daily rambliniscings

Kellogg’s corn flakes were invented by a god-fearing, very wise doctor – John Harvey Kellogg

There was an article on Breitbart yesterday regarding the supposed “strange” ideas of John Harvey Kellogg, and how that means you should be wary about eating corn flakes today. The article is so devoid of truth, that I didn’t think anyone would take it seriously, but in reading the comments, deemed it necessary to put up this rebuttal.

First of all, Kellogg’s pulled all advertising from Breitbart around a month ago, so they started a boycott against them. This is just the latest salvo in their war. breitbart.com

Some of the false statements are: “Kellogg’s failed to mention that its flagship cereal was invented as a cure for masturbation.” No it wasn’t at all. The article’s title is correct in it’s wording “curb”. To try to make “curb” mean to “cure” something is either being an incompetent user of the English language, or else being dishonest.

“Described as a “fanatically religious” Seventh Day Adventist, Kellogg believed that all sex was evil and never even consummated his own marriage, sleeping in a separate bedroom from his wife and adopting all their children.” Jesus Christ is described as “fanatically religious”. And? Plus, the phrase “all sex” is just outrageously wrong. JHK never, ever mentioned that all sex was evil. This is just a bald-faced lie.

“If illicit commerce of the sexes is a heinous sin,” Kellogg wrote, “self-pollution is a crime doubly abominable.” Yes, and what is the perceived problem with this statement? Reading the comments helped me to understand why the author thought this statement was strange. Nearly all the commenters are lewd, crude, and vicious – indirectly supporting this statement by JHK. One thing about lewd, crude, and vicious, is that those on the right show more “humanness” in their responses, meaning that the straight-up emotions of lust, greed, hate etc. are on display, unlike liberals on the left who obfuscate, beat-around-the-bush, and compete to see who has the most swarmy self-righteous method of expressing their lust, greed, hate etc.

Many Breitbart readers would be horrified to learn that parts of this article seem to be copied from the liberal Daily Kos website: www.dailykos.com

Actually, John Harvey Kellogg was the most sought-after, most respected doctor running the largest sanitarium in the world of his day (Battle Creek Sanitarium). Ellen White saw angels guiding his hands in some operations. He helped save her life a couple of times. Yes, he let pride get the best of him, and went away from Jesus and into pantheism in the 1890s, but that doesn’t mean what he wrote earlier on this medical subject was false.

To read the actual book JHK wrote called “Plain Facts About Sexual Life” (1877), please look here: https://archive.org/stream/plainfactsabouts00kell#page/n5/mode/2up

USA election 2016 – vote to save baby’s lives

There is really only one choice for president this election. One person stands for aborting babies, one person stands for trying to save babies.

If you don’t want blood on your hands of millions of aborted babies, you must vote, and you must vote for the person who says they will try to save those lives.

UPDATED: The Republican Party, which actively supports the right to life of all developing humans (who aren’t convicted of heinous crimes) will have control of all 3 branches of the US government come January 21, 2017. Hopefully then we will see the end of the horrific practice of killing that so many “progressives” praise.
May God bless America for this one bright spot. 🙂

New Nepali SDA Church in Greensboro, N.C. USA

I got an email from someone who knows the former Mission President of the Nepali Mission of Seventh-day Adventists – David Tamsang. He gave me this report recently. Let’s pray for him, and help him as we can!

Oh! I am thrilled to hear the good news that Pr. David has established new congregation and officially organized the new Nepali-Bhutanese Church at Greenboro, North Carolina. The Local conference and GC personnel are very happy and recognized officially. It is historic events and really he struggle for months with prayer. I heard in that area more than fifty thousand Nepali Speaking refugees are there thirsty for truth. Again he plans to move to other areas……. He faced lot of difficulties staying in laymen home without stipend but our Lord Jehovah has really blessed the mission for lost souls.

save css files in utf-8 if having problems displaying in firefox or chrome

If your css files are fine, and display properly in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox or Chrome, the most likely culprit is that you need to save the css file in UTF-8. If you are using Notepad to edit, when saving, click on “Save As”, then go to where it says “Encoding”. You DON’T want ANSI. Click on the arrow by ANSI to open the list, and click on “UTF-8”. Then save. Now it should display perfectly.

This was extremely frustrating for me, and I wasted a bunch of time thanks to Firefox’s and Chrome’s strict insistence on only displaying what the current standards state. IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, and IE11 are much more reasonable from a real-world point of view.

How to display css files in Firefox or Chrome? Save in UTF-8!

America’s one percent sicker than heterosexuals

Survey finds excess health problems in lesbians, gays, bisexuals. According to this story by Yahoo news https://ca.news.yahoo.com/survey-finds-excess-health-problems-lesbians-gays-bisexuals-224741845.html 1.66% of the population in their survey of 69,000 people were either “gay” or “lesbian”, with an additional 0.7% being “bisexual”. Their health is much worse than the majority heterosexual population.

Gilbert Gonzales of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville and colleagues found that compared to heterosexual women, lesbians were 91 percent more likely to report poor or fair health. Lesbians were 51 percent more likely, and bisexual women were more than twice as likely, to report multiple chronic conditions, compared to straight women.

Gay, lesbian and bisexual people were also more likely than heterosexuals to report heavy drinking and smoking.

While gays and lesbians reported worse psychological distress than heterosexuals, bisexual people suffered the most, the survey showed.

Of course they try to spin this as the majority society not being “inclusive” of different people, but actually, this study shows the facts that people who practice an abomination that God calls “sin”, feel the effects of that sin.

Christians, beware when your pastor tells you we need to be “inclusive”!!!
True Christianity is very exclusive:

He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

Matthew 10:37-38

Brexit leading to Babexit?

–Andrew Roberts, The Daily Telegraph, 25 June 2016:

“The role of bloody-minded insurgents willing to do the opposite of what they’re told by the authorities has long been central to great political events in British history, and the 17,410,742 people who voted to leave the European Union can certainly be ranked among their number. Almost every single agency of the international Establishment was deployed to thwart them – the CBI, IMF, Bank of England, OECD, big business, Goldman Sachs, all but one party leader, the World Bank, Presidents Obama, Hollande and Abe, the EU Commission, two-thirds of the cabinet, the Treasury, The Guardian, Davos, The Times, and so on – yet over 17.4 million people told them precisely what they could do with their expert opinion. The popular uprising campaign was not like the Poll Tax riots of 1990 but much more firmly in the mainstream of the long British tradition of legitimate peaceful protest. In this way, too, it was a more impressive achievement than the French Revolution, soaked as that was in blood. This popular uprising has toppled the established order without calling upon the tumbrel, the scaffold and the guillotine. It will secure its place in history as a result.”

While I’m personally not so sure it is bigger than the French Revolution, as it was the free choice of the British people to get into the European Union to start with, this does seem like an historic event. Of course for Seventh-day Adventists, and hopefully most all Christians, it brings to mind the toes in King Nebuchadnezzar’s vision that couldn’t get quite all together. Personally, I think this is a great victory for the common British person, and congratulate them on basically rejecting the leftist, globalist mantra of “We know what’s best, believe in us, and do as we say”. I also see this as a direct blow to those championing Climate Change, and those in rural/small town areas who are tired of being led around by city folk who don’t even know where their food, power, and stuff comes from.

Looking at it specifically from the end-times angle: There is nothing more conducive to a Laodicean condition than “business as usual”. For far, far too long, that is what has been taught and practiced in the church and most governments of the world too. So maybe God is starting to move on hearts to prepare people for the Revelation 18 Babexit? I hope, and pray so.

pope and cairo’s grand imam hug and kiss

Pope Francis met with Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the grand imam of Cairo’s Al-Azhar Mosque on Monday, May 23, 2016. It was described as a: “peace conference”

“A statement quoted Tayeb as telling Francis: “We need to take a joint stance, hand in hand, to bring happiness to humanity. Divine religions were revealed to make people happy, not to cause them hardship.””

So now religion is to make people happy? Jesus’ religion caused him and his followers to suffer, be persecuted, and die (but gain eternal life).

The Vatican stated that both leaders had: “underlined the great significance of this new meeting”.
Yes, God has told us that there will be a one-world Babylonian system at the end time that will force everyone to worship it, or be killed. They will coalesce around Sunday worship, and all those who honor God by keeping his 7th day holy will experience the opposite of happiness until Jesus comes.

inclusive exclusiveness against Eric Walsh and Curt Schilling

It’s interesting to see how those who speak the loudest about the need for inclusiveness, are often very exclusive themselves.

The most blatant example of this hypocrisy was shown recently by ESPN sports in announcing their firing of Curt Schilling. Here is their entire post:

ESPN Statement on Curt Schilling
By admin
Posted on April 20, 2016

ESPN is an inclusive company. Curt Schilling has been advised that his conduct was unacceptable and his employment with ESPN has been terminated.


If it was an isolated case, you might just be able to smile at the two-facedness of ESPN officials, but this type of thing did not start with them. It is a problem in society that is getting worse and worse.

Dr. Eric Walsh, the Public Health Director for Pasadena, CA, was put on paid leave, and then eventually resigned over things he said in sermons given at a church. The City of Pasadena, in their press release regarding this, says this hypocritical statement: “The City organization is made up of many different people from all backgrounds, races, faiths, family makeup, gender orientation and political beliefs. The City holds diversity and inclusiveness as important values in the workplace and in our community.” http://www.cityofpasadena.net/EkContent.aspx?theme=Navy&id=8589937957&bid=2970&style=news Of course that “inclusiveness” doesn’t apply to Bible-believing Christians (or anyone who doesn’t hold to the doctrine of “inclusiveness”).

Almost immediately, Dr. Walsh received an offer from the state of Georgia to be a District Health Director. Everything was going well until the final background check, when some officials watched his sermons on youtube. The offer was withdrawn.

“First Liberty”, an organization that does legal work for people suffering religious discrimination, took on his case. This is what they say:

“Dr. Eric Walsh
State of Georgia fires public health official over sermons

Dr. Eric Walsh is an expert in public health with multiple advanced degrees. He has served as the director of the City of Pasadena’s Public Health Department, was appointed to President Obama’s Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDs and also served as an associate pastor for his church. In May 2014, the State of Georgia’s Department of Public Health hired Dr. Walsh as a District Health Director. But soon after Dr. Walsh accepted the offer, state officials asked him to submit recordings of his sermons for their review. After inspecting his sermons, they fired him. First Liberty Institute filed a lawsuit against the State of Georgia on behalf of Dr. Walsh because no one should be fired from his job for something he said in a sermon.”

It is sad to note that our (and his) own Seventh-day Adventist denomination did not choose to help him. Maybe they spent all their funds on helping that Muslim woman to wear a hijab at her job interview last year (http://www.adventistreview.org/church-news/%E2%80%8Badventist-church-sides-with-muslim-in-religious-freedom-case).

May we work to overthrow the intolerance of inclusiveness, and be like Jesus, our exclusive example.

lack of sun as bad as smoking

There is a newspaper article today showing that not getting enough sunshine is perhaps as bad for your health as smoking:

Now I’ve always been a big fan of sunshine. My mother had TB (and I tested positive once) when I was around 7 years old, and I remember her laying out in the hot sun in the summer and under a sunlamp in winter for one whole year or so. The doctors told her she had 6 months to to live, but she beat it. She attributed it mostly to sunshine, charcoal, olive oil, and of course prayer.

When teaching in Bangkok at a SDA school around 8 years ago, the teachers would take turns overseeing the kids after lunch. When it was my time, I always made the kids go outside for at least 10 minutes (5 on very hot days). Some of the kids didn’t like it, and one teacher who had some kids in the school got upset, but I was out there with them, playing with them, and most of them had a great time. Most of the other teachers just let them stay in an air-conditioned play room, which of course was easier for the kids and the teacher too, but “easy” is often detrimental to health.

“A major clue about sunshine’s benefits has emerged from a study of nearly 30,000 Swedish women whose sunbathing habits have been followed for 20 years…..when our skin is exposed to the sun a compound — called nitric oxide — is released in our blood vessels which in turn lowers blood pressure by causing blood vessels to widen.

Dr Weller told Good Health: ‘It also appears that sunlight alters the way that our genes behave. Last year, Cambridge University scientists showed that the expression of 28 per cent of our entire genetic make-up varies from season to season.’

…In fact, the epidemiology suggests that overall, people who have more sunlight tend to live longer, even though their population gets more skin cancer.’

Of course Ellen White has written such things as:

“There are but few who realize that, in order to enjoy health and cheerfulness, they must have an abundance of sunlight, pure air, and physical exercise. We pity little children who are kept confined in-doors when the sun is shining gloriously without.” Health Reformer 1871-4-1, and “Mothers, encourage the children to go out into the air and sunshine. What if they do tan, and exchange the pale, sallow complexion for the healthful brown? Let them have health and happiness, which are the only foundation of real beauty.” Health Reformer 1871-5-1.

So let’s get out and get more sunshine!

Saeed Abedini is FREE!

Pastor Saeed Abedini is free!

Praise God that he is out of jail, and has left Iran as of January 17, 2016.

The American Center for Law and Justice has been diligently trying to get him free for the last 3 years:


And here is more information:



What Rubio said regarding the fact that this exchange gives other nations an incentive to kidnap American citizens, and then hold them for ransom in order to wring concessions from the U.S., especially resonates with me. This will make it more difficult for Americans to travel abroad.

One other important thing, is that the Americans that Iran kept in prison were there trying to HELP Iran, while the 7 Iranians that were released by the U.S. were trying to buy equipment to HURT America (and/or its allies such as Israel).

But for now, let’s rejoice that these men are free, and pray that the seeds sown in prison there will spring up into a harvest of souls saved eternally for Christ in the country of Iran.

Should Adventists vote for Ben Carson?

The last quote on that CNN article says: “I don’t identify myself as an Adventist,” he said. “I identify myself more as an American who happens to believe in Christ.”
Now whether they quoted him correctly, or not, I’m not positive, but taking the other things he’s said into consideration, it looks exactly right.

Here’s my personal take on the matter. First, I thot maybe this was God raising up a mighty hero to do something awesome like with Joseph or David or something more. But then I found out he was breaking the Sabbath, and now that he doesn’t even identify as one of God’s remnant people.

So while I still believe he is the most morally upright in most areas like abortion etc., and think he would be the best choice among the current contenders for President, his turning his back on his SDA identity is a troublesome, big black spot on his garment.

The standard SDA view of looking at everything thru the lens of “Maybe he will bring in the Sunday Law” is flawed in my estimation. Of course if the candidate states that is one of their goals, then we should avoid them, or else be culpable with them. But the fact is, when the time comes, it won’t matter who signs the bill into law, because the NSL is going to be a grass-roots call for action, not a top-down executive order.

I’ve seen so many SDAs refuse to vote for anybody, or even vote for those who promote abortion, as they think that will help delay the NSL. That type of reasoning is purely selfish, pleasing his Satanic majesty.

11 week old preborn is jumping human (not blob of cells)

Many people say that human babies are not really “human” until around the 20th week or so in the womb. However, as with all creatures God has made, humans start out small, and develop and so on. Saying that a baby human is just a “blob of cells”, or even “a cancer-like thing” as I’ve heard some pro-death supporters write, is refuted graphically in the following video of an 11 week old baby practicing for the high jump while still in the womb:
baby jumping in womb

Here’s a video of a 12 week old doing the same thing. Makes me wonder if they are jumping for joy that someone is not going to chop off their limbs and scrape them out?
12 week old jumping inside mother

Progressive Secular Humanist can’t tolerate Creationists

Finding out this week that noted Evolution proselytiser, Richard Dawkins, said that Ben Carson is not fit to be president because he believes in Creation, I searched on the web and found a site called “Progressive Secular Humanist”.

I posted Richard Dawkins’ statement in 2004 that: “Evolution hasn’t been observed while it’s happening”, thus showing that even he admits deep down that Evolution is a belief system, and not scientific fact.

Naturally that made many of the Atheist-Evolutionists there angry, and I called got many things, especially “liar”, in one instance even after that commenter posted Dawkins’ exact words saying that!

Of course I didn’t call people names or do anything that I would not want them to do to me, but on the 3rd day of posting suddenly I was blocked from posting further.

This blog post is to help show the hypocrisy in the so-called “Liberal Progressive Evolutionist” mindset as that site states: “Progressive Secular Humanist adopts an optimistic stance towards the world that entails self determination and the dignity and worth of all people. More than simply negating the supernatural, Progressive Secular Humanist investigates the human condition in search of the truth.

With an eye towards human and civil rights, separation of church and state, oppression and discrimination, life and death; Progressive Secular Humanist explores all manner of intolerance, bigotry, and injustice, often where politics and religion intersect.”

All the while showing that they themselves are intolerant and bigoted!

It’s not difficult to see the mindset of Evolutionists and Atheists. If someone who is even a brain surgeon is said to be not fit to become president because his beliefs are the same as theirs (even tho most earlier presidents did believe in Creation), it isn’t too much of a stretch of the imagination to consider that they will not tolerate average people who believe in Creation to live for much longer.

The circle is coming full-round. The Roman Catholic Church persecuted those who didn’t believe her doctrines in the past, and the Liberal Evolution Atheists have learned well and are following the same path today.

can seventh-day adventists calculate the day of atonement?

Can you calculate the Day of Atonement? As Seventh-day Adventists, you would think that we would have seminars and training sessions on how to calculate it. After all, that was the major focus of the start of the Advent movement – Jesus is coming back on October 22, 1844, get ready!! That was the first angel’s message, and the second was to come out of the fallen churches before October 22, 1844. The third one is to keep the Sabbath, and all of these are wrapped up in the Righteousness of Christ.

Yet today, I dare say that less than 20 of us SDAs (out of 18.8 million) in the whole world can correctly calculate the Day of Atonement.

This day is described in detail in Leviticus 16 and 23. The wording used is the same as for the 7th day Sabbath, which us Adventists keep, but why we don’t see a need to keep this day, which is the beginning of Jesus’ ministration in the Most Holy Place, is a mystery to me.

Whatever the case may be, even if you don’t agree that we should keep this day holy, can you give a good defense to anyone who says that the Day of Atonement in 1844 was not on October 22? That is important, isn’t it? Beware, even the current Karaites say that we are mistaken on this date!!!

I made a little video about how to calculate it, which can be viewed here:

Ben Carson doesn’t identify as Seventh-day Adventist

Ben Carson is a Seventh-day Adventist who is running for president of the United States. Strangely, many of my fellow SDAs are so scared of the coming National Sunday Law, that it sounds like they would rather see someone who is a baby-killing abortionist homosexual 100% tax-taking liar for president instead.

Be that as it may, it has been troubling to see that while Br. Carson says many good things according to the inspired words of God, he has been doing book signings and other campaigning things on the Sabbath.

Now I see in an interview with CNN, he says: “I don’t identify myself as an Adventist,” he said. “I identify myself more as an American who happens to believe in Christ.” That is really sad.

I still think that perhaps God has raised up Mr. Carson to help stem the moral slide of America, and perhaps even be in the right place to help delay the Sunday Law as long as possible. But his recent actions desecrating the Sabbath, and now his outright denial of identifying himself as an Adventist makes me wonder if he would be like a Judas if he got into the top office in the land.
CNN interview with Ben Carson about his religion

I call on you, Mr. Carson, to return to keeping all of God’s words in the Bible, and call on readers of this blog to pray for you.