The pics from my travels from January – April 2010 are up now on the left side of this page. Take a look and let me know which one you have the best reaction to. Be warned, one of them is a bit grotesque!
The pics from my travels from January – April 2010 are up now on the left side of this page. Take a look and let me know which one you have the best reaction to. Be warned, one of them is a bit grotesque!
Very nice pictures… enjoyed seeing the landscape and volcanoes. Never did spot the gecko… I see you are sporting a shorter hair cut these days and have a new shirt.
I’m surprised how modern everything looks and all the things that these people have.
The SDA facilities are very nice and they do not seem to need much of anything….
Yes, that one picture was a bit disgusting…. but that is part of life on this sinful planet…. can’t wait until it is all new and changed.
God Bless,
From all your travels do you think that india might be the worse off? I know that our church is really trying very hard to reach those people but I wonder how successful it had been? I’ve heard of thousands of baptisms but that there have not really been conversions and they go back to their hindu beliefs afterward???
Yes, the SDA facilities are quite nice for the headquarters, and most of the people live a life not so terribly different from those in advanced countries, except that maybe they use more motorcycles than cars, and less air-conditioning because their houses are not “tight”. Oh yes, they usually have more garbage around too, but again, some of that may be because the govt. there doesn’t do too much in the way of sanitation. Most of these countries have more bribery going on, one big reason they don’t get to advanced status.
In my travels, India, Cambodia, Myanmar, and the Philippines are the worst off for “things” and “niceness of life”. In these countries it seems from my observation that not many people want to work. Like in India, so many stories i heard of people working a few days, then taking a few days off because of some relative’s wedding or funeral or baby or whatever. Cambodia’s working class got destroyed under Pol Pot, and so the education level is not there for most people. Myanmar is under severe repression, and the Philippines is the saddest case – having once been called the “Pearl of the Orient”, and has steadily slidden down. When i was there 3 years ago, i saw in a newspaper that fully 1/3 of the people in the Philippines wish to leave their own country!!!
Our church in India is just as corrupt as their fellow countrymen. I heard so many stories of paid-for baptisms, cooked church books, stealing and fighting and cheating among the leaders etc. Of course the lay people rarely climb above what their leaders are, and if their leaders are like this??? It is nice to see tho, that there are a few who are really dedicated. Indians are not naturally long-term oriented with a calm perspective, but they get quite excited and energetic easily. Fortunately, there are a few SDAs who keep that energy level up to serve Jesus.
Right now i have a friend in Pune who could really be doing a lot printing material to spread the truth if he could get some money. He doesn’t have a good business mind, but is about the best i’ve ever seen among laymen anywhere in spreading the gospel. Some church leaders took many of his calendars, and never paid him – sigh. Also, i have a pastor friend in who is doing a lot of good in the Himalayan region of India, and with a little money could do a lot more. Why does it seem that the “good people” are the ones who can’t get any money? I saw several people sponsored by American SDA organizations who are actually blocking the spread of the gospel…..
In all of these countries tho, the dream of many of the church members is to move to America or England and make lots of money 🙁
Happy gecko hunting at the top of the pic 🙂
gecko! I had to enlarge the picture and saw him clearly on the wall up very near the ceiling…. kinda cute actually.
our news says that many are moving to argentina as it is very prosperous and people have a lot of freedom there… the wealthy are going there from all over … according to the news
God Bless,