pope and jan paulsen in common

Just found something on the net i didn’t know before. It makes me disgusted about my beloved SDA church…..
Leader of the Seventh-day Adventist church, Jan Paulsen, received some of his schooling at the same school the pope did! The University of Tubingen is also the school: “which initiated historical analysis of Biblical texts, an approach also generally referred to as the higher criticism”!

We must put a stop to this madness of getting our leaders from Satan’s schools!

Edited on Aug 26,2012 – the following link is dead:

do to others what you want them to do to you

This is a very nice Bible verse, and probably most of us smile inwardly and nod our heads when we read this passage from Jesus himself.  But what happens when something happens to really test if we will live it out in our lives or not?

Last Sabbath i went to the Bangkok SDA Chinese Church, getting there in record time of only 1:15.  The Southeast Asian Union ASI director was preaching there, and had asked me by email the day before to bring some English 1858 Great Controversy books.  Of course i was only too happy to oblige, and had a good time distributing the books to the people, and then listening to him give a sermon word-for-word covering the entire chapter 31 – Covetousness – wonderful!

My friend and i went back together, getting off our bus stop around 4:20, having spent almost 2 hours on the bus.  Arriving at my room, i went to my Acer notebook, and popped in The Miracle Maker CD, and watched that.  While getting the computer set up, i noticed that my shaver that i always leave on top of my little black personal-items travel bag was missing.  “Oh well, it probably just slipped down behind something” i thot, and spent the next hour and a half happily watching the claymation movie of Jesus’ life.

By now Sabbath is over, and i’m feeling hungry, especially since i don’t eat cooked food on the Sabbath anymore, and try to eat sparingly even of the simple food i do partake of.  So i put some split yellow mung beans in the water, and turn on the electric cooker.  Now i get serious about finding the shaver.  I look all around the black travel case – no luck.  I look elsewhere in my little room, thinking that maybe my brain was foggy in the morning, and i had left it somewhere else – no luck.  Something about the clothes in the box where my computer is wasn’t quite right, and hey! my notebook is always put in a black soft case and then inside a white plastic bag, but the plastic bag is on the bottom of the box now – what????!

My heart beats faster as i look at my suitcase.  It looks alright, in the same place.  My fingers slide down to the 3-number lock – my heart almost stops —– the numbers are set totally different than the way i leave them!!!  In a flash i open the suitcase, and look at the pockets where i keep all my money that i’ve earned since coming to Thailand in August – GONE!  I feel weak.  Oh no!  First thing i do is pray, then call my friend.  She and her husband come over pretty quickly, and advise me to fill out a police report.  There is a lot of advice given, like how i shouldn’t have kept so much money in my room, how i should have put an extra lock on my door, how i should have…..  Of course my own head presents me with lots of “what ifs?”, but the most important thing at the moment is to try and recover the stolen money.

audio for 1858 great controversy working!

The old version was read by me in my room in Japan, and recorded on a cassette, then done over to computer format, so was not very clear.  Last year, while in Pune India, a man who works at our SDA Western Indian Union for VOP or some other audio ministry found out that i wanted to re-record this book, so invited me to his home where i stayed for 2 days recording this book.  It took him about one year to edit it and send it on a CD, and about 4 months for me to see the need of getting it up on the internet – but today it is done!

Please check it out at: http://earlysda.com/index.html

The book is broken out into 4 downloads, with a total file size of around 71mb, so you will probably need a fast connection to get it all.  If anyone cannot download it, please contact me here by leaving a comment, and if necessary, i will be happy to mail it to you on a CD.

The same man also mixed my recording with a music background, and i plan to get that version ready for the internet soon 🙂  May God bless the man in India who helped so much to get this ready, and may he bless all the listeners too.

what has an idol done for you today?

In Values class today we reviewed the Mid-term exam.  We spent a little time with the last section, as that dealt with idols.  I drove home the point in several different ways that an idol cannot help you at all – it can’t speak, it can’t move, it’s just a rock or whatever somebody made it to be.  The kids got into too, making statements showing they fully understand that an idol is not going to get up and help you.  One girl, when i asked what an idol was going to do to help you if you have trouble, made the cross-legged position, closed her eyes, and put her fingers in the classic pose of this idol that is seen so often in Thailand, usually golden in color, sitting imposingly in or around a Buddhist temple.  I couldn’t help but laugh, and praised God inwardly that they fully understand that this rock isn’t going to, isn’t able to, cannot possibly, do anything at all, and will certainly not help you!

Then one student mentioned something, and 3 others (his brother was one) chimed in “yes, yes”.  “My mom said that there are good idols, and there are bad idols”.  Well, i was surprised, but quickly responded: “Even the GOOD one, what can it do to help you?  Can it get up and scare off a bad person who wants to hit you?  Can it give you food?  What CAN it do for you?”  They practically shouted out “NOTHING!!”  Praise God, praise God!!  I’m so happy i came here, and so happy that there are at least 7 young kids in Bangkok who have heard, and said it themselves, that idols cannot do anything at all 🙂

adventist/muslim relations

Yesterday i went to an Adventist/Muslim Relations seminar held in the Thailand SDA Mission compound. The two speakers were Rick McEdwards, and Jerald Whitehouse. Rick McEdwards is the Global Mission leader for the Southern-Asia Pacific Division, while Jerald Whitehouse is the leader of the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference organization called Global Center for Adventist-Muslim Relations.

Both of these men were very nice, spoke in a friendly manner, and seemed knowledgeable about their subject. With about 5% of the population in Thailand being Muslim, it is important to know how to reach them, to tell them about Jesus Christ. And while some good things were taught, the main idea was definitely not.

Brother Rick gave his talk first, and he mentioned that “We are ambassadors. I don’t call someone to be a citizen of my country. If someone wants to become a citizen of my country, i must help them.” hmmmm This sounds quite foreign to what the disciples did of preaching about Jesus, and baptizing in Jesus’ name, and resolving not to do anything except uplift Jesus….

He continued with “Why develop relationships with Muslims?”
1. Build relationships of mutual understanding
A. To clear misunderstandings listen and study
B. Develop relationship of trust
C. Takes sincere dialogue and discussion
2. Socialize with people of other cultures
3. Encourage each other to submit lives to God
Be united against secularism
4. Create communities of peace between religions
5. To build up God’s kingdom

While all these are admirable, except perhaps the study the other’s religion part, there is one glaring omission.  Can you see it?  Let’s continue with what the main speaker had to say.

 Jerald Whitehouse said:

“All humans carry breath of God in them, so i should respect them.”

Then he quoted 2Tim. 2:23, 2Cor 5:17-18, Sura 29:46, and Sura 16:25.  Here’s where anyone with an open heart should have started questioning what was going on – he was placing the Qur’an on the same level as the Bible.  In fact, he made a point of telling us how much he respects the Qur’an, and showed us how he opens it carefully and lays it down carefully.  Sura 29:46 says something about not arguing with the people of the Book (meaning not to argue with Christians or Jews), and 16:25 says something about “we worship the same God you do” (meaning their Allah is the same as the Christian “God”.)  This is definitely a red-flag statement.  He then went on to say, speaking like he was a Muslim, and saying softly out to the 40-45 in attendance – “We worship the same God you do”.  I shook my head sideways.

and then there was one

I started teaching in August with grade 3 and 4 students together – around 8 in all.  Then a new teacher was hired, and i got the 4 fourth graders only.  One left a month ago, one 2 weeks ago, and now…….i’m down to just one.  Why?  

Well, i started teaching at this school in August, and last Friday our administrator officially announced that the school needs more capital to continue.  I believe he did the right thing by telling all the parents and employees earlier than he is required to by law, as that is the Christian thing to do – to do unto others as you want them to do to you.

 What will happen to me?  I don’t know, but strangely enough, everything is moving pretty much according to what i had hoped for when first coming to this school, just that i did not know the format it would take – this school was not founded according to God’s will, in the country, starting small etc.  It is in a big city, with a huge building.  So no matter how further you purge the dross out, and make the school come closer to the ideal, it still has these two strikes against it.  But i believe that all this happening will somehow be to God’s glory, and that perhaps he has other plans that we don’t see yet (of course he does!)

God’s will

I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently.  Yesterday i was feeling wretched, because of the partially uncooked garlic-type greens i had eaten on Tuesday, so stayed home.  While waiting for all the poison to get back up and out of my system, i had a chance to pray a lot.  I prayed mostly for the leaders of the school where i work.  They want to know exactly the will of God for them and this school, and wish to follow that will.  It is great working with people who put the will of God first and foremost in their lives 🙂

Bangkok is a much cooler 20C or so at nite, and 31C or so in the daytime – perfect!  If it weren’t for the noise and smells that assault most of the senses, this might be nice….well, no, i know we are supposed to get out of the cities, and if things go well, hopefully all of us following God’s will, will be able to get out of the cities soon.

beautiful trip spreading 1858gc

From October 20-26 i went up to Chiang Mai, about 700km north of Bangkok, and held some meetings with our brethren and sisters there.  The Thai translator of the 1858 Great Controversy book and her daughter went with me, and after 3 meetings in a lovely small church in the hills near Phrao, they returned to Bangkok, and i went over to Chiang Mai where i stayed 2 more days holding meetings.  It was great to see many people studying the inspired words with a pen and marker, digging deep into the words.  There was a spirit of fanaticsm at one place, but the pastor there humbly accepted it when told of the problem.

Only 9 chapters are translated now, but i hope the translator was inspired to get the whole thing finished next year.

There are pics and a video of the trip, look at the bar on the left of this page 🙂

visa, xeroxing

Got my “non business” visa yesterday.  That lets me stay here for 90 days, but they said i can extend it to one year – good!

 The new health book i’ve been compiling has been on my mind, but off my fingers, ever since i came here from Malaysia.  There i worked on it a lot, and got it just about where i want it, but want others to take a look at it.  I haven’t printed it up, but yesterday a Fuji-Xerox team came to the school and put a gigantic demo model in and told us to do whatever we want with it for 7 days.


With the one-week 1858gc/Bible study in Chiang Mai coming up next week, this is really looking like a God-send 🙂


Yesterday my friend and i went to a small “evangelistic center” in the Thornburi section of Bangkok.  It took us about 2 hours of city bus travel to get there.  This is a Seventh-day Adventist run center, where they are supporting a family from Africa to open up new work and press forward the gospel in this neglected part of “old” Bangkok.

Mostly they teach English and other subjects, and slowly build up contacts and confidence among the people in the community.  Yesterday almost 30 people were there, and it was very nice to see these precious souls who have decided to follow Jesus in this land of Buddhist false-gods.  I think the most encouraged by the visit was the man who is the running the church himself.  In his sermon about Lot leaving Sodom, several times he had my friend and i come up to the front where he said we were like the 2 angels who came to Lot’s place 🙂

He played loud “Christian Country Music” from the VOP singers during lunchtime which was most unfortunate, but i pray the assembled people will want to learn more and more of Christ and spread the word to others.

After that i went to the Bangkok Chinese SDA church.  I met the Union Publishing Director while he was walking out.  He commented again about how he keeps running into me all over the place – ha!  I got my Sabbath clothes that i had left with the pastor when i went to Laos over 1 month ago, and then waited to see if that couple who so eagerly studied the 1858gc with me the previous week were interested in doing so again this week.  I saw the lady rehearsing a song on the stage, and what is that she is holding…..sure looks like a small black book with a golden 10 commandments on it.  Sure enough, when finished, she eagerly calls her husband over and the 3 of us cover chapter 4 in that precious book.  What a wonderful time!

Then i got on the bus, and after sunset, got off at Foodland.  It was my first time to this supermarket.  It is a “high-class” supermarket, with lots of imported items.  I was surprised to see that some of the things were cheaper than at BigC where i usually shop.  It felt a little luxurious/shameful to walk out of the store with only 2 bags and having spent 19usd.  But the kilo of German muesli, fresh-made cream cheese, olives, sda-made pnut butter, whole-wheat bread, japanese sweet potatoes and seaweed, tamarind paste, green peas, tomato soup, and especially the young coconut jelly (yummm!) will last a while i believe.

Tomorrow i have to go to the immigration office again to get my one-year teaching visa.  Then next week i plan to go up to Chiang Mai where i’ve been invited to speak to an assembled group of Thai-Hmong believers.  Lord willing, i plan to talk about the 1260, 1290, and 1335 days – of course all being in the future.

did God say “don’t touch” to Eve?

Post edited June 19, 2008 

Regarding God telling Adam and Eve to not touch the forbidden fruit:
ti: Spiritual Gifts. Volume 3
pr: 2
pg: 35
In the midst of the garden, near the tree of life, stood the tree
of knowledge of good and evil. Of this tree the Lord commanded our
first parents not to eat, neither to touch it, lest they die. He told
them that they might freely eat of all the trees in the garden except
one; but if they ate of that tree they should surely die.
ti: The Spirit of Prophecy Volume One
ct: The Temptation and Fall
pg: 27
In the midst of the garden, near the tree of life, stood the tree
of knowledge of good and evil. This tree was especially designed of God
to be the pledge of their obedience, faith and love to him. Of this
tree the Lord commanded our first parents not to eat, neither to touch
it, lest they die
. He told them that they might freely eat of all the
trees in the garden except one; but if they ate of that tree they
should surely die.

pt: Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald
dt: 02-24-1874
at: Redemption, No. 1
Eve had overstated the words of God’s command. He had said to Adam
and Eve, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt
not eat of it; for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely
die.” In Eve’s controversy with the serpent, she added the clause,
“Neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die
.” Here the subtlety of the
serpent was seen. This statement of Eve gave him advantage, and he
plucked the fruit, and placed it in her hand, and used her own words,
“He hath said, ‘If ye touch it, ye shall die.’ You see no harm comes to
you from touching the fruit, neither will you receive any harm by
eating it.”

So yes, the Lord DID tell them not to even touch the forbidden fruit.  Eve did not tell a lie or even overstate by telling the serpent that they were not supposed to touch the fruit.  She was just repeating what the Lord had told her.

How can this be when the Bible only mentions about God’s command not to eat of the fruit?  God did not have the Bible writers say anything about touching the fruit, but in giving an expanded view to Ellen White, God chose to tell her about this fact.  The Bible does not directly say either that the Sabbath issue will be the great issue in the last days, but that information WAS given to Ellen White.  It doesn’t contradict the Bible at all, just gives added information so that those who live in the last days can prepare better to withstand Satan’s temptations.

I have studied quite a bit of material with Ellen White’s name on it, and the ONLY instance i have ever seen of any contradiction in that material before 1881 is this question about whether God said to not touch the forbidden fruit or not.  After her husband died in 1881 tho, and the chief editor changed, there can be found many contradictions.  Just as in the case of the Bible, i believe that with material with Ellen White’s name on it, the closer we go back to the originals – the better.

pics uploaded!

It’s been a long hiatus, but finally some of my pics are back up on the internet – yea!

Went to Safari World in Bangkok last Thursday with all the school students.  It was interesting to see the animal shows, but the large enclosure with the parakeets was probably the highlight.  Like most everything in this country, the facilities were not “world class”, but not terrible either.

Friday afternoon i was “teacher on duty”, so had to babysit the kids until they all go home.  It was great fun being the “horsey” until one 70kg 3rd grader fell on it at an angle — muscle being crused is a yucky feeling.

God is very good, and i’m getting along quite well in everything as far as i know.  Please keep praying for me.

completed translations/printings

Bengali: 2005 – 5,000 

Cebuano: 2005 – 5,000, 2007 – 3,000

English: 1996 – 5,000usa, 2001 – 50,000usa,  2005 – 3,000philippines, 2005 – 2,000malaysia, 2006 – 10,000india, 2007 – 3,000philippines

Georgian: 2007 – 2,000 

German: 2006 – 5,000

Hindi: 2005 – 10,000

Ilocano: 2007 – 3,000

Ilonggo: 2005 – 3,000

Japanese: 2001 – 5,000

Khmer: 2007 – 3,000

Korean: 2003 – 5,000

Malagasy: 2006 – 2,500

Malaysian: 2006 – 2,000

Nepali: 2003 – 5,000

Polish: 2001 – 500

Russian: 2003 – 3,000, 2005 – 10,000

Sinhala: 2005 – 5,000

Tagalog: 2006 – 10,000

Tamil: 2004 – 2,000

Ukrainian: 2005 – 40,000?

Vietnamese: 2005 – 1,000 (plans to reprint more before year end 2007)

1858gc translation/printing update

Armenian: The mission president said he would translate it when i met him 10 months ago, but no further contact… 

Assamese: Should be printing now 

Azeri: Last contact was around 3 months ago, the book was not quite half translated.

Burmese: Is nearly completed translated, and the translator has already lined up 2 proofreaders.  This was scheduled to be done by March, but better late and good than either never or fast and sloppy.

Chinese: Was told last month that an elderly lady in Singapore just finished translating it, but no files have been sent.  A younger lady in Malaysia has started translation.

English: Pastor in Malaysia wishes to print perhaps 2,000 copies using his own funds.

French: African lady in Bangkok has just started this translation.

Lao: Interest is there to translate after the Thai translation is finished.

Malay: Pastor in Malaysia wishes to print perhaps 2,000 copies using his own funds.

Punjabi: Has been translated and awaiting printing for several months.  Funds were sent to print, but the program used to type it in the computer is not compatible with the printer’s program, so it has to be retyped. 

Romanian: The husband of the Thai translator started out very quickly, and is up to chapter 5, but has slowed recently as he starts Thai lessons.

Tamil: Funds were sent a couple of months ago to print the recently retranslated version, and while the contents have been sent in PDF, still the cover art work has not, so i have not given the final go-ahead to print.

Thai: I see the translator every day.  She started out well, but has not done much in quite a while.  Translation is done up to chapter 8.

Tibetan: Should be printing now.