Heavenly bliss, Ellen White’s letter 1882

“While seated in this beautiful, retired park, free from all confusion and bustle, a sweet peace came over my spirits. I seemed to be taken away from myself, and the bright home of the saints was presented vividly before me. In imagination I gathered with the saints around the wide – spreading tree of life. Friends and dear home relatives who had been separated from us by death were gathered there. The redeemed, white – robed multitude, who had washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, were there. No flashing guard stood around the tree of life, barring our approach. With happy, joyous songs of praise, the voices were blended in perfect harmony as we plucked of the fruit from the tree of life.

For a time I lost all thought of time, of place, or occasion – of everything earthly. Heaven was the subject of my contemplation – heaven, the much longed – for heaven. I seemed to be there, where all was peace, where no stormy conflicts of earth could ever come. Heaven, a kingdom of righteousness where all the holy and pure and blest are congregated – ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands – living and walking in happy, pure intimacy, praising God and the Lamb who sitteth on the throne! Their voices were in perfect harmony. They never do each other wrong. Princes of heaven, the potentates of this mighty realm, are rivals only in good, seeking the happiness and joy of each other. The greatest there is least in self – esteem, and the least is greatest in his gratitude and wealth of love.”
EGWhite Letters #30 1882

Pacific Justice Institute keeps 1st Amendment alive in anti-christian California

Sacramento, CA—California Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties) withdrew SB 360, a bill that would have required clergy to report certain confessions to the government. The Bill would have further restricted ministers by excluding clergy penitential communications from long established legal protections including “spiritual direction” and “religious counseling.”

After SB 360 passed the Senate with a 30-4 vote and moved to the Assembly’s Public Safety Committee, Pacific Justice Institute–Center for Public Policy (PJI-CPP) sent a lengthy legal opinion letter to all of the Assembly members to oppose the Bill. On July 8 the Public Safety Committee published an analysis of SB 360 that mirrored the First Amendment concerns discussed in PJI-CPP’s position letter. In a surprising reversal, Senator Hill pulled SB 360 the same day and published the announcement on his website July 9.

“This proposed law could not be reconciled with the First Amendment,” said PJI attorney Kevin Snider. “SB 360 was an attempt to sweep away centuries of clergy-penitent protections, forcing clergy members to choose between criminal prosecution or spiritual peril.”

Brad Dacus, president of PJI, commented, “We are immensely relieved that this misguided legislation has been shelved this year. We commend our legislators who recognized that this Bill is harmful and raises grave constitutional problems for clergy protecting the confessions and confidences entrusted to them.”

Praise God that there are still a few faithful people pushing back against the tide of evil. It should make us concerned to see that the vote for the bill originally passed 30 – 4! Time to enjoy our freedoms in America is slipping away quickly. Let’s work while it is day.

younger generation not as accepting of abominations

From Breitbart web site:”A survey produced by the Harris Poll in partnership with Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) finds young Americans’ comfort with LGBTQ individuals has plunged from 63 percent in 2016 to 45 percent in 2018.

According to the Accelerating Acceptance report, Americans aged 18-34 who say they are comfortable interacting with LGBTQ people dropped from 63 percent in 2016 to 53 percent in 2017, and then to 45 percent in 2018…

Among the survey’s findings are that the acceptance of LGBTQ individuals among young women dropped from 65 percent in 2016 to 64 percent in 2017, and then plunged to 52 percent in 2018. Among males, 62 percent were accepting in 2016, plunging to 40 percent in 2017, and then further down to 35 percent in 2018….

John Gerzema, CEO of the Harris Poll, called the survey results “alarming” and “toxic,”reported USA Today.

“We count on the narrative that young people are more progressive and tolerant,” he said. “These numbers are very alarming and signal a looming social crisis in discrimination.”

My takes on this are basically 4:
1. Despite the media & culture onslaught to make abominations “cool”, many young people are rebelling against it. Young people tend to be rebellious, so this is a little bit expected, but I think that many youngsters are seeing the lgbtq crowd as bullies, and don’t like it.

2. Women are more accepting of abominations than men. This is most troubling, as mothers usually have more influence on their children’s characters than fathers do.

3. The head of the polling organization himself is showing his extreme bias. Ideally, polling should be bias-free, but in reality, they are showing that they use polling to try and influence people to think how they want them to.

4. Nearly 75% of Americans claim to believe in Jesus Christ, yet a large percentage of Americans support abominations, showing that the churches of the land, including many in our own SDA Church are not following what God has told us in his Holy Bible. We need to teach the words of God to the younger generation, and live them in our own lives.

May we Christians educate the young to reject all abominations.

Pastor arrested for not supporting drag queen story hour at library

June 26, 2019
Spokane, WA—”Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) is now representing a pastor in Washington State facing criminal charges in connection with a drag queen event.
Pastor Afshin Yaghtin went to a public library in Spokane on Saturday, June 15, to observe a highly publicized event called Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH). Yaghtin arrived a couple of hours before the event was scheduled to begin and found a heavy police presence and hundreds of people both supporting and opposing the event.​ 
Yaghtin sought to enter the library to observe the event but was barred by police. He did not carry signs or preach, and he did not consider himself a protestor. The police nevertheless ordered Yaghtin to leave the premises—otherwise open to the public—and go across the street with everyone else who the police deemed not to be supportive of the event.​ ​ 
Yaghtin asserted his First Amendment rights and the police responded by arresting him. He was handcuffed and thrown in the back of a police van for several hours. Yaghtin later learned that his stand may have put his life in danger, as the police had positioned snipers on the roof of the library.​ ​ 
While the police were ordering Yaghtin and others concerned about DQSH to leave or go across the street, they allowed supporters of the drag queens to surround and enter the library. Some of the event supporters carried provocative signs depicting Jesus in a dress reading to children. Other supporters dressed like angels with oversized wings.
After Yaghtin was taken to jail, booked, and bailed out, he connected with PJI.​ PJI opened a Washington State office with full-time attorney Jorge Ramos last year, due in part to the numerous requests PJI received from evangelists being criminally charged for public preaching. PJI has now secured dismissal of charges against several such evangelists. Earlier this year, PJI founder and president​ Brad Dacus also secured dismissal of criminal charges against an evangelist in El Paso, Texas, who had been prosecuted for preaching outside a drag queen show.​ 
“The number of criminal charges being filed against pastors and evangelists across the country in just the last few years should be alarming to every freedom-loving American,” Dacus commented. “This arrest in Spokane is one of the clearest examples yet of viewpoint discrimination, and we will be vigorously contesting the charges. We must be able to peacefully disagree and voice our concerns in public places without fear of arrest and prosecution based on viewpoint.”​ ​ ​ 
In just the last two weeks, threats of arrests at controversial library events have become a pattern. Last weekend, two moms in Des Moines, Washington, were threatened with arrest and escorted out of a library-hosted Teen Pride event. Before they were forced to leave, the moms observed the Teen Pride organizers giving minors genital-shaped bookmarks, lubricants, and breast binders. It was claimed that parents were not allowed at the event unless accompanied by a minor.” (See original article on Pacific Justice Institute’s website).

The teeth of the dragon grown by the Liberal governments in America to silence all dissent against abominations are getting more and more iron-like.

Pastor David Gates’ failed prophecy

With summer 2019 just a day away now, it is time again to call on Pastor David Gates, and those who believed him, to repent of disobeying God’s words, and to repent for lying and believing lies, and to come back to the faith of our forefathers in the Three Angels’ Messages.

Last year, probably the second biggest ripple in the Adventist pond (after church entities rebelling against General Conference authority on the women’s ordination issue) was Pr. Gates’ video sermon “Even at the Doors”. That video on his channel alone got over a 1/4 million views, and probably nearly the same amount on other peoples’ channels who copied it. And this is just on Youtube, no doubt more on other venues. It caused such a bruha, that Pastor Mark Finley, special assistant to President Ted Wilson, made a video just to refute it. And that video got over 100,000 views on Youtube, showing how much interest there was in this issue.

Now Pr. Gates has made outlandish predictions before, especially after he was spectacularly right on the financial crisis of September 2008. He said America was “bankrupt”, that it “owned nothing”, that the banks “have no cash”, that “the dollar is worthless”, that “gas prices can only go up” etc. etc. He based that on the 7 fat years of Pharoah’s dream happening again for some reason on September 11, 2001. Why he believed that Pharaoh’s dream has another fulfillment, and why a terrorist attack would be signal to start that fulfillment, is a huge mystery. Anyway, that would have made the “fat” years end in the fall of 2008. So 2 years after the 7 lean years got started in 2008, supposedly the money was going to be worthless in the fall of 2010. Of course in the background of his sermons at that time, was that 2015 was going to be……… Well, of course that all went and left and passed away, and the economy grew much stronger, America grew much richer, the dollar went up, and gas prices went down. He seemed to be contrite, and his sermons after that fiasco were much more Christ-centered. I didn’t hear any more predictions from him after that until this “Even at the Doors” prediction-filled sermon in 2018.

His basis for this prediction, was that the pope gave a speech to Congress in the capital of America – Washington D.C. in 2015, supposedly on the Day of Atonement for that year (Sep 23), (but actually he got the day wrong – it was Oct 23). He imagined that something about the pope giving a speech in the Capital building fulfilled Daniel’s “Abomination of Desolation” prophecy, which Jesus said we should study. Of course there was no in-depth study showing how this fulfilled any of that prophecy, but it sounded plausible to surface students of the Holy Bible, and they ran with it. Three and half years after that would land exactly on March 23 2019, but showing sloppy studying of the prophecies again, he just said that the prophecy would be fulfilled in “Spring 2019”.

Specifically, he showed on the screen of his sermon video at 42:10 that Rome would attack America in Spring 2019, and that the SDA Church would start persecuting members in Spring 2019. At 43:42 he says clearly: “It is my conviction that something is about to happen, and that it will happen in the Spring of 2019. The second attack of Rome will begin, and this time it’s in serious and this time it’s going to involve legislation, destruction, and it’s going to involve the loss of life.”

It didn’t happen.

It is false prophecy.

Ellen White wrote in the 1888 Materials: “The times and the seasons God has put in his own power, and why
has not God given us this knowledge?–Because we would not make a right use of it if he did. A condition of things would result from this knowledge among our people that would greatly retard the work of God in preparing a people to stand in the great day that is to come. We are not to live upon time excitement. We are not to be engrossed with speculations in regard to the times and the seasons which God has not revealed. Jesus has told his disciples to “watch,” but not for definite time.”

I made a video refuting Pr. Gates’ prophecies, and strangely, many of the commenters were denouncing me as being asleep, just drifting with the world, and a false judge of Pr. Gates. Look, I understand the desire to see SOMETHING happen, and to see God’s power and of course Jesus’ coming. But how is supporting false prophecies going to do that? Instead, won’t they “greatly retard the work of God” just as the Holy Spirit told us thru Ellen White? Was Ellen White mistaken? Just because a pastor is trying to wake people up, doesn’t mean he is speaking the truth. Satan is more pleased with fanatic holders of error than he is with sleepy Laodiceans, as the fanatics can keep out some of those who are sincerely looking for truth, and make them disgusted with the failed prophecies and those who support them.

Tomorrow is the start of Summer 2019. Pastor David Gates’ prophecies failed. Let’s flee all failed prophecies, and immerse ourselves in the words of God so that we too don’t get carried away in the current of error and miss out on our glorious heavenly home that Jesus is preparing for all those who are faithful unto the end.

Stephen Bohr and Secrets Unsealed plan to break Sabbath at Tenaya Lodge again

Stephen Bohr and Secrets Unsealed advocate breaking the Sabbath for evangelism purposes.

I’ve held off on writing this post for a long time, knowing that Pastor Stephen Bohr has done much good, but as it seems that this grievous error is going to be advocated again this year (2019), it may be my duty to sound the alarm so that others don’t dishonor God’s holy, 7th day Sabbath with them.

In 2018, Secrets Unsealed had their 10th annual summit at Tenaya Lodge, near Yosemite National Park, California, from October 25-28. I looked on the calendar, and sure enough, it included one 7th day Sabbath. Now I know it is possible to arrange with hotel/catering staff in advance to have them prepare some food on Friday evening in bags, and those interested can pick them up then, and then have the next served meal on Sunday morning. That was done at one camp meeting I went to in Germany in 2006. It worked pretty well, with those wanting more bringing something they bought themselves to eat over the Sabbath hours. It was quite a witness to the workers also, and if I remember right, one or two of them even showed up on Sabbath morning just to see if we needed them, and they hung around a while and even listened in on some of the meetings. 🙂

But Secrets Unsealed had the lodge staff prepare them meals on the Sabbath. I was quite flabbergasted to see this, as I had a lot of respect for Pr. Bohr and his group at least trying to observe “the old paths”. This brazen breaking of the Sabbath commandment:
“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 20:8-11
seemed to me to be an oversight. I remember when advising the people doing one of the first GYC-type meetings in India, that we shouldn’t have them serve us on the Sabbath, and most of them seemed shocked that they hadn’t even considered it, and agreed, and eventually had a self-serve type of dining on the Sabbath (but some of the “top” people didn’t see any problem with making others work for them on the Sabbath).

Surely a pastor as strong as Pastor Bohr would see the problem with it, wouldn’t he? I sent a email voicing my concerns especially regarding the “catering appreciation” event they were planning for the Sabbath day itself! Their reply was: “Yes, this is the time we give thank them and gift them books, like Steps to Christ, The Great Controversy and also a message on DVD or mini series. ”

Hmmmm, so if we break the Sabbath to make the stranger within our gates feed us, it is OK because we give them a Spirit of Prophecy book! Really?!

I sent them this email: “Incredible!
Let’s force others to break the Sabbath,
so we can witness to them!!!

Jesus said something about hypocrites.
Do you remember what it was?
Pr. Bohr and all those associated with this conference still have opportunity to turn from their wicked plans and present Jesus correctly.

Please repent, and follow Jesus.
Daniel Winters”

It seems that my concerns were brought up in an in-house meeting they had, and they sent this long reply:
“Thank you for your comments. We have given ‘Sabbath meals’ much prayerful consideration. Permit me to share the following with you.

Sabbath Meals

Sabbath is a day of celebration and fasting on the Sabbath does not add to the joy and fellowship, which is one of the important reasons for holding convocations.
We do not go out to eat on Sabbath as families because we have the opportunity to prepare for our families before Sabbath. Nevertheless, someone still heats the food and serves it even if everyone helps.

In many large cities, members get to church by bus or train. While they may buy their tickets on Friday, they do not control the subway or its employees. Nevertheless, they go to church.

In our own institutions such as camps and academies, we serve food on Sabbath. The difference is that a lot of work is done on Friday so that the kitchen staff can attend church and enjoy the Sabbath as much as possible. However, we do not have that control here (i.e., at Tenaya).

We live in a secular world that does not live by our principles. We apply Biblical principles where we have control, but cannot control the world around us.

We also use electricity on Sabbath. Why? Because it is available and needed in many ways. Nevertheless, we do not control the electric companies or their employees. Same with the phone.

In order to hold a convention like this we do not have a choice, if we are going to have a convention, except to hold it where lodging and meals are provided.

We practice the principle of Sabbath preparation to the extent we can, given the fact that we do not own or administer their facility (i.e., Tenaya Lodge).

The hotel is not a “stranger within our gate”. We are their guests and we have no power over their employees or running their kitchen. If we did, then everything would be prepared ahead of time etc. However, we are the stranger in their gate and are dependent on them for food if we rent their facility.

In conclusion, Secrets Unsealed will continue to do everything it can to preserve the holiness of the Sabbath where it has the power to do so, and do everything we can to promote the gospel and the three angels messages the best we can.

Over the years, we have established a relationship with the staff at Tenaya. Every year we provide them staff with a gift. Last year we gave each one their very own Bible. One guy had tears in his eyes…he didn’t have a Bible and wanted one. Now he cherishes it because if came from us. Other years, we have gifted them with a study on the state of the dead, the Desire of Ages, and Steps to Christ just to name a few. We have built a relationship with the staff, and they trust and treasure what we give them. This year we gave them a study on end time events. A complete Matthew 24 audio series since most employees commute to work. Bringing Christ to these people is something we would not be able to do if we were not there.

Hope this gives you a clearer understanding. Our conscience is clear with regards to our annual conference. Nevertheless, we respect your choice not to attend.”

This reply shows that their conscience is bothering them, as they directly address the “stranger within our gate” problem. They make it sound like the people are going to work and prepare food anyway, so they are not employing them (even tho it is evident they are). They also try to make it sound fine by making the false equivalence that since we turn on the lights on the Sabbath, it is OK for them to hire people to serve them food on the Sabbath – which is a classic example of the “I’m going to break God’s law to serve my belly, no matter what” rebellion which I’ve seen many fellow SDAs do in my lifetime.

Secrets Unsealed is planning to do the same thing this year, from October 31st to November 3rd, at the same location. Scheduled speakers are: “Stephen Bohr, Vicki Griffin, Norman McNulty, Kameron DeVasher and Eliezer Castaon”. From their PR email: “Some of the Benefits of Attending each year are . . .
Profound study of God’s word
Prophetic topics
Relevant for end-time preparation
Become grounded in Biblical Truth
Challenge your commitment to a daily deeper study
Variety of speakers
Q & A Sessions after each lecture
Time for prayer and singing
Strengthen your commitment to serving the Lord
Life changing, and spiritually enriching weekend
Health life changing lectures
Uplifting music
Great fellowship
Nature walks
Delicious meals
Resources you can trust in the exhibit hall”

And one more benefit I can think of: You can get hands-on experience in how to be a hypocrite by making others break God’s 7th day Sabbath, with a full belly thanks to their working for you on the Sabbath day.

Please stay away from this event, and call on Secrets Unsealed staff and Pr. Stephen Bohr to repent of this grievous sin.

United States has longest recorded period of no droughts

I’m old enough to remember all the hysteria regarding the changing climate coming from California because of their drought (and self-important loud mouths) in 2010-2012 or so. Wonder where all those deluded mouths went?

This web site shows that since records started in 2000, more of America than ever – over 90% – is now drought-free:

Once people believe Evolution, which has never been observed while it’s happening, they are more prone to believe other so-called scientific foolishness.

Also, us Christians should be more careful about pointing to every news event as signs of the end of the world, because it makes us look foolish when things get better.

some people have been treated worse by courts than you have

Progressive judges and lawyers are quickly establishing mob rule in America.
Here is a story of a Canadian publisher whose business and years of his life were ruined by a Liberal judge and his Liberal supporters.
Conrad Black presidential pardon

His publications were pro Conservative values, which raised the ire of the Progressives, so when a cleric in his American office sent some money to the Canadian office without the proper authority, it became a huge crime that got him sent to federal prison. His case was even heard by the Supreme Court, which unanimously vacated the four remaining counts against him, but then the original judge (Richard Posner) sent him to jail on some other charge anyway.

So his 2 billion dollar company went down the tubes, in federal prison for 3 years, but finally out today thanks to President Trump who said that “he was reversing an unjust verdict”.

Praise God for President Trump. No wonder the Left hates him so much, as he has set back their plans for mob control over the entire country by a few years at least.

The Gospels are an “unbalanced doctrine” according to pope Francis

Breitbart News recently published that the pope said the Gospels are “imbalanced”, and that “imbalance” is good!:
Christians must embrace the “imbalance” of the gospel rather than trying to put everything in order, Pope Francis said Thursday, which leads to a “dictatorship of functionalism.”

It is an error to try to “fix” things and impose order on the world or the Church, the pope told participants in a diocesan assembly in Rome, adding that it is a “temptation” to think we can “reorganize the city, reorganize the diocese, put everything in order.”


Having everything in order converts the Church into a “museum,” Francis said, which would mean “taming things, taming young people, taming people’s hearts, taming families” and making everything “perfect.”

“But this would be the greatest sin of worldliness and of the anti-evangelical worldly spirit,” he said.

“We have heard about the imbalances of the city, the imbalance of young people, the elderly, families … The imbalance of relations with children,” the pope said. “Today we have been called to embrace the imbalance.”

“We cannot do anything good or evangelical if we are afraid of imbalance,” he said. “We must grasp the imbalance in our hands: this is what the Lord tells us, because the Gospel — I believe you understand me — is an ‘unbalanced’ doctrine. Take the Beatitudes: they deserve the Nobel Prize for imbalance!”

The apostles did not get this, Francis suggested, because they had fallen into the clericalism of right thinking and a desire for order and balance.

Adventists can’t bring themselves to identify “Islam” as source of Sri Lankan attacks

On Easter, April 21 2019, there were several horrific bombings targeting churches in Sri Lanka. As of this writing, 321 people were murdered.

Who were they murdered by? Of course, it was by Muslim jihadists who believe in their “holy” book, the Qur’an, that commands them to “fight until all is for Allah”.

So what has this got to do with the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Well, just a few weeks ago, and white man who openly stated that Communist China was his inspiration, shot up a mosque in New Zealand, killing 49 people. The world Church was swift in denouncing the attack of terror, and gushed in several articles about how SDA leaders were reaching out to the Muslim community, praying with them, showing them love, helping them, condemning the hatred of the attacker etc. There were at least 4 articles like this in the Adventist Review.

So you would expect a similar or greater response when terror attacks are carried out on fellow Christians, wouldn’t you? Well, as of this date, there are only 2 articles about it, one a short statement from Ted Wilson where he doesn’t even mention the word “Christian”, and an article about the Sri Lankan SDA president who narrowly missed being near a hotel where some bombs went off.

The latter article is especially revolting, not mentioning “Christian” at all either, like Ted Wilson’s statement, but also pointedly refusing to mention Islam or Muslim, stating instead: “While one group has claimed responsibility for the blasts but without evidence to support the claim…” Adventist Review hates word “Islam”

Appeasement, and pretending there isn’t a problem is what led to Hitler’s rise.
Blood is on your hands, SDA Church.
Repent, and follow Jesus!
edited to add: Seems the Hindustan Times has no problem pointing out who did the attacks in this article: “India sent three alerts to Sri Lanka before Easter Sunday attack”.

HT spoke to multiple officials in the central intelligence agencies who confirmed that the videos of Hashim, in which he exhorted Muslim youth from Sri Lanka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala to establish an Islamic rule in the region, were analysed in detail and investigated further by India’s external spy agency R&AW (Research and Analysis Wing)

Attacks were to teach non-sharia followers a lesson

That’s pretty bad when Hindus are more open and truthful about things than Seventh-day Adventist Christians!
edited again: I can’t believe the Adventist Review approved this comment of mine regarding mentioning Muslims as the attackers!! “Why can’t we tell the truth about these terror attacks being the work of Muslims?”

Seventh-day Adventist pastors promote abortion

This is awful. Seventh-day Adventist pastors are in the list of denominations that have pastors who signed a document asking Tennessee’s governor to oppose legislation that would make it illegal to kill an innocent, developing human that has a heartbeat.

“A group of some 150 Tennessee faith leaders, many of them Christian, have sent a letter to Governor Bill Lee urging him to oppose heartbeat legislation.
In the letter, the religious leaders declare their opposition to the heartbeat bill as well as “all attempts to criminalize and restrict abortion access.”

Such a law would make legislators into the decision-makers, rather than medical professionals and “pregnant people,” the letter states.

The letter was signed by pastors and other religious leaders and activists, including Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Unitarian Universalists, and a pagan priestess. Among the Christians, the Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Lutheran, United Church of Christ, African Methodist Episcopal, Catholic, Episcopal, Brethren, Seventh Day Adventist, Anglican, and Nazarene were represented among the signatories.”

SDA pastors petition government to kill more babies

Anyone who still gives tithe to the General Conference, knowing that they support killing Jesus in the person of “the least of these my brethren”, is going to have a lot of explaining to do to Jesus in the judgment.


Unconditional Love makes abominations get weirder

Here’s a story about a mother in Nebraska who, as a surrogate mother, mothered her own granddaughter: https://www.dailywire.com/news/45508/61-year-old-woman-gives-birth-own-granddaughter-amanda-prestigiacomo

She is 61 years old. Her son is homosexual. She got the sperm from her son, and the eggs from her son’s “husband’s” sister.

What does this have to do with “Unconditional Love”? Here is what the incestual new grandmother has to say about it: ““I just never hesitated. I was just so excited to be able to be part of this adventure with them. … It was just unconditional love,” she said.”

Flee Unconditional Love and all other abominations dreamed up by Satan!

Amazon bans book because BBC doesn’t like Tommy Robinson

Amazon has banned “Mohammed’s Koran”, evidently because of pressure by the BBC. This is more Leftist/Progressive regressivism, punishing people for speaking out against Progressive ideas.

Amazon bows to BBC in book banning

“Amazon has just dropped the book [Mohammed’s Koran] by the renowned British activist Tommy Robinson and Peter McLoughlin — and apparently only because its censors dislike Robinson. In the last two weeks, Robinson spectacularly embarrassed the BBC by exposing the bias and dishonesty of its reporter John Sweeney. The retaliation has been swift and severe: Robinson has been banned from YouTube and Facebook, and now his book has been withdrawn from sale.

Coauthor Peter McLoughlin states:

[T]his is the twenty-first century equivalent of the Nazis taking out the books from university libraries and burning them. Can you think of another scholarly book on Islam that has been banned by Amazon? Mein Kampf is for sale on Amazon. As are books like the terrorist manual called The Anarchist Cookbook.”

They will get around to those who uphold the Three Angels’ Messages. This is coming soon, and I call on fellow Seventh-day Adventists everywhere to get prepared for what is going to take the world, and many in our own SDA Church, by complete surprise, because our own Religious Liberty dept. has told us for decades that the Conservative Right is the one that is to be feared about taking away our liberties, so they have supported the Leftist oppression unquestioningly.

Canada might put dad in jail for calling his daughter a girl

Progressives are at their repressively violent best again, with a court in Canada telling a dad that since his daughter wants to identify as a boy, he must not only approve it, he might get fined or go to jail for calling her a girl, or using female pronouns to refer to her.

Canada might put dad in jail for calling his daughter a girl
Last Wednesday, the Supreme Court of British Columbia (B.C.) ruled that a 14-year-old girl may undergo transgender hormone “treatments” to support her transgender identity as a boy — without her father’s consent. The court went so far as to threaten to penalize the father’s speech. If he calls his daughter a girl, that would constitute “family violence,” which would be punishable by law.

The B.C. Supreme Court ruled that the girl (referred to as A.B.) “is exclusively entitled to consent to medical treatment for gender dysphoria and to take any necessary legal proceedings in relation to such medical treatment,” and that “attempting to persuade A.B. to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; addressing A.B. by his birth name; referring to A.B. as a girl or with female pronouns whether to him directly or to third parties; shall be considered to be family violence under s. 38 of the Family Law Act.”

God’s fireball judgments are getting closer and closer. Let’s use the time wisely, because the last days will see these demons in the form of humans bearing down on us.

are vegetarians depressed, and vegans even more so?

New research is suggesting that the less animal products in your diet, the more likely you are to be depressed. vegetarian-depression link

The evidence is not conclusive, and the article even states how Seventh-day Adventists didn’t fit that pattern, but the correlation seems to be quite strong to me.

The article also explains what I think is one of the biggest reasons for this – which is that people who think long and hard enough to make huge changes in their lifestyle, often are prone to depression anyway because of how life looks so hopeless. Frankly, if I wasn’t Christian, I would most likely be depressed myself.

This also fits in with inspired counsel that I read today, to not make diet any kind of test for salvation. It’s important, but it’s not what saves us. Only Jesus can save us. 🙂