Bengali: 2005 – 5,000
Cebuano: 2005 – 5,000, 2007 – 3,000
English: 1996 – 5,000usa, 2001 – 50,000usa, 2005 – 3,000philippines, 2005 – 2,000malaysia, 2006 – 10,000india, 2007 – 3,000philippines
Georgian: 2007 – 2,000
German: 2006 – 5,000
Hindi: 2005 – 10,000
Ilocano: 2007 – 3,000
Ilonggo: 2005 – 3,000
Japanese: 2001 – 5,000
Khmer: 2007 – 3,000
Korean: 2003 – 5,000
Malagasy: 2006 – 2,500
Malaysian: 2006 – 2,000
Nepali: 2003 – 5,000
Polish: 2001 – 500
Russian: 2003 – 3,000, 2005 – 10,000
Sinhala: 2005 – 5,000
Tagalog: 2006 – 10,000
Tamil: 2004 – 2,000
Ukrainian: 2005 – 40,000?
Vietnamese: 2005 – 1,000 (plans to reprint more before year end 2007)
Malagasy distribution report:
We are blest from it as we are starting sharing “The great Controversy” with our friends here in Madagascar.
While we were in Europe and the USA this summer, one of our teachers decided to do colporting in Antananarivo.
He brought 300 books with him. He met the director of the local Adventist radio, to ask him about doing some advertizing on his radio station about the book. He said “I’ll first read the book myself and see”. He felt convinced that this book was so important that he took the 300 books to distribute in the churches all over Antananarivo. He asked the conference leaders that the book be studied by all chrurch members on prayer meetings every wednesday evening.
The leader of communication for the conference ordered 60 books.
One doctor in a village close to Antananarivo was given a book by our colportor and after reading it he ordered 300 because he feels this book is so important.
Then our colportor was waiting in a bank and he saw a woman seated waiting for her husband. She was eagerly reading this book. All this happened in a week. Isn’t that wondeful?
We are praying that it may minister the Gospel message here on this island in these last days.
Couls you send some (maybe 5 of these books) in English?
“Ye therefore, beloved, seeing that ye know these things beforehand, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness. But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.” 2 Pe 3: 17-18
Bless your precious heart, Danny brother! Those statistics just made my heart jump for joy. All those far places where The Great Controversy got translated and all those thousands of the books being printed is such a offer of praise to Jesus. Now is the time we all just pause and pray in intercessary faith for the selling of these books. Now is the time to add onto the prayer the tenacity of the buyer to read the book from front to back without stopping mid-way and forgetting to finish reading. Now is the time to pray that after or during reading the Spirit of God will influence the mind in seeing truth and guide them into righteousness.
Now is the time to pray that the renewed mind of the reader will want to join up with the end-time church and eventually after instructions get baptized.
Quote from above message : “While we were in Europe and the USA this summer, one of our teachers decided to do colporting in Antananarivo.”
For those in a hurry reading this misleading sentence the double meaning might have been misunderstood. The person in question was a teacher who went to the capitol of Antananarvio in Madagascar which is an island off the southeast coast of Africa. The person writing the report went to Europe and USA.
Nonetheless, the colporteur’s actions was a blessed labor of love and the praise goes to God for interacting so readers have food for their souls. I am happy about this report as well.
Great email received from a Brother in Korea:
Some good news for you. I was at Korean ASI meeting 2 weeks ago, and i had a booth for the convention.
One of the guest speaker, D T came to me, and as i was showing him books we printed, he found your Japanese 1858 GC. Then we talked about you, how he met you and came accross of this book. He seemed very much convinced about this book, and even in his presentation, he promoted this book. He recomended people to read this book. He spent almost 20 minutes talking about it. So, some work is done while you are not here in Koea!
Luckily, D C (the Korean translator of the book) was there also as a translator for D, and he had Korean 1858 GC with him. So D handed out to some of conference ASI leaders during his speech. Also, later many pastors came to my booth looking for the same book. I gave them all in English version, hopefully, D C will help them to get Korean version, since I have not many left.
The following is a email received from a man in the Philippines that i sponsored for 3 years to help spread this 1858gc book, but last summer, told him i could not send any more money to him. He has stayed very busy selling the books, and my heart is very warmed, and this lights a fire under me to hear that someone else is doing MORE physically than i am to spread this precious book 🙂
Merry Christmas!!!
I’m sorry too, that i could not reply to you immediately, i was continued travel from remote area of Mindanao up to visayas, then to CVM Press to got some ilocano’s finish printed copies of GC books and also i asked the the manager to print additional English copy because we are luck of English copy now. Then I’d continued travel to promote this 1858 GC books specially to the church member. I was travel for more than a month and my wife asking me by text to go back home at new year so that we are united with my family this coming new year.
I was in manila last week, I’d deliver some books to bro A A because he have another order of Tagalog, ilocano and English copies of GC books. Brother A extend his regards to you. Then also i was visit and promote to several churches, some church elder not really appreciate of this books, they accusing me that more words of this book are missing and they said it is not the original 1858 GC book, so i make to stand and argue to them that this is the original 1858 GC, I’ve got some documents from the ELLEN WHITE web site that the spiritual gifts vol 1 is a copy of this 1858 GC. And also I’ve got a copy of Spiritual Gifts vol 1 to show them. Then they were quite and no more arguing to me.
It’s necessary for me to go back in Mindanao because i have a collection in some churches and distributors, I’d planing to going back in Manila and Luzon next year to continuing introduce the GC 1858 direct to the church.
You know i have a little worried because the Philippine Publishing House was already started promoting their newly printed copies of pocket size of The Ten Commandments books here in the church, so i have a competitive promoter of books in the churches here.
They sale the Ten Commandment books only 25 pesos per copy, and also I’d hear that the PPH is planing to print this 1858 GC, I’d hear it from the mouth of publishing director of Southern Mindanao Mission.
Tomorrow i going back to the doctor, i need a check up again of my right hand finger because there was a cyst growing and I’d feel bad and pain when i carried the bag that fall of GC books. It is faster growing since march in this year. Last week the doctor said that it is really need an operation so that it can’t be return a Cancer in the bones of my finger.
Until now i haven’t a job, to sustain my family, But I’d continued promoting the 1858 GC books, so I’d used some remittances. I’m sorry, i dint want to stop in promotion of this books because some places that i have a contact distributors I’d follow up the books. “Jesus said seek yee first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all this things shall be added unto you.”
I really appreciate your experience there in Thailand, God is good all the time, may the angels of God is always with you.
Thank you to remember me always in your prayer,
Jesus Loves You,
God bless you wherever you go…
God bless you too brother! If PPPH does print these books – praise God!!!!! May your finger heal nicely, and you are always in my prayers.
Quote : “…some church elder not really appreciate of this books, they accusing me that more words of this book are missing and they said it is not the original 1858 GC book,”
This made me acutely aware of a problem lurking in the background that you have yet to address publicly. The editing of translations from the 1858 GC version.
1. Just how have you tested the proof-readers for their honesty in accuracy of comparison with the English version?
2. Just how many of the published editions of your field-work translations are sitting on shelves in boxes somewhere not being distributed?
3. Which translation has been distributed to homes/persons with largest amount of books delivered?
I am jealous of your good reputation, dear brother. I want to help that no bad reputation will rest on your name after you are gone to dust. It would be so sad to know that a whole parcel of complaints about the various lands having the book in their language but sentences or meanings were corrupted and the blame goes to the administrator that got the ball rolling for the translation.
“This made me acutely aware of a problem lurking in the background that you have yet to address publicly. The editing of translations from the 1858 GC version. ”
Actually, this brother from the Philippines is talking about the English edition.
But i do understand the problem. Even those who really love these books and are doing their best to translate them, i have found many, many mistakes.
1. I try to find translators that are well known in SDA circles in their country, so that there will be greater acceptance. Most of the translators have already translated many Ellen White books. HOWEVER, even with that precaution, how can i guarantee that the translation is true to the original? I don’t know.
2. Books not being distributed…I haven’t heard anything about the German translation or Korean translation for a long time. But i know that hundreds of the German one did get distributed. I’m hoping to go to Korea in about one year and check personally about the distribution there. All other versions i know of are getting spread to various degrees.
3. I don’t really understand the question…
Thank you for your concern, and helping be a prod for me to do this work right. Hardly anyone else gives any advice at all, so yours is highly valued 🙂