USA election 2016 – vote to save baby’s lives

There is really only one choice for president this election. One person stands for aborting babies, one person stands for trying to save babies.

If you don’t want blood on your hands of millions of aborted babies, you must vote, and you must vote for the person who says they will try to save those lives.

UPDATED: The Republican Party, which actively supports the right to life of all developing humans (who aren’t convicted of heinous crimes) will have control of all 3 branches of the US government come January 21, 2017. Hopefully then we will see the end of the horrific practice of killing that so many “progressives” praise.
May God bless America for this one bright spot. 🙂

3 thoughts on “USA election 2016 – vote to save baby’s lives”

  1. It is optimistic to think that we will see a political / legal change regarding abortion. Our hope is not in a political leader. However, we should keep praying that the hearts of people regarding this issue will change. That will bring lasting change.

  2. This is from the Republican platform:
    The Constitution’s guarantee that no one can “be deprived of life, liberty or property” deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independence’s
    proclamation that “all” are endowed by their Creator” with the inalienable right to life.
    Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to children before birth.
    Now of course I don’t know if they really will enact it, but it looks very, very promising, as that party will control all three branches of govt., and most likely appoint Supreme Court justices who are also pro-life. 🙂

  3. “Now of course I don’t know if they really will enact it, but it looks very, very promising, as that party will control all three branches of govt., and most likely appoint Supreme Court justices who are also pro-life.”

    Yes, there is hope, but time will tell. Our greatest hope is that God is in control no matter what. We must pray that God will continue to work His will.

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