 1 1/2 days.

Vaccine savior?

Many people are pinning their hopes on the vaccines, but I read yesterday that a fair percentage of vaccinated people contract the corona virus again, and some of them die too. So I’m still not convinced of the effectiveness of vaccines. Of course the vaccine is not the Mark of the Beast, but it may be a precursor to get people used to the idea of taking some kind of object from the govt. that can confirm your identity. I believe that the Mark will be Sunday worship after it is enforced by the govt., but there will obviously be some kind of visible aspect to it also.

May we prepare for the end times, get out of cities, grow our own food, evangelize the people around us, and study our Bibles to learn what is going to come over the world like a tsunami (and probably literally too in the 7 Trumpets!)

Please pray for my two friends in India too.

Forecast record cereal crop harvests

Many Climate Change believers want to gloom and doom everything, but the facts are, the world is growing more food all the time.

Here is a snip of the FAO report: “In addition to its record forecast for global wheat production in 2021, the FAO said it’s expecting a new and higher estimate for world cereal production in 2020, now seen at 2.76 billion tonnes, a 1.9% increase from the previous year”.

This is cause for rejoicing!

Catholic “Father” more righteous than SDA “President”

A Youtube video by Life Site News, a Catholic organization that fights to protect the least of these my brethren, has an interview with “Father” James Altman. His straight to the truth message is so refreshing, especially after all the hemming and hawing done by our own SDA leaders. He really calls to task many of the US bishops who are openly defying the words of God in the Bible. He even rightly says at the 5:30 mark something so straight, that it made me write this post: “You cannot be Catholic and a Democrat”.


Some other gems are that he says we can expect to be persecuted if we are truly (Catholic), we have to build our spiritual arks, preach from the pulpit to put an end to abortion, “we have it pretty good, maybe that’s why we have this problem with faithlessness, Satan loses in the end, but Christ conquers!

It would be great to hear something like this from an Adventist……

President Trump loves the “least of these my brethren” to the end

One of the very last things President Trump did as president was to make a statement regarding protecting the lives of those still in their mother’s wombs. This is tremendous! I doubt America will ever have such a godly president again, at least until the fireball judgments from God basically force people to consider their evil ways.

This article

President Donald Trump on Jan. 17 called the landmark Supreme Court decision that dramatically expanded access to abortion “constitutionally flawed” and noted that it’s led to the termination of tens of millions of unborn babies.

“This month, we mark nearly 50 years since the United States Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. This constitutionally flawed ruling overturned State laws that banned abortion, and has resulted in the loss of more than 50 million innocent lives,” Trump said in a proclamation.

“But strong mothers, courageous students, and incredible community members and people of faith are leading a powerful movement to awaken America’s conscience and restore the belief that every life is worthy of respect, protection, and care. Because of the devotion of countless pro-life pioneers, the call for every person to recognize the sanctity of life is resounding more loudly in America than ever before. Over the last decade, the rate of abortions has steadily decreased, and today, more than three out of every four Americans support restrictions on abortion.”…

“As a Nation, restoring a culture of respect for the sacredness of life is fundamental to solving our country’s most pressing problems. When each person is treated as a beloved child of God, individuals can reach their full potential, communities will flourish, and America will be a place of even greater hope and freedom. That is why it was my profound privilege to be the first President in history to attend the March for Life, and it is what motives my actions to improve our Nation’s adoption and foster care system, secure more funding for Down syndrome research, and expand health services for single mothers.”

Would that God’s remnant church leaders would have one tenth the courage to protect the life of baby Jesus that President Trump has! God bless you sir!

Too much iron (as in meat) reduces lifespan

That is the conclusion of a study published in Nature Communications, and accessed on Science Alert

Put simply, having too much iron in the blood appeared to be linked to an increased risk of dying earlier.

“We are very excited by these findings as they strongly suggest that high levels of iron in the blood reduces our healthy years of life, and keeping these levels in check could prevent age-related damage,” said data analyst Paul Timmers, from the University of Edinburgh in the UK.

“We speculate that our findings on iron metabolism might also start to explain why very high levels of iron-rich red meat in the diet has been linked to age-related conditions such as heart disease.”

While correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation, the researchers used a statistical technique called Mendelian randomisation to reduce bias and attempt to infer causation in the data.

As the researchers noted, genetics are thought to have around a 10 percent influence on lifespan and healthspan, and that can make it difficult to pick out the genes involved from all the other factors involved (like your smoking or drinking habits). With that in mind, one of the advantages of this new study is its sheer size and scope.

Ellen White warned us of the dangers of meat eating.

Of course we Seventh-day Adventists have been told by God’s messenger, Ellen White, starting over 160 years ago, that meat eating was not best for the body. Then, in later years, she wrote that God’s people will eventually give up eating meat before Jesus returns.

I had only considered this from the angle of the diseases in the animals led to the slaughterhouse, but now I see that even the iron, which I’ve been taught is a good thing to get as much as you can, may be a large factor in making us die earlier.

If we really want to follow God’s will and keep this temple pure for Him, we should quit eating meat today.

Mass shooting rates in America are lower than in many countries

Another Liberal canard has been bitten by the big, bad bug of hard data. We hear often on the news about how bad America is with guns, and if we would just give up our guns, the world would be a dreamy, peaceful place (I don’t have a gun myself). One of their scariest talking points, is all the mass shootings we have in America. Of course, even one murder from any source is terrible, but we don’t often hear the facts of the case, like that more people were killed by bare hands last year in America than by rifles.

Now a research paper by John R. Lott titled: “Comparing the Global Rate of Mass Public Shootings to the U.S.’s Rate and Comparing Their Changes Over Time” blows away the media myths regarding this subject, and shows that many other countries have higher rates of mass shootings than in America.

Here is the complete report available for download:
John Lott mass shootings research paper