I was raised in Tennessee, living here until age 22, and then again for several months in 1997-1998 time frame. Now i’m back again.
I made it to the GMI “compound” near the McDonald road church near Collegedale Tennessee today after a couple of false starts the last two days 🙂 I have a nice room, and the people seem nice. Please pray that i can have patience, and do what the Lord wants me to do here. They provide lunch, but breakfast and supper is on my own, so am about ready to cut up that big green pepper i put in the bag last Tuesday and maybe munch on some peanut-butter crackers.
It sounds like lots of people have just moved out, and lots moved in, so things are in quite a state of flux right now. Sounds like my first work will be helping in tidying up and maybe a little construction, and then maybe they will train me in video editing. So even if i don’t get a whole lot of private time to work on my animation project, hopefully there will be good results from the editing training. Of course i hope to be of service to them too. I sure hope and pray that the 1858 Great Controversy book and animation project can get propelled forward by my association here.
Lord, what do you want me to do? I’ve prayed much about this, and you’ve led me here. Here i am now, please use me. I need more patience, and pray for it abundantly, and also that i can give the straight truth to everyone i meet. I’ve tried and tried and tried to find places to get to working on the animation project, and nothing has ever worked out. PLEASE Lord, make it work out — soon. Amen.
Was your dad Wesley Winters?
I was also at SPA about 1962-1970.
Wesley was a tremendous individual on the team at SPA.
Yes he was swordfish! That time frame overlaps nearly identically with my father’s. After SPA, he went to work for his nephew, Gilbert Wilks, in Portland Tennessee.
I saw the man who hired my father at SPA, Noble Vining, last week at the Ooltewah church. He had words of encouragement for me 🙂
Did you work in the bindery dept. at SPA? Have you seen my blog post showing the fire this year at the old SPA?