in cambodia

Came by bus on Wednesday morning to Poi Pet, and spent the obligatory one whole day in a hotel. Everything looked about the same from 16 months ago, but glad the road was dry this time so just got dust instead of mud 🙂 Interesting to see that at the border anyway, everything is in Thai baht now instead of partly usd and thb as in the past. One thing that really irritated me, was that the visa officers would not, absolutely would not process my visa application for the 20usd as required. There was one shop on the Thai side selling Cambodian “express visas” for 1,200thb (36usd) which of course i declined, but could not get around the official visa officers. I asked the immigration officers after they stamped my passport if the visa price was still $25, and they assured me it was. When i told them i was forced to pay $25, they put their eyes down and mumbled something about “probably needing money”. Cambodia, you will never get strong doing bad stuff like this.

The bus ride the next morning on Captial Tour was supposed to be from 6:30 – around 1:30, but was from 7 – 3:30. The super-bumpy road to Sisaphon has been asphalted, so is very smooth now, so smooth in fact that the bus can stop 3 times for food instead of the normal one or two….. I was hoping to arrive in Phnom Penh and get to the pastor’s house where i’m staying by 3:30, as a group was waiting for me to introduce the 1858 Great Controversy to them, but didn’t make it until 3:45, after i had to point the way to the moto-taxi driver who had assured me he knew the place…right.

But this morning was nice in going to the Mission. I met a pastor who says someone copied the Vietnamese 1858gc for him, and now he is using that with his Vietnamese contacts – 17 members. Then the Mission receptionist called me in her office, and showed me the list she has for the number of books left in storage, and talked a bit about how they are getting spread around a bit. Then i met the man who is acting as director. He was very supportive, and said i could have the Mission morning devotional next Wed, Thur, Fri – so of course – the Khmer 1858gc will be the studied object 🙂 Also i got permission from the main Mission church leader to give a 2 – 3 minute introduction to the book tomorrow morning during church service.

All your prayers are very much welcomed and needed.

3 thoughts on “in cambodia”

  1. Friday evening brought a monsoon to Phnom Penh, so our class to teach the English students a Christian song and Bible story could not take place as the noise on the metal roof was too much. At least the floor didn’t flood more than about 6 inches 🙂
    Sabbath was at the main mission church where i was given a few minutes to introduce the 1858 great controversy book. One lady came up after the service and asked for one. I also met 5 young men from Laos, and am now enjoying their company, and studying with them, and teaching them English too.
    Please pray for one heart.

  2. Lord willing, i will be going back to Bangkok next week. Today i gave the morning devotional at the Mission headquarters – chapter 32 of the Great Controversy book. The leader was not too happy about the talk about Laodicea, but some of the people seemed deeply affected. I’m scheduled to give the morning devotional tomorrow and Friday also.
    I am able to stay with a group of 5 young men from Laos who are here to learn SDA faith and English. Their stories of persecution and hardship in Laos is really encouraging, as they want to stay strong and go back to their own country and spread the news about Jesus, even if they have to die for that. May we all have the same amount of steadfastness.

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