1858gc translation/printing update

Armenian: The mission president said he would translate it when i met him 10 months ago, but no further contact… 

Assamese: Should be printing now 

Azeri: Last contact was around 3 months ago, the book was not quite half translated.

Burmese: Is nearly completed translated, and the translator has already lined up 2 proofreaders.  This was scheduled to be done by March, but better late and good than either never or fast and sloppy.

Chinese: Was told last month that an elderly lady in Singapore just finished translating it, but no files have been sent.  A younger lady in Malaysia has started translation.

English: Pastor in Malaysia wishes to print perhaps 2,000 copies using his own funds.

French: African lady in Bangkok has just started this translation.

Lao: Interest is there to translate after the Thai translation is finished.

Malay: Pastor in Malaysia wishes to print perhaps 2,000 copies using his own funds.

Punjabi: Has been translated and awaiting printing for several months.  Funds were sent to print, but the program used to type it in the computer is not compatible with the printer’s program, so it has to be retyped. 

Romanian: The husband of the Thai translator started out very quickly, and is up to chapter 5, but has slowed recently as he starts Thai lessons.

Tamil: Funds were sent a couple of months ago to print the recently retranslated version, and while the contents have been sent in PDF, still the cover art work has not, so i have not given the final go-ahead to print.

Thai: I see the translator every day.  She started out well, but has not done much in quite a while.  Translation is done up to chapter 8.

Tibetan: Should be printing now.

6 thoughts on “1858gc translation/printing update”

  1. Translations mentioned :
    Armenian, Assamese, Azeri, Burmese, Burmese, Chinese, French, Lao, Thai, Punjabi, Romanian, Tamil, Tibetan, Vietnamese.

    Questions :
    1. Have you ever, or would you ever, pay for the printing of any of the above translations (or earlier ones) without proof that two proof readers have edited the finished product? Would you go ahead with printing if proof-reading for mistakes did not take place?

    2. All all who do the translations working with computer for typing in the manuscript? Do you instruct them which layout and document program needs to be used?

    3. Do you use translations from people whose mother tongue or school training, was in another language than the translation language they are transfering the 1858 version into? Translations made by persons not native to the language?

  2. 1. I always require at least 2 proofreaders to go over the initial translation.

    2. As far as i know, except for most of the Indian languages, all the translators physically type it in themselves. I tell them i want it in RTF and DOC format, and with the proper fonts.

    3. The only case i know of that happening is actually myself, when i translated the Japanese version.

  3. We should praise the Lord and be glad because the 1858gc has been translate to many languages now. Some of the pastors and lay persons has spend thier own earning and times so others will also be blessed with this wonderful words. We should be thanking them and remember them in our prayers.

    But we also must pray (and maybe fasting)for the persons that had promise to translate in the other language (ex: Azeri, French, Romanian and others). It’s very hard to keep a promise especially if Satan don’t like the ideas of spreading the word of truth to new area or languange. May they be bless and lifted by the hand of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    God Bless You.

    Psa 62:7 In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.
    Psa 62:8 Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.

  4. Thank you for the prayers Liberty. Sorry to not see your comment in the moderation queue for a long time…..

    The Chinese translator from Malaysia wrote after this post that all her translation went down the tubes when her hard drive crashed. Fortunately she had just started on it, but we can be sure Satan is none too happy about this book getting broadcast to many places. Our God is a mighty God tho, and he will see to it that his words encircle the earth, whether we agree to work with him or not.

  5. Yesterday i met the Burmese translator for the first time since leaving Myanmar in March of 2006. He was on his way back from a conference at the Division headquarters in the Philippines, and stopped over in Bangkok a while.

    Today i went with him to Pantip Plaza so he could buy a replacement power-adapter for his notebook that got fried a while back. Sure hope his computer wasn’t fried at the same time! Fortunately we could find the exact same make and model, so hope it works well for him.

    I paid him for the translation and 3 proofreadings. He told me that his friend translated it out onto paper, and now he has to type it into the computer and format it nicely. I asked him to give it to me in RTF or DOC format, and for sure in PDF format.

    As you may imagine, the situation is unstable in that country, so i request all your prayers that freedom and peace will come, and that this 2nd most important book in the whole world will go mightily in that country to wake up God’s people.

  6. 4,000 copies of the Tamil version were printed recently. They were printed without my approval of the cover art, for which i’m not too happy, but overall it was a pretty nice job. The quality of the Indian-made books is quite nice 🙂

    I was told that the Punjabi version is about to be printed also. There are several other languages in the pipeline in India, but i can’t keep track of them very well.

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