President Trump loves the “least of these my brethren” to the end

One of the very last things President Trump did as president was to make a statement regarding protecting the lives of those still in their mother’s wombs. This is tremendous! I doubt America will ever have such a godly president again, at least until the fireball judgments from God basically force people to consider their evil ways.

This article

President Donald Trump on Jan. 17 called the landmark Supreme Court decision that dramatically expanded access to abortion “constitutionally flawed” and noted that it’s led to the termination of tens of millions of unborn babies.

“This month, we mark nearly 50 years since the United States Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. This constitutionally flawed ruling overturned State laws that banned abortion, and has resulted in the loss of more than 50 million innocent lives,” Trump said in a proclamation.

“But strong mothers, courageous students, and incredible community members and people of faith are leading a powerful movement to awaken America’s conscience and restore the belief that every life is worthy of respect, protection, and care. Because of the devotion of countless pro-life pioneers, the call for every person to recognize the sanctity of life is resounding more loudly in America than ever before. Over the last decade, the rate of abortions has steadily decreased, and today, more than three out of every four Americans support restrictions on abortion.”…

“As a Nation, restoring a culture of respect for the sacredness of life is fundamental to solving our country’s most pressing problems. When each person is treated as a beloved child of God, individuals can reach their full potential, communities will flourish, and America will be a place of even greater hope and freedom. That is why it was my profound privilege to be the first President in history to attend the March for Life, and it is what motives my actions to improve our Nation’s adoption and foster care system, secure more funding for Down syndrome research, and expand health services for single mothers.”

Would that God’s remnant church leaders would have one tenth the courage to protect the life of baby Jesus that President Trump has! God bless you sir!

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