End-Time Countdown (Certainty of Signs Unfolding) (Signs of Hope) by Alejandro Bullon review

End-Time Countdown (Certainty of Signs Unfolding) (Signs of Hope) by Alejandro Bullon (2008)

This book is the current missionary book of the year (2009) for the entire General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Some of the other English titles include “Signs of Hope” and “He is Coming!”. It is said to have been translated into over 70 languages, and over 15,000,000 printed. It is your very typical evangelism book put out by our Seventh-day Adventist church over the years – for good and for bad.

The good is that things are written with authority – Christ is coming back, and we need to prepare. There are many Bible texts given to show clearly what the issues will be in the last days, and what to do to go to heaven and be with Jesus. The bad of it, is that there are many supposed “signs” to show the nearness of Christ’s coming, but many of them are wrong. Thinking readers of this book who rightly reject the writer’s assertion that crime is exploding, people around the world are getting poorer and poorer, that no one denies global warming (he obviously didn’t ask me!!), earthquakes increasing etc etc will have a hard time accepting the truths given about Jesus’ coming being literal, and soon. The next to last chapter showing how the Sabbath will be the dividing point for the whole world is excellent. It would have been great if he had just focused on the Bible itself, but then in the very last chapter of the book, after talking before how there will be such a big tribulation and many people dying and huge earthquakes and the sun turning dark etc, he says that the little cloud with Jesus in it will show up on a day just like any other day when people are going to work and to clubs to party and….

One thing i wonder is, why can our church go all out on something like this project, and yet let the inspired words God gave his church lie in the dust?


Let’s keep to the Bible and let it explain itself, and yes, DO prepare for Jesus’ soon coming.

4 thoughts on “End-Time Countdown (Certainty of Signs Unfolding) (Signs of Hope) by Alejandro Bullon review”

  1. “the little cloud with Jesus in it will show up on a day just like any other day when people are going to work and to clubs to party and….”

    This description is more similar to the day that S and G were destroyed…. and not what is going to happen when Jesus comes the 2nd time.

  2. Yes, it is sorry indeed that so many ‘other’ books are being promoted when we have not yet fully understood our bibles and digested all the pure works of SOP. 🙂

  3. sorry that 🙂 should have been a 🙁 and may we all go back to our KJV bibles and the original pure books of SOP 🙂

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