A Youtube video by Life Site News, a Catholic organization that fights to protect the least of these my brethren, has an interview with “Father” James Altman. His straight to the truth message is so refreshing, especially after all the hemming and hawing done by our own SDA leaders. He really calls to task many of the US bishops who are openly defying the words of God in the Bible. He even rightly says at the 5:30 mark something so straight, that it made me write this post: “You cannot be Catholic and a Democrat”.
Some other gems are that he says we can expect to be persecuted if we are truly (Catholic), we have to build our spiritual arks, preach from the pulpit to put an end to abortion, “we have it pretty good, maybe that’s why we have this problem with faithlessness, Satan loses in the end, but Christ conquers!
It would be great to hear something like this from an Adventist……