seventh-day adventists do pink glove dance

Seventh-day Adventist Health System personnel are prominent in a dance video for a breast care center, as reported by the Hartford Sentinel pink glove dance

Hundreds attended the “Pink Glove Dance” video premiere at Movies 8 Cinemas inside the Hanford Mall on Sunday after the Adventist Health Breast Care Center open house earlier in the day. As movie participants entered the movie theater on a “pink carpet,” they were photographed by “paparazzi.”

Video participants, who are local breast cancer survivors, family members of survivors, community members, businesses, organizations and Adventist Health employees, filmed the video earlier this year, wearing pink medical latex gloves as they performed routines to raise breast cancer awareness and to promote the opening of the Breast Care Center.

Here’s the YouTube video for it

Is this really what God had in mind when he gave Ellen White visions regarding how his chosen remnant people should conduct their health care???

6 thoughts on “seventh-day adventists do pink glove dance”

  1. I have just run across this website today and then watched this video out of curiosity. I am beyond horrified that SDA’s would participate in this degraded sort of dancing. The jerking, hip swaying, lewd thrusting movements in rhythm with the throbbing, sexually inspired popular beat are in no way ever in a trillion years at all like the joyous sacred dancing that I am sure king David participated in and that I look forward to in heaven. One of the graces of the Holy Spirit is self control, not losing control, according to some of the words of this (not)music! I think God is looking upon His people with both pity and disgust, as they can not discern their left from their right when it comes to truth, or distinguish between the clean and the unclean. May God have mercy before it is too late!

  2. Thank you Linda for your comments. People have deceived themselves in thinking that God is pleased with this kind of thing. He is not pleased with the vanity of this world and is asking us to come out of the world and be ye separate.
    God Bless All

  3. Shireen,
    I agree with what Linda has said as she basically answered your questions before I had the chance.
    God Bless All.

  4. I do wonder if both ‘sides’ of the issue have it all backwards. Even assuming the Bible prescribes gender-restricted roles, don’t the oft-cited proof texts concerning older men who are ‘the husband of one wife, having faithful children’ (Tit 1:5-9; 1 Tim 3:1-7; 1 Pet 5:1-5) apply to the selection of elders – not clergy? By contrast, aren’t the vocations of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher all spiritual gifts (Eph 4:11) bestowed by the Holy Spirit?

    Whilst celibate Paul and young Timothy were clearly ministers, where they elders – and if so how, given Paul’s own stated selection criteria? Wasn’t Matthias chosen by lots (the Greek origin of the word ‘clergy’) precisely to emphasise that God, not men, ultimately decides? Doesn’t Ellen White’s own life reflect this distinction, given she was never in a position of formal administrative leadership (unlike her husband James) but she was nonetheless clearly a licensed minister bestowed by the Holy Spirit with all five spiritual gifts?

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