Post edited June 19, 2008
Regarding God telling Adam and Eve to not touch the forbidden fruit:
ti: Spiritual Gifts. Volume 3
pr: 2
pg: 35In the midst of the garden, near the tree of life, stood the tree
of knowledge of good and evil. Of this tree the Lord commanded our
first parents not to eat, neither to touch it, lest they die. He told
them that they might freely eat of all the trees in the garden except
one; but if they ate of that tree they should surely die.
ti: The Spirit of Prophecy Volume One
ct: The Temptation and Fall
pg: 27
In the midst of the garden, near the tree of life, stood the tree
of knowledge of good and evil. This tree was especially designed of God
to be the pledge of their obedience, faith and love to him. Of this
tree the Lord commanded our first parents not to eat, neither to touch
it, lest they die. He told them that they might freely eat of all the
trees in the garden except one; but if they ate of that tree they
should surely die.
pt: Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald
dt: 02-24-1874
at: Redemption, No. 1
Eve had overstated the words of God’s command. He had said to Adam
and Eve, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt
not eat of it; for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely
die.” In Eve’s controversy with the serpent, she added the clause,
“Neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.” Here the subtlety of the
serpent was seen. This statement of Eve gave him advantage, and he
plucked the fruit, and placed it in her hand, and used her own words,
“He hath said, ‘If ye touch it, ye shall die.’ You see no harm comes to
you from touching the fruit, neither will you receive any harm by
eating it.”
So yes, the Lord DID tell them not to even touch the forbidden fruit. Eve did not tell a lie or even overstate by telling the serpent that they were not supposed to touch the fruit. She was just repeating what the Lord had told her.
How can this be when the Bible only mentions about God’s command not to eat of the fruit? God did not have the Bible writers say anything about touching the fruit, but in giving an expanded view to Ellen White, God chose to tell her about this fact. The Bible does not directly say either that the Sabbath issue will be the great issue in the last days, but that information WAS given to Ellen White. It doesn’t contradict the Bible at all, just gives added information so that those who live in the last days can prepare better to withstand Satan’s temptations.
I have studied quite a bit of material with Ellen White’s name on it, and the ONLY instance i have ever seen of any contradiction in that material before 1881 is this question about whether God said to not touch the forbidden fruit or not. After her husband died in 1881 tho, and the chief editor changed, there can be found many contradictions. Just as in the case of the Bible, i believe that with material with Ellen White’s name on it, the closer we go back to the originals – the better.
This quote is from Testimony for the Church Number 19, published in 1870: “She imagined that she should be highly exalted if she could only eat of the fruit of the tree which God had forbidden her even to touch, lest she die. She ate, and lost all the glories of Eden.”
I’m sorry, Eve abandoned her own conviction to “ not touch it” She most obviously lost her sense of discipline and allowed the temptation to overwhelm her. It is nothing more than a very important lesson for us all to pay close attention to EVERY word of. command from God to us and take the entire instruction seriously to our own application of behavior.
I have sympathy for Eve as I would never want to be under such temptation myself. Let us also realit the harsh impact of inviting someone else to fail in the same sun we have fallen into.
Yes, Rodger, we must be very careful with every word of God.
Matthew 4:4 But he answered, “It is written, ‘Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
How will we respond when tempted?
Let’s keep our eyes focused on Jesus, and resolve to follow every word of his, no matter the earthly consequences. 🙂
The commandment do not eat of this fruit was given to Adam before Eve or the animals were created. No way did this original command states or touch it. This was added by Eve but could have been told this by Adam for her protection. Eve was deceived by Satan by casting doubt on the truth. This has continued throughout the life span of humans that do not turn to the truth of God, truth of the Gospel, truth of the word of God. churches and people cast doubt on the truth by elevating themselves, deceiving others (2 Corinthians v11 on) In Revelations five out of 7 churches had lost their faith.
Throughout the OT people doubted and listened to others around them, turning away from God. This is how Satan works, in your mind. Do not be deceived like Eve. She seduced Adam into eating of the fruit which he was clearly commanded of God. Stick to the truth of God, not man. Remain faithful to Christ and Gods words
Linda, you make two strong assertions, but fail to give any evidence for them: “The commandment do not eat of this fruit was given to Adam before Eve or the animals were created. No way did this original command states or touch it.”
Do you have any evidence, or is this just something you came up with on your own?
What is the reason for the contradiction between the statements by Ellen White?
There is also another similar statement in the book ‘Confrontation’ where egw said Eve overstated and added the clause ‘neither shall ye touch it’.
Remnant, I have no idea why the discrepancy exists.