ica stones verify pre-flood bible history

The Ica Stones of Peru have intrigued me ever since i first saw them on the internet around 12 years ago. Are they real? Are they a hoax? What to make of them?

To those who have never heard of the Ica Stones, here is a short introduction: There is perhaps some mention made of them in the 16th century, but they did not get really popularized until a doctor brought them to the world’s attention in the 1930s. The BBC made a documentary on them, praising them, then shortly thereafter, when learning there were things on the stones that openly contradict the established science community’s writings, went back and demolished their original story by saying that some local farmer made them himself. The Peruvian govt. had threatened the farmer with prison for selling old artifacts, but he got out of that by saying that he had forged them all himself. The situation today is that they are “off-limits” for scientists, but attract a following among mostly creationists and gaia mystics.
Here is a good, short introductory video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXv2Z6dinSA

So why are these stones important? Because they show dinosaurs in interaction with humans, thus verifying the biblical account in a big way. Also, they show much evil with killing and sexual perversion, verifying the biblical story and the writings of Ellen White.

Genesis 6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

One of the biggest excuses people use to discredit Ellen White, is that she writes:

But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere.

Well, these stones show graphically many perversions, but i haven’t seen that one yet. It wouldn’t be surprising at all, and even the possibility of their having advanced medical knowledge to interchange parts like heads etc. between humans and animals seems likely
There is also an incredible display of technology including heart and brain transplants, telescopes, the 4 main land masses at that time, some kind of energy source, etc. But mainly it looks to be a collection of humans doing stuff, lots of it having to do with animals.

In many of the carvings there are what appear to be leaves in the humans’ mouths. Anyone with an explanation or guess?

For a good look at the Ica Stones, here are some recommended sites:

The best YouTube video i’ve seen on this, is this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tnu6SKRsdfo&feature=watch_response_rev but please notice that over half the movie is showing other “ooparts” like huge, skillfully constructed boulders, giant footprints in rock etc. This is the first video in a 5-part series, and i paused the video, then scrubbed thru frame-by-frame to look carefully at the pics. Many pics are duplicated, but this is the best showcase of the Ica Stones i’ve seen on the net. Please turn down your audio before starting!!

Some interesting observations about the above video:
1:45 Looking at stars thru telescope
2:03 Dinosaur attacking human
2:24, 2:50 Human attacking dinosaur
3:23 Heart transplant
3:58 On left side, 2 men masturbating, and under them, a bestial or sodomy act
4:33 Sodomy
4:45 4 large land masses (Eden?)
5:02 Happy human riding dinosaur?
5:37 Brain surgery
6:05 Big human-dinosaur fight, dinosaur giving live birth

A Creationist scientist – Don Patton – has looked into these stones, and has inspected them carefully, and made a good video (44:30) regarding them. He says that fully “1/3 of the stones depict some of the most disgusting pornography you’ve ever seen.”: http://youtu.be/23_mLCe_yCM

There are ceramic figurines in Acambaro, Mexico, which show essentially the same thing, with the same, expected denial by the scientific establishment.

Yes, there was terrible evil, erasing the image of God in man by the antediluvians. I’m glad God erased these evil humans from this planet, but see the same things going on around me now. Wonder how long God will put up with that???

3 thoughts on “ica stones verify pre-flood bible history”

  1. “But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere.”

    Notice that in the quote she says, ‘man and beast’ not man with beast. I think there is a difference.

  2. amalgamation means the combining of two to make one. The above quote is grammatically correct. Amalgamation of what, man and beast. Thanks, Daniel

  3. This is from the Merriam-Webster dictionary: “an amalgamation of peat moss and vermiculite is a good medium for starting vegetable seedlings”. Notice that the grammar is exactly the same — amalgamation of A and B.
    I spent over 6 hours going thru the 5-part YouTube videos, as noted above, and the biggest impressions i received were:
    1. There is a lot of human-animal interaction
    2. The distinction between humans and animals seems to get less and less clear the more you look at these stones
    3. Knives/weapons are used a lot
    4. There are almost no “everyday life” scenes
    5. Nearly every scene involves animals, stars/sun, or sex
    6. Nearly all scenes of fighting show the attacker on the right, coming from behind the other (there is little head-to-head combat)
    7. Looking at the stones too long made me feel like i was living back in those times, and made me want to do bad things
    8. God was merciful to everyone who wants to be righteous by destroying the people depicted on those stones
    I’ve written one person who has seen the stones for more information, and will post any results.

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