The Texas Heartbeat law that came into effect on September 1, 2021, allows citizens to report and sue anyone performing or getting an abortion after the baby’s heartbeat is detected (usually at 6 weeks). It is estimated that in the first month, it saved around 2,000 lives! In September 2020, 4,313 little kids’ lives were snuffed out. In the same month in 2021, that had dropped to 2,164.
Yes, it is still horrific that over 2,000 kids were thrown in the trash in one month in one state in America, but to see this reduction, and to know that many lives are actually being saved every second this law is in place, is a great encouragement. 🙂
Don’t ever believe it when people say “my vote doesn’t matter”, because it does. Vote as if your life, and the life of the least of these my brethren, were on the line, because it is!