christian study

the sealing is future according to colin and russell standish

I’m very happy to see this by the Standish brothers on the Sealing. I highly doubt that their intention was to disprove our standard SDA teaching on the Seven Trumpets, but here are 2 well-known “conservative” Adventist names showing clearly that while there is a general sealing into the truth of everyone who really becomes a child of Jesus, there is a SPECIAL SEALING at the end time for those who go alive to heaven. No one has received that mark yet, meaning that the Seven Trumpets are still ALL IN THE FUTURE.

Here is the chapter in their book, sent to me by email:

The Sealing
By Colin and Russell Standish

One of the most dramatic and significant events in the history of this sin-cursed earth is the sealing of God’s end-time saints. It is the culmination of Christ’s high-priestly ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. It includes the vindication of God’s people, the conclusion of the investigative judgment, the completion of the atonement and the blotting out of the forgiven sins of God’s remnant. It settles the eternal destiny of the very elect. None who are sealed will be “unsealed.” They have proven to the all-wise God of the universe that their loyalty to Him has no reservations. Quintillions of years will not erode their loyalty to Christ. The fiercest persecution, the most pressing temptations, the craftiest deceptions cannot seduce them away from the blood-stained banner of Jesus Christ. However, before we proceed further, we need to clarify that the Bible reveals two sealings. It is essential that this distinction be clearly delineated. First, when we are fully converted we are sealed. Paul wrote:

And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. (Ephesians 4:30)

Plainly, this is not the final sealing, for Paul would not need to warn these individuals against later grieving the Holy Spirit, subsequent to this preliminary sealing.

Further, this sealing certainly is not the end-time sealing, for it would force us into the false Augustinian doctrine of “once saved, always saved.” That belief is not sustained by Scripture. Here are two examples of this sealing.

Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. (2 Corinthians 1:21–22)

In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise. (Ephesians 1:13)

Wang Fue false “SDA” prophet in Thailand

Wang Fue is the name of a man in northern Thailand who says he has had visions from God for the last 7 years. I believe him to be a false prophet, but since some of my close friends believe him to be a true prophet, i write this post.

According to what has been told me, he was an ordinary farmer. He wanted a deep experience with God, and something happened and he was in a rice field for days, about to die, when God gave him a vision. Even tho he is basically an illiterate farmer, he started writing out what he received from God. He started writing things about biocips being connected to the Mark of the Beast, some of the personal sins of the leaders of the Thailand Adventist Mission, and other things that it would seem to be impossible for him to normally know. Up to this point everything sounds to me too, like he is a true prophet except that i have now found out that he used to be not just an idol worshipper, but an actual sorcerer, being used directly by the devil. This raises a big yellow flag, as i can found no one in the Bible who after being demon-possessed, later became a prophet. Yes, i know the demon-possessed man whose devils went into the pigs later became an evangelist for Jesus, but he did not become a prophet who is directly speaking for God himself.

But this man predicted a huge flood in Thailand that would occur in 2006, one that would submerge half the country after large earthquakes. Well, over 300 people gathered for year-end meetings that year to see it happen. When of course it didn’t happen, over half of the group fell away from the Seventh-day Adventist faith altogether. I heard of a few others who tried to show how “global warming” really did cause floods around the world in 2006, but even they have now rejected this prophecy as false, and have left this false prophet.

But there is still a group of people who believe this man to be a true prophet even after all this. Wang Fue explains that even he didn’t realize the true meaning of the 2006 flood prediction, the true meaning being that there would be “political” earthquakes and floods in the year 2006. Very convenient.

Now i enter the picture when i ask my friend if i can come to Thailand to do the 1858 Great Controversy animation, and help start a homeschool. She asks Wang Fue, and on the very day i arrive in Thailand the answer comes from him: “We are so near the end, that we should not do either project”. Now i can understand if the animation project is out, but to tell people not to start little schools to train up children in the Lord? This is not what any true prophet does.

He is also predicting, according to his dream of 3 cows, that three years of famine will start this year, so we should stock up on rice and cooking oil. This again is against what God had Ellen White write about not stocking up food for the Time of Trouble. He says that this famine will continue until Jesus comes. He is also saying that it is not good to have baptisms or the Lord’s Supper on the Sabbath, as the Sabbath is supposed to be a day of rest. This can be easily disproved by looking at the Spirit of Prophecy, but really, it just goes against common sense too. The Sabbath is to be a “high day” to be with Jesus, and what could be higher than baptisms or the Communion service? Some of the followers have been so diswrought about their being baptized on the Sabbath, that they have asked Wang Fue if they need to be rebaptized. He has told them “no”.

rst seminars

I got a email with an attachment recently with “RST Seminars” mentioned. Now my “interest-meter” was maxing out, as this group is promoting research into the prophecies of Revelation and Daniel, especially showing how some things that us Seventh-day Adventists teach – like the 7 Trumpets being in the past – is in the future. Yes!

So i contacted this group, and received a email with 5 newsletters attached. Mostly what was written was good, but a few clear “supposition” things (like how 666 refers to the number of people Satan leaves alive in each of his cell groups at the end time!?!) were written too. However, their view that Ellen White is not a prophet of God is absolutely wrong.

The reason for this post is to warn anyone who has any contact with RST Seminars (Revelation Speaks Today), and its owner, Sandi Evilisizer Kosak, to not have anything to do with them.

Sandi wrote me: “The problem is that in order to keep their financial positions within the church, they are teaching the false idea that there are “dual” fullfilments. That they happened in the past one way as symbolic, and that they will happen in the future as literal. This cant be farther from the truth. A seal can only open once and trumpet number 1 can only sound once.

As people come into this understanding, if they abandon the historical view completely, they are disbarred from the church. It is because of SOP, in holding up EGW above the Bible. The ones who hold the historical view cannot abandon it without admitting EGW was infallible. Because she says the seals and trumpets were in the past, they cannot change the church doctrinal position on the prophecies. If she were alive today, she would be changing her position based on new light that she consistently spoke of.”

When i wrote her explaining that i had found some good material in the 5 newsletters, and a couple of strange things, and to believe in Ellen White as God’s prophet she wrote: “All of the prophets in the Bible have been wrong.

Well, now we see that there is no common ground at all, so i sent a email asking to her repent, and she wrote back: “The only things written by your “prophet” (I say this because I am not an SDA), ” and “Please do not contact me again.

This is exactly the worst thing that i have thot of happening to this new light in the prophecies, is that some disgusting group will promote it, to turn away honest souls from seeking the truth. Please avoid RST Seminars until they repent and believe God’s prophets,

Read Revelation to see what it says for yourself. I understand that Pastor John Lomacang believes (to what degree i don’t know) that the 7 Trumpets are future. Doug Batchelor, Marvin Moore, Ken Cox, and John Carter are said to be believing along these lines too 🙂 It IS super clear that the 7 Trumpets must have a final fulfillment in the future, as the locusts under the 5th Trumpet only hurt those without the Seal of God in their foreheads, and up until now, September 2009, no one has ever had the Seal of God in their foreheads!

sda church gives gold medal to the pope in 1977

Here is a link giving detailed background information on this very serious corporate sin of our beloved Seventh-day Adventist church:

The corporate action of awarding the pope with a gold medal was the deciding one which prompted my mother to have her name removed from the Seventh-day Adventist church books in 1977. I do not agree with her decision, but have seriously considered for myself twice in my life if i should remove my name also. However, both times, the inescapable conclusion based on Revelation 3:14-22, and Ezekiel 9, is that this Seventh-day Adventist church is God’s only beloved church.

Jesus is calling his bride to repentance. We will heed the call?

jeff pippenger’s false prophecy interpretations

The following is an exact copy of comments made over on my forum regarding Jeff Pippenger. Note that “webmaster” = myself.

Name: ep Date: Oct 3, 2006

listen to jeff pippenger sermons online at

Name: webmaster Date: Oct 4, 2006

I met Br. Jeff Pippenger in Holland and Germany. He has a few interesting discoveries in the prophecies leading up to 1844. Mostly tho, you can just read Uriah Smith’s book and get most of the same information.

When shown from Ellen White’s second vision that right after the sealing was completed the 7 Last Plagues were poured out, he said i was misapplying that. Sorry to say, it seems that when an inspired writing cuts across his theories, he doesn’t like it too much….

Name: mark Date: Nov 3, 2006

I don’t see any “sermons online” at this site.

Name: Anonymous Date: Oct 3, 2008

I know jeff pretty well, and he supports the biblical view that the 4 angels are going to hold the four winds of strife while probationary time is open for humanity. And that once the close of probation arrives, then and not before the seven plagues are poured out because the 4 angels do not hold the winds from this point on any longer. That´s number one.

And number two, it is also false what you say that Jeff is pretty much saying what Uriath Smith wrote in that book. I wonder why, if you don´t know, you speak as if you knew, and people may get a wrong idea about this good man. He is very logic, very inteligent, with a lot of common sense, and coutious about his conclusions. Jeff has been blessed by God with loads of new light, prophetic truths that concerns us in this present time. But at the same time he defends the forgotten prophetic truths in the Seventh-day adventism, the ones the pioneers held. And building upon that firm platform he advanced in new prophetic light. For example Daniel 11:40-45. The role of Islam in Bible prophecy with the Third woe, the seven churches, the seven thunders, the sealing time, revelation 17,18. Etc…. A lot of people are studying these truths, and are seeing a great blessing, this is the final message for adventism and the world.

Name: Anonymous 2 Date: April 24th

ITS interessting concerning EGW saying about the latter rain starting to fall that no one will say “I belong to Paul”, and “I belong to Kaifas” etc. The very people who endorse Pippenger clearly states we are depended on “his ideas” for salvation.
This doens’t fit with the quote I read.
When people are united the sprinkling will start, when people manifest the love of Christ. Not unified by fear but by love.

Name: Anonymous Date: April 24th

I agree.. when clear statements from egw doesn’t fit with the theory we are claimed to misread those quotes, but when they use unclear quotes to fit with the theory then they are reading them correctly. This isn’t fair.

Name: webmaster Date: April 25th

Anonymous of October 3, 2008 wrote: “And number two, it is also false what you say that Jeff is pretty much saying what Uriath Smith wrote in that book. I wonder why, if you don´t know, you speak as if you knew, and people may get a wrong idea about this good man.”

Sir, as i wrote in October 4, 2006 posting, i met the man in both Holland and Germany in summer 2006. I listened to several of his sermons. Basically he says the 7 trumpets are in the past. When i showed him the inspired word that the sealing of the 144,000 must be in the future, he got riled at me, and said i was taking it out of context. The problem is, IF the sealing of the 144,000 is future to where we are today, then the 5th trumpet CANNOT HAVE POSSIBLY SOUNDED YET.

My blood brother and i just spent over an hour studying Ezekiel 9 along with the Revelation 7, 8 and 9. It is clear that the trumpets happen AFTER the 144,000 are sealed in their foreheads.

Name: webmaster Date: May 7th

Anonymous of October 3 wrote “The role of Islam in Bible prophecy with the Third woe”. How can this be, when the first and second “woes” have not even occurred yet????

Stephen Dickie is promoting the idea that the Muslims were the first “woe” which cannot be right either. Why is it that us SDAs are trying to fit Islam into any of the “woes”?

Name: Sister in Christ Date: May 9th

Because Islam is a hot topic.

“And now, little children, abide in him, that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before him at his coming.” 1 John 2:28

abomination of desolation – future

Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

I’m really afraid that we Seventh-day Adventists have not been progressing at all in our understanding of prophecy. Yes, William Miller was led of God, but remember, he had to have everything finished by 1843! This too was of God, to get the people to turn to their Bibles and study deeply, like their lives depended on it – which it did. And i posit, that it does for us today too, yet just about all we hear and study, is that basically everything is already over except for the Sunday Law, Loud Cry, Time of Trouble, Close of Probation, Time of Jacob’s Trouble, and the Second Coming.

I humbly urge that we take our self-satisfied blinders off, and re-read the Bible for what it says.

In Daniel 12, is the Abomination of Desolation before or after the 1290 days? This is so obvious, why has most everyone overlooked this, or explained it away from its obvious meaning? Now the important dates in SDA prophetic history are usually said to be 457BC, 31AD, 34, 508, 538, 1798, and 1843(4). The only 1290 year period here is the one from 508 to 1798. But as far as i know, no one is teaching that the Abomination of Desolation was erected in 1798. It defies common sense. One other major setback for the theory that the AOD is in the past, is that after the AOD is set up, those who come to the 1335 are blessed – but the only 1335 according to these dates would be 508 – 1843. Now there is no BC/AD one year miss here, as both of these dates are AD. Who was “blessed” in 1843? Let’s be honest with ourselves – no one.

We have seen just from a very short look at Daniel, that the AOD must be in the future, but what about looking at Matthew 24? Isn’t Jesus talking about the end of the world? Almost every SDA i’ve ever talked to will agree that it is. Then please read Matthew 24 verse by verse. What happens? – many false Christs arise. Has that occurred yet? A little bit perhaps, but not “many”. Then, verse 14 says that the gospel shall be preached in all the world, and THEN shall the end come. Has that happened yet? Almost, but not yet. Then what is the next verse – 15? Beware this Abomination of Desolation! It did NOT happen in 1798. In fact, it has never happened.

I studied this with my Brother in Zurich last week, and he was amazed, and gave this text as another showing what is involved with the AOD:
2Thessalonians 2:3 Let no one deceive you* by any means, because [that Day will not come] unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of destruction [or, the one destined to be lost],
4 the one being in opposition [or, being hostile] and puffing himself up with pride over every [thing] being called god or [every] object of worship, with the result that he sits down in the sanctuary of God as God, displaying himself that he is God.

Who else can this be, except Satan himself? He will appear as god, and will deceive the whole world, except for the elect. The time he is allowed to work, looks to be 1,260 days. Doesn’t that fit in with the same time frame in Revelation 11 & 12? And isn’t the 3 1/2 years of Elijah’s ministry, and even Jesus’ period of working — doesn’t that have a direct bearing for the 144,000? How can these times be exactly the same, and then mentioned exactly again in Revelation, and we throw them away in the “historical fulfilment” trash heap?

I sure don’t have all the answers, but i’m getting more and more light by studying and reading the Bible for what it says. Isn’t it time we all put more energy into studying the prophecies, and coming together on the truths that will lead us thru the end times?

does God “execute” or not?

The following are all quotes from The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan, from the Destruction of Jerusalem, to the End of the Conflict (commonly known today as SOP volume 4)

In talking about the Jews:

Their sufferings are often represented as a punishment visited upon them by the direct decree of God.
God does not stand toward the sinner as an executioner of the sentence against transgression; but he leaves the rejecters of his mercy to themselves, to reap that which they have sown.
In the presence of the assembled inhabitants of earth and Heaven takes place the final coronation of the Son of God. And now, invested with supreme majesty and power, the King of kings pronounces sentence upon the rebels against his government, and executes justice upon those who have transgressed his law and oppressed his people.

This is one of the biggest contradictions i can find in material with Ellen White’s name on the cover, after her husband’s death in 1881. The only bigger one i can think of are the quotes that the words in the Bible are inspired, then the one quote in Selected Messages that they are not inspired.

Does anyone have any input on this contradiction?

Someone is not going to relish standing before God in the day of Judgment, as a work that has, and is, destroying many honest souls has been perpetrated by tampering with the words God had his messenger write.

adventists officially promote animism

The May 2009 Adventist World magazine came into my line of sight last week at church. What was this – a picture of a Japanese Shinto shrine’s torii gracing the cover? And on top of that, the place where the torii is located is at the only institution of higher learning operated by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists – Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies!!

Wikipedia says about the torii:

Torii gates mark the entrance to sacred space in Japan. A shrine may have many torii, and the first of the torii is called the ichi no torii, or “first torii”.[4] Torii that are found farther into the shrine represent increasing levels of holiness as one nears the inner sanctuary of the shrine.[4] Passing underneath a torii on the way to visit a shrine is, along with washing one’s hands and mouth with water, an act of sanctification and purification before approaching the kami to pray.

For this reason, people who are in a state of uncleanliness are not permitted to approach a Shinto shrine for prayer as their uncleanliness would defile the ground. Examples of uncleanliness in the Shinto tradition include a woman who is menstruating or anybody who has lost a relative in the past year. When a Japanese person suffers a death in the family, he or she will go to Buddhist temples instead of a Shinto shrine to offer prayers for one year, including for the essential first visit of the new year, Hatsumōde.

God, please may our leaders repent, for surely they know not what they are doing.

nature of christ

Recently a “conservative” Seventh-day Adventist stayed at the place i’m staying. In conversation, he mentioned that Christ had the exact same nature as you and i do, so we must do as he did and overcome all sin in this life. While i agree with the part about overcoming sin now, i disagree about Jesus having the exact same nature we do.

Is this significant, or semantics? Well, i do believe that it could have a great impact on your salvation, so i’ve made up a little study of the subject here.

With the true interpretation given by the Holy Spirit, let’s see what the nature of man and Christ is.

First, let’s define the general positions taken by us Adventists:
1. Jesus and us have the exact same nature.
2. Jesus had sinless nature, and we have sinful nature.

Position one is generally taken by “conservatives”, and position two by “liberals”. As i’ve mentioned elsewhere on this blog, liberals have no foundation, so i identify much more strongly with the “conservatives”, but with differences of opinion on around 4 subjects, including this one.

Let’s look at postion one. There are two possibilities for this to be true – either both had perfect natures, or both sinful natures. Now i’ve heard “conservatives” who have supported both of these possibilities. The possibility supported by my Brother i met last weekend was that “no one is born sinful, as that is the Catholic doctrine of Original Sin.” Others who support the second possibility say that Christ is just like you and me in every detail.

For the first possibility to be true, it would mean two things: 1. If you are not born sinful, then it is within the realm of possibility for anyone who keeps the law perfectly to go to heaven without needing Jesus Christ as their Saviour. This is impossible.

For the second possibility to be true, it would mean nearly the same thing, but from the opposite point of view, that Jesus himself would have needed a Saviour.

So we see even before we show the inspired quotes, that the “conservative” SDA view of the nature of Christ is very flawed. Both possibilities of this view boil down to the idea that it is possible to get to heaven by works.

The “liberal” viewpoint on this issue is much more correct, but even with the correct premise, they come to a false conclusion. Yes, Jesus came as a perfectly-untainted-by-sin human. He took on himself the results of around 4,000 years of physical degeneration, but did not come with a heart with a bent to sin like we do. This is why it can be truly said that he is the “second Adam”. He sure wasn’t close to Adam physically, so for this inspired phrase to have any meaning at all, it must mean morally. And this is what the inspired word attests of.

But this view doesn’t mean that Jesus was “super”, so he could live a sinless life, but we can’t. This conclusion is taught by many in the church who say that “we will be sinning until Jesus comes in the clouds”. No, no. We can, and must overcome sin right here and right now, in the same way that Jesus overcame – by complete submission to the will of his Father.

We all know that Jesus’ birth was miraculous. But in contemplating it, it shows that he was not exactly like us humans today, in that his physical father was heavenly. He was made in the likeness of mankind tho, so the Creator did become like the created.

Luke 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Heb 2:14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
16 For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.

bryan gallant believes the christian God and the muslim god is the same

I’ve had contact with Brother Gallant a couple of times over about a 3 year span, and thot he was honestly trying to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Muslims. Today tho, i read an article by him that explodes that idea, and shows his feet are firmly planted on the “Christian God and Muslim god are the same” sinking sand platform.

The short article is here:

Near the beginning of this article is the most powerful statement that this is gross error from Satan: “Muslims worship the Creator God. This would be the same Creator God referenced in the Bible as the God of the Jews and Christians.” There is one more egregious error: “Based on this simple answer the first step in building a bridge is to recognize Muslims as fellow people of faith who are looking to the God of all grace and mercy to bring about ultimate peace in a world racked by sin and war”.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? But it is all wrong – horribly wrong. The Allah spoken of in the Qur’an says over and over “I have no son”. The God spoken of in the Bible says “This is my beloved son, hear him.” Allah likes to doom unbelievers to a place where they will suffer forever, where they “will neither die nor live”. God destroys unbelievers in the lake of fire, and then creates a new earth. Allah says not to make friends of the Christians, to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, to pay money to atone for your sins, to wash your body in a certain way etc. etc. etc.

If Allah is God, then please leave me out of that heaven where he says he will feed us fowl meat. Gross. I love chickens, not eat them.

For a comparison i made between the Qur’an and Bible, look here:

Why would any Seventh-day Adventist ever be confused about WHO God is? Please Bryan Gallant, please repent, and return to the Lord your God, and stop spreading lies that some hateful god who says to “Fight until all is for Allah” is the same as the God who sent his only Son to die for us.

Thank God we do have the pure word of truth, and that sin and sinners will one day be no more, and there will never again be anyone in all the universe who denies that Jesus is the Son of God.

stephen dickie “islam, god’s forgotten blessing” video review


I went to a seminar held by Jack McNeilus at Southern Adventist University on the last Sabbath of March. It was titled “Islam, God’s Forgotten Blessing”. There was a book of the same name being promoted there, authored by Stephen Dickie.

Now i’ve had contact with the Adventist/Muslim Relations director – Jerald Whitehose, and know that he is not promoting Christianity. So i was intrigued that perhaps this would be a Biblically-based approach to Muslim evangelism. But i was destined to be disappointed again.

The main point of the meeting i attended, was that the Muslims fit into God’s plan in the 7 trumpets of Revelation. That point was brought out by a nicely-done chart. While there were no overtly false things said, there were a few subtle things that made me wonder, but i kept my peace until the end of the seminar. When it was down to just 4 of us left, and i had heard quite a bit, i was mostly satisfied that this man was trying his honest best, in the fear of God, to promote the truth to the Muslims. The last of my 2 or 3 questions/statements, was something like: “AMR people are trying to make SDA Muslims, but you seem to be trying to make SDA Christians”. His reply was along the lines of “There is no saving value in any name”. I left, mostly dumbfounded that he had so misinterpreted my statement, to make it mean something so common and worldly, rather than taken in a spiritual sense. But wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt, i wrote it off, and told the people around me that this group was trying to do something far better than what the AMR people are currently doing. (oh yes, he said the AMR leaders are going to be shunted elsewhere soon).

I followed up my interest by looking for info on Stephen Dickie, and found several of his videos on Better Life tv. Islam, God’s Forgotten Blessing is here:

While mostly sounding good, there were the little, almost passed-by type of comments that really worried me, so i sent Brother Dickie a email. Below is our exchange.

Subject: questions about presentation on betterlife tv
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 08:25:20 +0900

Hello Brother Stephen Dickie,
Last week i attended one meeting of a 3-part seminar given by Jack McNeilus at Southern Adventist University, Tennessee. He promoted your book, and as i am very interested in spreading the gospel to Muslims, i have been looking for more information on the internet about what you are teaching in that book.

While i have not been able to find the contents of the book on the internet, i was able to find a video presentation you gave on Better Life tv. I have some questions about comments you made on that video, but first, some background on myself —

I have read the Qur’an, and in comparing it to the Bible, saw that it is clearly a book inspired from Satan. I made some web pages showing some of the more egregious errors here:

Around 1 1/2 years ago i met Jerald Whitehouse at one of his seminars in Bangkok. He said some things that showed he is more a promoter of Islam than of Christianity.

So i am quite interested in how to reach Muslims, and your new method looked to possibly be the best tool today to do that, but in viewing this video, i am quite worried about your approach too.

Some concerns:
1. You said “Allah is the same god that you and i pray to.”
Actually, the Allah of the Qur’an is Satan, as you well know, so i’m trying to understand in what sense you mean this.
2. You said “Islam’s reformation is in front of them today”
But Islam never was a true religion. It was founded by Satan, so what good will a “reformation” do?
3. You said “The Qur’an teaches that when you die, you’re dead”.
Surely you have read the Qur’an, like in 20:74 where it says the people neither live nor die in hell???
4. You said “Mohammed was the star that fell”.
You are probably very close in this one, as Mohammed was one of the most effective agents of Satan ever.

These are large concerns, and i pray that you will answer them in an honest manner.
May the Holy Spirit work on the hearts of the Muslims today.

May we uplift Jesus always,
Daniel Winters
This is the reply i received from Brother Dickie:
Subject: RE: questions about presentation on betterlife tv
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 00:13:47 +0000

Mr. Winters:
Your reputation precedes your email letter. My book is not on the internet for a purpose, I have chosen not to put it on, as it would not sit well with the world of Islam as it is only a book for SDAs. I have other things for Islam. You can find my book at the Collegedale ABC or you can order it from our web site at .

It is interesting to see how you have already judge my work without reading it. Years ago I was told you were a very sharp person, but I would think you would at least read it first then bring your concerns or go public with your findings. I would read what I am saying first and not take what someone is saying I say.

May the Lord lead you and in your search.

Stephen Dickie
And my reply:
Brother Stephen Dickie,
The concerns i raised were your EXACT words taken from your video. I’m not taking what someone is saying you say. And i’m not quoting from or judging your book at all.

Do you stand by what i have quoted you on in the videos on Better Life tv?

Look to Jesus,
Daniel Winters
As of today, April 23rd, there has been no reply to this last email.

samuele bacchiocchi passes to the grave – rejoice!

Proverbs 11:10
When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth: and when the wicked perish, there is shouting.

Psalms 58:6-11 Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O LORD. (7) Let them melt away as waters which run continually: when he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows, let them be as cut in pieces. (8) As a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away: like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun. (9) Before your pots can feel the thorns, he shall take them away as with a whirlwind, both living, and in his wrath. (10) The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. (11) So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth.

I believe that Samuele Bacchiocchi was one of the 10 most effective agents for Satan to ever name the name “Seventh-day Adventist”. I base that on his disdain for the Word of God – claiming that parts of the Bible are inspired and parts are not. In fact, that is precisely why i have quoted Psalms chapter 58 above, because that was one place in our email exchanges where he said was “just David speaking his own words”. Well sir, you are now dead, yet the words live on. And they will live on forever, because they are God’s words.

How could anyone have hired you to teach theology in our premier SDA seminary is beyond me, but shows the terrible results of desiring to be like the world and laud the degrees the world lauds. May everyone desiring to get a Bible-based education avoid Andrews University, and as far as i know, all other SDA seminaries like the plague. May we repent as a people, and never hire unconsecrated teachers ever again.

God is love, Love is not God

This was the conclusion of a seminar last Sabbath at the Bangkok Chinese Adventist Church about “Unconditional Love”. Around a month ago, the pastor preached a sermon in which he mentioned this phrase, and one church member told him that was not Biblical. The pastor was quite interested in this, and invited two professors at the SDA seminary in Thailand (Mission College), to come and hold a seminar on this topic. He related how he had not believed in unconditional love when he first became a pastor, but after training at the SDA seminary in Singapore, he became a believer.

Both of the professors have doctorates, i think from Andrews University, the flagship seminary of Seventh-day Adventists. One of them was Dr. Kai, and the other Dr. Fanwar. My only prior exposure to these two men is that one time i listened in a Sabbath school to Dr. Kai’s good lesson, and one sermon at RAIS by Dr. Fanwar in which he said that “We have been told that David was a small boy when he fought Goliath, that he used a little sling, and that he won because of his faith in God. Nothing could be farther from the truth.” I asked him to repent when i left that meeting place.

The introduction by the pastor during church service in the morning was quite “pro unconditional love”, so i was expecting a multitude of words about how this doctrine is true and good, and the PhDs to add some scholarly remarks. Maybe i should say i was “hoping”.

Br. Kai led off with remarks that the SDA church has no official position on this matter. Then he mentioned that it is probably OK for each person to consider themselves as the most loved of God, but it can become a problem if we start to think we are more loved or favored of God than other people. All very well and good.

Br. Fanwar talked next about marrying and having a daughter. He unwittingly made the strongest remark i heard all day about how love is not unconditional. He mentioned how when he saw his newborn daughter, he knew that here was someone he loved so much he could give his life for, and also he would kill anyone who tried to kill her. It seemed to go completely over his head, and over most of the listeners’, that he had just given a strong statement that he doesn’t believe in unconditional love. Of course with his mouth he was quite adamant that he DOES believe in unconditional love.

Pastor Songrit, who called the seminar together, next got up and thanked them, asked for questions from the audience, and after one question, asked his own question, which was quite appropriate. He read Psalms 5:5-6 about how God hates the workers of iniquity. Wow. That is not dodging the issue at all. Br. Kai gave a comment mostly how some things in the Bible are hard to understand. Br. Fanwar gave a convoluted response, asserting that the translation was at fault, and that this text does not negate the idea of unconditional love.

I’m not sure if i was next to get up, or two later, but after one elder who asked a very strange question about how to tell if people really love their country or not, i got the courage to go up front. I agreed that God’s love is very big, and that the Bible talks much more about the love of God than his wrath, but i wanted to introduce some texts that show that God’s love is not unconditional. We read 2Chronicles 19:1,2, Hosea 9:15, John 14:21-23, and then i read a quote from 5RH 06-22-97 about Judas passing the barrier of God’s love. I thank the Lord that i was able to overcome the butterflies in my stomach, and give a straight testimony.

Br. Kai answered first, saying how he had once gone thru the Concordance and counted all the entries related to God’s wrath, and then those related to God’s love, and found that the “wrath” ones were around 100, and the “love” ones were around 80. Then he noticed that the “wrath” ones were usually against some specific object, and the “love” ones were universal in scope.

Br. Fanwar then got up and read something from the Testimonies to the Church, about how God’s love is like the air we breathe, abiding around us. “God’s wrath is his love as experienced by the lost.” What?! I thot God’s wrath was fire at the end time, and has been floods, hail, fire, stones, angels etc. in the past. He tried to make some connection between the air around us is unconditional so God’s love is too, and he can’t believe God would not do something good for the 97% of his fellow Asians who do not know him, etc. Totally unrelated. He closed with something about how God’s love is unconditional, but that doesn’t mean that he looks on the actions all the same. Of course this is to try and cover any questions about him believing that God will save everyone at last. But in this seminar, no one asked such a question.

The pastor ended the seminar with a nice statement about everyone learning things, and that perhaps more time could be devoted to this subject in the future. Then he said that he still believed in unconditional love.

Does it really matter what we believe? Is it really OK for some of God’s people to believe in unconditional love and some not to? I don’t think so. I see the ultimate end of believing this doctrine, and that is that all will at last be saved. Because how can God possibly burn anyone in the lake of fire, and keep other out of the lake of fire, if his love is actually unconditional? How can he love you or i or even his son Jesus any more than Satan himself, because, after all, “unconditional” naturally means that God would have to love everyone exactly equally.

What struck me most about this seminar, is the shallowness of the thinking of most of our church leaders and members. No one dug down to the meaning of the term, or the natural consequences of believing such a doctrine. And when strong texts were quoted showing that God’s love is not unconditional, they were mostly ignored, or assigned the status of “misunderstood”

May we study the inspired words to “show ourselves approved unto God.”

stock market “blessings” for sda church?

Recently the Seventh-day Adventist church of which i am a member, held its annual council. Yes, i know the church has invested in stocks, even in hamburger companies etc., things that make a total mockery of God, but here is fresh information that we must repent, from our GC president down, if we wish again to have the favor of God. Oh Lord, please don’t punish us according to our sins, or there would be none of us left.
“Our budgets are not built on the dollars we have,” Lemon noted, “but on the blessings we anticipate.” This means “we don’t know what effect the markets will have” on future income, he said.
A major portion of the Oct. 13 Annual Council discussion surrounded the world church’s operational funds equity investments. Some of these have taken a 30 to 40 percent “hit” in recent days, but they represent a very small portion of overall operating funds for the world church. Associate treasurer Roy Ryan said the purpose of most equity investments is to generate sufficient returns to compensate for inflation and to preserve purchasing power. Ryan said it is not prudent to attempt to “time the market.”

World church president Jan Paulsen agreed, saying the church “is as conservative as possible” with its investments.

what kind of land should God’s school or sanitarium be on?

Mothers should let little ones play in open air. Teach them from nature. Books may be used later. Let them also learn, even in their earliest years, to be useful.

The love of pleasure is one of the most dangerous, because it is one of the most subtle of the many temptations that assail the children and youth in the cities.

There is a refining, subduing influence in nature that should be taken into account in selecting the locality for a school.

While the Bible should hold the first place in the education of children and youth, the book of nature is next in importance.

The most effective way to teach the heathen who know not God, is through his works.

…cultivation of the soil is good work for children and youth. It brings them into direct contact with nature and nature’s God.

Never can the proper education be given to the youth…unless they are separated a wide distance from the cities.

The natural and the spiritual are to be combined in the studies of our schools.

Testomonies for the Church vlume 6:
This land is not to be occupied with buildings except to provide the facilities essential for the teachers and students of the school. This land about the school is to be reserved as the school farm. It is to become a living parable to the students. The students are not to regard the school land as a common thing, but are to look upon it as a lessonbook open before them which the Lord would have them study.
R&H 09-01-1904
A small building should be put up, in which the students can be taught how to care for one another in times of sickness.
Pacific Union Recorder 09-23-1909
It will be a great advantage to raise on our own school land a large part at least of the fruits, grains, and vegetables that will be necessary for those in the institution…..At Angwin’s there are great advantages for us healthwise. The place is elevated, but is not too high. I found that the air was bracing, and that I could breathe freely. There is an abundance of clear, pure water, sufficient for all purposes.
Talks and Sermons:
As soon as possible a printing press should be connected with our school, in order to educate in this line. Tent making also should be taken hold of. Buildings should be erected, and masonry should be learned. There are also many things which the lady students may be engaged in. There is cooking, dressmaking, and gardening to be done. Strawberries should be planted, plants and flowers cultivated. This the lady students may be called out of doors to do. Thus they may be educated to useful labor. Thoughtful, necessary work is essential for all to have to prepare them to be missionaries.
SPTB17B (about Loma Linda)
“There is danger of our becoming too narrow. These many little houses close together across the railroad do not look well. If we can get land, and have room, so as not to build any more in that way, it will be better.
10 OM
I have seen representations of several locations in high altitudes that should be secured for sanitarium purposes.
11 OM
All through the mountains there were little valleys where families might locate and have a few acres of land for a garden or orchard.
Madison was about 400 acres. Avondale was about 1,500 acres. Loma Linda was 76 acres, and later 87 acres then later 47 acres adjoining it were purchased. New England Sanitarium had 40 acres, but was in the middle of a state park of 3,500 acres. Paradise Valley Sanitarium had 20 acres. Huntsville (Oakwood College) had more than 300 acres. Sydney Sanitarium 70 acres. Pacific Union College 1,600 acres. San Fernando 10 acres. Berrien Springs (Andrews Univ.) 112 acres.

NOTE: It is often best to connect a school with sanitarium together, and to be away from the cities, but close enough to be able to evangelize there. The place should have a bit of a high elevation if possible, as that is good for health. Many of the properties purchased already had buildings, that with a little work, could be used for school buiildings or sanitarium buildings. Ellen White actually refused gifts of 100 nice, flat acres of land, saying that it was not suited for a school as there were no trees, and near a heavily travelled road.