Progressive judges and lawyers are quickly establishing mob rule in America.
Here is a story of a Canadian publisher whose business and years of his life were ruined by a Liberal judge and his Liberal supporters.
Conrad Black presidential pardon
His publications were pro Conservative values, which raised the ire of the Progressives, so when a cleric in his American office sent some money to the Canadian office without the proper authority, it became a huge crime that got him sent to federal prison. His case was even heard by the Supreme Court, which unanimously vacated the four remaining counts against him, but then the original judge (Richard Posner) sent him to jail on some other charge anyway.
So his 2 billion dollar company went down the tubes, in federal prison for 3 years, but finally out today thanks to President Trump who said that “he was reversing an unjust verdict”.
Praise God for President Trump. No wonder the Left hates him so much, as he has set back their plans for mob control over the entire country by a few years at least.
Praise be to our merciful God. We must look up to Him by faith and climb. ‘…there is divine aid for every climber.’ (Review and Herald, Feb. 17, 1885)
I can’t imagine losing basically everything I’ve ever worked for and be sent to jail for just having different political views like this man did.
Just think how it will be when Satan’s wrath is poured out on us who follow Jesus at the end time.
Thankfully God will give us strength to bear it, looking forward to the future crown of glory