God’s will

I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently.  Yesterday i was feeling wretched, because of the partially uncooked garlic-type greens i had eaten on Tuesday, so stayed home.  While waiting for all the poison to get back up and out of my system, i had a chance to pray a lot.  I prayed mostly for the leaders of the school where i work.  They want to know exactly the will of God for them and this school, and wish to follow that will.  It is great working with people who put the will of God first and foremost in their lives 🙂

Bangkok is a much cooler 20C or so at nite, and 31C or so in the daytime – perfect!  If it weren’t for the noise and smells that assault most of the senses, this might be nice….well, no, i know we are supposed to get out of the cities, and if things go well, hopefully all of us following God’s will, will be able to get out of the cities soon.

4 thoughts on “God’s will”

  1. Are you feeling better, Dan-san, since the
    tummy upset episode? I pray so.
    This site is looking much better for some reason. Maybe it is the use of another type of font? All is well organized now.
    Are they very spiritual and full of heavenly wisdom of the new SDA’s you have made contact with in Bangkok? Do they all speak English well enough for good conversation?

  2. Namaste brother! My name is Benjamin and I stumbled upon your site looking for blogs about Spicer Memorial College. I’m focused upon accomplishing His will for my life. A friend of mine and myself are going to Spicer for our Theology degrees. Do you have any thoughts recommendations. If you could I would like to here anything and everything you know of Spicer. I haven’t been to India but I have been to El Salvador and Mexico so I understand different cultures. My friend and I both hail from the peculiar state of Maine in the US. We are both quite extreme anomalies in America and amongst our generation. Indeed, a peculiar Christian zealous of good works STANDS out here. I would love to talk with you about your thoughts concerning last day events. I see you read Mrs. Whites writing quite profusely. I do as well. She was blessed with such wisdom. Her perspicacious visions are extremely interesting. The revelation of future realities are very sobering. I don’t know if you have been to the states but veracious, living faith is just about unknown of here. Even amongst Christian enclaves self-denial, self-sacrifice, and surrender are NOT practiced. In fact they are seen as legalistic and an unrealistic, ungodly grace is magnified. Faith without works is dead. In verity faith works. This principle is unknown, or forgotten. Hardly anyone reads the Word anymore. I’m a senior at a Seventh-day Adventist boarding school in PA. I observe these things firsthand. On a campus of 250 I feel very, very alone in the faith. There are a few that I have spoken with and revealed our great lack and need(Third Angel’s Messages) here that have opened eyes now but they are so young unaccustomed to strong meat of the Word, unaccustomed with anything really. Please pray for me and BMA that God may use me to the uttermost this last year I have at BMA before I fly to Spicer. We must be one as He and the Father are one.
    God Bless
    Your Brother
    Benjamin Jacobs

  3. Hello Agape!
    The tummy episode lasted just one day, i’m feeling great this week 🙂

    Sorry to inform you, that i haven’t changed anything in appearance on this site since adding the pics and videos on the left side over a month ago.

    At this school, there is one SDA lady in the Business office, and the main manager who is Korean. There are a few SDA teachers too. The lady in the business office is Thai, and her English is very good, and the Korean man’s English is perfect as he spent around 15 years in America.

    The really nice thing, is that both of these people are really wanting to follow God with all their heart, soul, and might. I’m finding more and more that this attitude towards God, this goal in life, is very, very rare. Many professed SDAs are very happy to come to church, to sing, to pray, to do just about anything “Christian”, unless it makes them look bad, or seemingly causes a problem, or mostly — if it affects their pocketbook.

    Tomorrow i plan to go to the Burmese-speaking church on the Thai SDA Mission Campus, and hand over a complete book of the 9volume Testimonies to the Church to the man who has been doing the translation of the 1858gc in Myanmar for the last 20months.

    Your continued prayers are very much desired.

  4. Hello Benjamin, It is great to hear that there are still people in America, especially young people, that are interested in following Jesus Christ ALL THE WAY.

    I grew up in Tennessee, attended SDA schools from 2-12, and lived pretty much the normal, Laodicean SDA life. My mother did study the Spirit of Prophecy a lot tho, and i was trained from a young age to love the inspired word, for which i thank her very much.

    After being a computer programmer a while, i prayed, and went to Japan as a missionary for 15 years, and for most of the last two years have been out on the road trying to spread the first edition of the Great Controversy book (1858).

    I stayed in Pune, India almost 2 months last year, and was on the campus at Spicer sseveral times. What i saw and heard is pretty common at all our SDA schools – there are many students who are just living like the world, a few students who are desiring a deeper relationship with Jesus, and a very few who are really active in going out and spreading the gospel. The dean of the Theology dept. was in our SS class one Sabbath, and he was trying to come up with strange stories about how Eve was right beside Adam when she first took the fruit etc. etc., obviously just trying to look intelligent, but making himself look like a terrible fool for not believing the inspired words.

    Anyway, this is what you will meet at Spicer. The campus itself you can see at my YouTube video site. India is nasty and filthy and starting to get rich. There are MANY opportunities to spread the gospel there, and i can even give you one contact who is a dedicated SDA who lives nearby.

    Jesus’ pray for us is that we all become one with each other, as he is one with us.

    Keep looking to Jesus 🙂

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