Ellen White previously unreleased manuscripts 1845-1856

The Ellen G. White Estate is entrusted with handling the written works of Ellen White, who I, and most Seventh-day Adventists, believe was a prophetess of the Lord. As she was one of the 3 co-founders of the SDA church, her writings reveal a lot of history and give insights to how the early church developed.

Quite a large portion of her writings were not published in her day. Even after her death in 1915, many years passed with only a few compilations being produced, but not anywhere near the entire works. Some reasons I’ve heard for the reluctance of the Estate to release all her works is that some of the material is of a very personal nature – pointing out direct sins in a certain individual, and that some of it was more specific for her day. So a lot of the published material up to this point will, for example, talk about a “Mr. M” or “Br. R” when really she is talking about Mr. Canright, or Dr. Kellogg etc. This desire to protect the identities of people involved has unfortunately given rise to conspiracy theories, and has caused some to attack the motives of Ellen White herself. I’ve personally found several areas where what she wrote rebuking leaders such as Uriah Smith in parts of the 30+ Testimonies for the Church Series were removed when edited down into the familiar 9-volume “Testimonies to the Church” set we usually see today.

Some layman groups started to take matters into their own hands, and in the late 1960s Leaves of Autumn started printing many of the collections of manuscripts such as “Series A” and “Series B” and I think some others like the “Paulson Collection” and “Kress Collection” and Southerland & Magan Collection” etc. Then in the 1980s, the call for her works to be put in digital format became strong, and I remember personally purchasing her works on laser disc in 1988. Not too long after the well-known CD of her writings came out.

Many purchasers of the CD were under the impression that all her writings were on it, but deep students were surprised to see that was not so. Somewhere around 2008 or so, some people going by the moniker “SDAnonymous” threatened to sue the E.G. White Estate unless they came forth with all the material. While I do not agree with threatening a lawsuit, the upshot of the action was that the Estate did agree to come out with all the material.

In 2015, just before the GC Session in San Antonio, the Estate said they released all the remaining material. They provided a link to it on the internet, but the link just took me to the page where you can do a search on all her material – i.e.; It is impossible to get a handle on what was newly released, as it was all mixed up with everything else.

But the SDAnonymous group sent me the new releases separately by email, and yesterday I read thru the 125 pages of the first batch (1845-1856). Below are quotes that interested me. Most of these have never been published before, but a few have, as these newly-released materials are sometimes just portions of manuscripts that were edited before being released in the past. Some of the following were accounts written by others taking dictation of what she had said in vision.
I saw that the nations had not power to hold themselves. I also saw that we were not to cry to God to hold the four winds, nor to the nations, but one angel was to cry to other angels equal in power, to hold until the servants of God were sealed in their foreheads.

When she came out of vision she accounted it thus: “I saw a large company of angels moving. I was not permitted to tell what they said to me. Each one had a round rod in their hand ten inches long. Think they had something to do with the time of trouble, etc.”)
(Taking the large Bible containing the apocrypha:) Pure and undefiled, a part of it is consumed, holy, holy, walk carefully, tempted. The Word of God, take it (Marion Stowell), bind it long upon thine heart, pure and unadulterated. How lovely, how lovely, how lovely. My blood, My blood, My blood. O the children of disobedience, reproved, reproved. Thy word, thy word, thy word, a part of it is burned unadulterated, a part of the hidden book, a part of it is burned (the apocrypha).
Those that shall despitefully tread that remnant would think that they are doing God service.
Why? because they are led captive by Satan at his will. Hidden book, it is cast out. Bind it to the heart (4 times) bind it, bind it, bind it, (laying the Bible on Oswald Stowell) let not its pages be closed, read it carefully. Snares will beset on every side, take the strait truth bind it to the heart (3 times) let everything be cast out.
Singing, I saw, often drove away the enemy and shouting would beat him back.
I then saw Sister S. Peckham that she would have to break loose from her husband for he has no part nor lot with the saints.
I also saw that Bro. Bates erred in attending the washing of saints’ feet and the communion
among unbelievers. It only caused reproach to come on the cause of God. I saw that the example
of Jesus should be followed. He took His disciples away alone, separate from the wicked,
Then I saw that God had not given to Bro. Bates the gift of discernment; but his gift was to talk the Word. None had a gift like his. He could talk to a small company when there was not more than two present, as well as to a large company.
He should ever bear in mind that he is handling words of inspiration, words of a holy God.
God hates unruly children who manifest passion and evil tempers, etc.
I saw that God would not acknowledge an untidy and unclean person as a Christian. His frown was upon such.
I saw that when the blessing of God rested upon any one, it will not cause him to lose the use of his arms so that he cannot control them, or cause the arms to shake, jerk, etc.
Children are the lawful prey of the enemy, because they are not subjects of grace, have not experienced the cleansing blood of Jesus.
Do any of these strike you as anything necessary to be withheld from God’s flock? Is she promoting the Apocrypha?

May we follow all the inspired words of God.

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