Recently I remade a video of Thomas Paine reappears and put it on Youtube:
What makes this important? Because Thomas Paine is mentioned in the inspired book: “The Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels, and Satan and His Angels”. It is ONLY in the original, 1858 edition.
According to the inspired words, one of Satan’s angels is going to impersonate Thomas Paine near the end time, in order to get people to doubt the Bible.
Since many people do not know who Thomas Paine was, and why he was such a bad man, and even question the idea that he would be important enough for Satan to make a special effort to “bring him down from heaven” and make it look like Thomas Paine reappears, this video will try to make it all abundantly clear.
Thomas Paine was one of the most influential writers of the American Revolution.
Thomas Paine’s writings
His most famous book/pamphlet is “Common Sense”. This book, probably more than any other, helped spread the ideas of independence from Europe, and of democracy in America, and thus, the world. In his pamphlet “American Crisis”, which George Washington had read to his soldiers, he coined the famous phrase: “These are the times that try men’s souls”.
However, he later turned against the Bible and attacked it fiercely. In “Age of Reason”, he wrote: “Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.”
“It is far better that we admitted a thousand devils to roam at large than that we permitted one such impostor and monster as Moses, Joshua, Samuel, and the Bible prophets, to come with the pretended word of God and have credit among us.”
And, “stupidity of the Bible”.
So we see that Thomas Paine, by his own admission, believes the Bible is just pretended to be from God, is from demons, and is stupid!
This is the background for the amazing quote in the original, 1858 Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels, and Satan and His Angels (by Ellen White) detailing how Satan will make it appear that Thomas Paine reappears and is living in heaven now!
Chapter 30 “Spiritualism”
Thomas Paine, whose body has mouldered to dust, and who is to be called forth at the end of the 1000 years, at the second resurrection, to receive his reward, and suffer the second death, is purported by Satan to be in heaven, and highly exalted there. Satan used him on earth as long as he could, and now he is carrying on the same work through pretensions of having Thomas Paine so much exalted and honored; and as he taught on earth, Satan is making it appear that he is teaching in heaven. And some on earth who have looked with horror at his life and death, and his corrupt teachings while living, now submit to be taught by him who was one of the vilest and most corrupt of men; one who despised GOD and his law.
He who is the father of lies, blinds and deceives the world by sending his angels forth to speak for the apostles, and make it appear that they contradict what they wrote when on earth, which was dictated by the Holy Ghost. These lying angels make the apostles to corrupt their own teachings and declare them to be adulterated. By so doing he can throw professed Christians, who have a name to live and are dead, and all the world, into uncertainty about the word of GOD; for that cuts directly across his track, and is likely to thwart his plans. Therefore he gets them to doubt the divine origin of the Bible, and then sets up the infidel Thomas Paine, as though he was ushered into heaven when he died, and with the holy apostles whom he hated on earth, is united, and appears to be teaching the world.
Satan assigns each one of his angels their part to act. He enjoins upon them to be cunning, artful and sly. He instructs some of them to act the part of the apostles, and speak for them, while others are to act out infidels and wicked men who died cursing GOD, but now appear to be very religious. There is no difference made between the most holy apostles and the vilest infidel. They are both made to teach the same thing. It matters not who Satan makes to speak, if his object is only accomplished. He was so intimately connected with Paine upon earth, and so aided him, that it is an easy thing for him to know the very words he used, and the very handwriting of one of his devoted children who served him so faithfully, and accomplished his purposes so well. Satan dictated much of his writings, and it is an easy thing for him to dictate sentiments through his angels now, and make it appear that it comes through Thomas Paine, who was his devoted servant while he lived. But this is the masterpiece of Satan. All this teaching purporting to be from apostles, and saints, and wicked men who have died, comes directly from his Satanic majesty.
This should be enough to remove the vail from every mind and discover unto all the dark, mysterious works of Satan;–that he has got one whom he loved so well, and who hated GOD so perfectly, with the holy apostles and angels in glory: virtually saying to the world and infidels, No matter how wicked you are; no matter whether you believe in GOD or the Bible, or disbelieve; live as you please, heaven is your home;–for every one knows that if Thomas Paine is in heaven, and so exalted, they will surely get there. This is so glaring that all may see if they will. Satan is doing now what he has been trying to do since his fall, through individuals like Thomas Paine. He is, through his power and lying wonders, tearing away the foundation of the Christians’ hope, and putting out their sun that is to lighten them in the narrow way to heaven. He is making the world believe that the Bible is no better than a storybook, uninspired, while he holds out something to take its place; namely, Spiritual Manifestations!
Thomas Paine reappears to unite Conservatives and Liberals!
“So what if Thomas Paine reappears?” you say? Here’s what makes it such a big deal: Right now in America, there is a very bitter divide between Conservatives and Liberals. Conservatives call Obama the “antichrist” while Liberals call Trump unprintable names. Conservatives are usually for Christian morality (?), small government, and individual freedom. Liberals are more concerned with social justice (?), big government, and group consensus morality. The impasse seems to be too great to ever, ever be reconciled peacefully.
Except that Thomas Paine already does it! His writings on freedom and small government fire up even strong Conservatives, like the Tea Party members, while at the same time, his writings on social justice and against Christianity give the Progressives a warm feeling that he is on their side – the supposedly morally and intellectually superior side.
So Satan’s angels will impersonate Thomas Paine, and bring “peace and safety and unity”, to get the world to follow them as they call for a law to make Sunday a holy day, and put restrictions on people who keep God’s 7th day Sabbath holy. They will look like they have won for a while, but God will destroy them in the 7 Trumpets and 7 Last Plagues, and then Jesus will destroy the rest of the wicked when he comes in the clouds.
Dead people are dead, not in heaven
Here is a forum showing some connections to Thomas Paine reappears:
Let’s be prepared with God’s words that “The dead know not anything.” (Ecclesiates 9:5).