Here are the results of 2020 downloads of Great Controversy books from my site. Next to the language will be the number of books downloaded in the language for 2010, followed on the right by 2020. Some languages were added in the intervening years, so have nothing in the 2010 field. Google is penalizing my site for not being mobile-friendly (which I’ve recently fixed), and for not having security certificates (which I’m considering), so the traffic to earlysda site is down roughly 30% from 2010 levels. Also, there are many more “Great Controversy” sites on the web, and many more people go to Youtube too instead of a static web page. A couple of sites copied all the 1858 Great Controversy books, so many people are no doubt getting their books there, instead of my site, which I’m fine with. 🙂
If you have any ideas on increasing traffic, please let me know!
May God receive all the glory, and may His words not return unto Him void is my prayer.
………………..2010- 2020
tagalog …. 3290- 1189
hindi ……… 2867- 402
georgian .. 2791- 473
english ….. 2674- 3728
nepali ……. 2196- 477
tamil ……… 2121- 958
german ….. 2114- 1093
vietnamese 2076- 574
malay …….. 1850- 1174
bengali ….. 1518- 450
ilonggo ….. 1516- 1068
cebuano … 1493- 1089
korean …… 1469- 675
ukrainian .. 1442- 589
sinhala …… 1395- 526
ilocano ….. 1259- 1110
russian …… 1197- 399
polish ………. 961- 502
japanese ….. 800- 616
assamese …. 728- 343
spanish ……. 721- 596
romanian …. 511- 1043
malagasy ….. 652- 881
thai …………… 321- 475
myanmar ………… 651
kannada ………….. 518
chinese ……………. 145
khmer ……………… 364
armenian ………… 392
santali …………….. 316
TOTALS .. 37962- 22816