in india 2006 – iii
My computer that i burned up in Burma, then got fixed in Bangkok, is on the fritz again. Once in a while it will boot up when pressing down hard on the area between the touch pad and space bar. It seems to be directly over the hard drive, so i’m thinking it’s some kind of problem with the connection to it. On the internet i see where there is a Toshiba repair shop here in Pune so happily take it there. The man runs the disk check program and looks at a few things, then says that this is an Asian-made computer, so he can’t fix it. Hey man, tell me that at the first alright? I do appreciate your trying to fix it for me tho 🙂
I go to the Marathi church on Spicer campus, and am allowed to give about an 8 minute testimony about the work i’m doing in spreading the 1858 Great Controversy. The people seem genuinely interested. There was a special appreciation ceremony for a student from Kenya who sold more Marathi SDA literature last year than anyone. The main sermon was by the Literature Evangelism Director calling for more people to enter the LE work! I was amazed how God worked it all out, for me to be there on just that day when everyone’s minds were directed to the LE work already, and that i could play a small part in it. Thank you Lord.
I spend a few days with a family near the Union headquarters. It is lots of fun to play with the kids, and i get quite lonely for Japan at nite when everyone has gone to bed. The father’s belief on just about everything is the same as mine, and we have deep, interesting talks about the 3 Angels’ Messages etc. He has had quite a hard time from his SDA brethren, but he still goes to church and works with and for them. At the Salisbury Memorial Church i have the opportunity to give a 15 minute talk during the mission report time on Sabbath morning. I give my talk, ending with the train story from chapter 30 of the 1858GC. The people seem quite interested.