Mass shooting rates in America are lower than in many countries

Another Liberal canard has been bitten by the big, bad bug of hard data. We hear often on the news about how bad America is with guns, and if we would just give up our guns, the world would be a dreamy, peaceful place (I don’t have a gun myself). One of their scariest talking points, is all the mass shootings we have in America. Of course, even one murder from any source is terrible, but we don’t often hear the facts of the case, like that more people were killed by bare hands last year in America than by rifles.

Now a research paper by John R. Lott titled: “Comparing the Global Rate of Mass Public Shootings to the U.S.’s Rate and Comparing Their Changes Over Time” blows away the media myths regarding this subject, and shows that many other countries have higher rates of mass shootings than in America.

Here is the complete report available for download:
John Lott mass shootings research paper

Where should Adventists send our tithes?

“Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.” Malachi 3:8-11. This text has a direct connection to where Adventists should send tithes.

Personal study of where SDAs should send our tithes to

I have studied out where should Adventists send our tithes fairly deeply twice in my life. The result of my first investigation was that the Bible and Ellen White’s writings both agree that tithe is only for the physical support of the ministers of the truth – Levites in Israel’s time, and pastors/evangelists/Bible teachers in the Christian era.

But in my second investigation, several things were found that I had either not seen earlier, or had not considered deeply. There is one place in the Bible where the tithe can be used to have a big party (Deuteronomy 14:23-29)!!! The only way I can understand that currently, is that this is a special tithe, and not the 10% that God commands. Any insights into this would be very appreciated in the comments.

Probably around 95% of Ellen White’s writings regarding use of tithes are clear that they are to be used for the above named people, but there are a few instances where she says they can be used for printing truth-filled literature, helping support the upkeep of poor churches, paying pastor’s wives, and even one place, that is quoted at length below, where she talks about sending her own tithe, and others’, directly to poor ministers, and not to the SDA Church.

The Constitution founded on Christian principles made America greatest country

Everywhere in America today one hears that America is not a Christian nation. They say that the founding fathers were Deist or Agnostic or Atheist or anything but Christian. While it is true that some of the more prominent ones weren’t Christian in the traditional sense, over 90% of the founding fathers were either openly, avowedly Christian, or seemingly Christian, or had made statements in support of Christianity.

The Constitution of America did not just miraculously arise without any kind of articles of law being published in America before that time. Some of the prior documents that influenced the later Constitution in 1787 were the Mayflower Compact (1620) which showed that the Pilgrims had undertaken their voyage to the new world “for the glory of God, and the advancement of the Christian faith.”

The Constitution of Connecticut was penned in 1639, and a Christian minister – Rev. Thomas Hooker, was the driving force behind that document.

Basically all the colonies, and what later would become states, based their legal codes upon a Christian legal foundation. These all played important roles in the later writing of the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Second Continental Congress, who made the Declaration of Independence in 1776, did a very interesting thing – they formally sought for an American printer for the Holy Bible, and eventually found a willing printer who would print what would become to be known as the “Aitken Bible”.

Aitken’s Bible was completed by early September 1782. Congress passed the following resolution on September 12: “the United States in Congress assembled, highly approve the pious and laudable undertaking of Mr. Aitken, as subservient to the interests of religion … , and being satisfied from the above report, of his care and accuracy in the execution of the work, they recommend this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States.” This means that with a congressional endorsement, Aitken’s Bible was the first English-language Bible published in North America.

Over half of the signers of the Constitution had gone to seminary to receive Christian religious training. Charles Thomson was the long time Secretary of Congress in the early days, and an accomplished theologian. His translation of the Septuagint, the Greek New Testament in 1808, was the first translation of the New Testament directly from the Greek into English ever written. All previous English New Testaments were translated from the Latin.

The Northwest Ordinance, which was made by the Continental Congress in 1787, determined how the states would be admitted into the Union. The first article assured the freedom of worship, and the third article placed the government in the role of insuring a special place for “religion” in America: “Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.” Of course in those days, “religion” was synonymous with “Christianity”.

It is interesting too to note that the individual states had to ratify the Constitution in order to make it into binding law. 11 of the 13 states had state recognized churches, so the new federal government was not needed or wanted in taking over the states’ power in the religious realm.

Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson are usually triumphantly held up by Agnostics and Atheists as proof that the founding fathers were not Christian and did not intend to instill Christian principles into the U.S. Constitution. However, Franklin signed Pennsylvania’s Constitution in 1776 which said: “I do believe in one God, the creator and governor of the universe, the rewarder of the good and the punisher of the wicked. And I do acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine inspiration.”

Thomas Jefferson had an eclectic view, seemingly his own private religion. It can be fairly said that while he rejected all the miracles regarding Jesus, and many of the doctrines to be found in the Bible, he very much loved the teachings of Jesus that he considered “pure”, and even went so far as to try and promulgate those teachings. He wrote in 1821: “…Jesus, when, in short, we shall have unlearned every thing which has been taught since his day, and got back to the pure and simple doctrines he inculcated, we shall then be truly and worthily his disciples: and my opinion is that if nothing had ever been added to what flowed purely from his lips, the whole world would at this day have been Christian.” Some have said his views align somewhat with the Unitarian denomination.

Patrick Henry, in 1776, stated, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great Nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded freedom of worship here.”

Ellen White has written that America is the “greatest country on earth”, and makes it clear that it is because America introduced the ideals of the Bible into the country in a way superior to any other country.

May we repent as a nation for our many sins and turning away from our Creator – Jesus Christ, and may we stand up and tell others how great things God has done for us as a nation!

King David & King Saul compared to Trump & Biden election 2020

While this is admittedly not a perfect fit, and some liberties have been taken with the figures involved, there are some interesting similarities to explore. Also, when I refer to “King Saul”, I’m basically referring to the bad kings of Judah, while “King David” refers to the good kings.

King Saul started out humble, but got lifted up, was rash, couldn’t wait, and spoke foolish things. (1Samuel 13-14). He was told to utterly destroy the accursed enemy, but he saved the king. (1Samuel 15). Then he lied about following God’s command, when really he had broken it. He made God’s people scared (1Samuel 16). An evil spirit entered him (1Samuel 16). He himself was scared of the enemy (1Samuel 17). He tried to kill God’s people (1Samuel 18). Saul didn’t care much for his soldiers, and sent them to fight foreign peoples specifically so that they would die (1Samuel 18). He made a death decree to kill God’s people (1Samuel 19). He used a foreigner to slay the priests of the Lord (1Samuel 22). Saul went to see a spirit medium (1Samuel 28).

David got rid of the big enemy of Israel (1Samuel 17). He used unconventional means to obtain the victory, and ascribed the victory to God. David moved wisely, in the best interests of the people, so they loved him (1Samuel 18). He fought the foreign enemy bravely (1Samuel 18). He was under a death decree (1Samuel 19). To escape, he ran to be with the man of God – Samuel (1Samuel 19). David sought out the priest of God for help (1Samuel 21). He acted crazy to avoid being killed by the enemy (1Samuel 21). David did good and helped many people, but when he got angry, he could really fight (1Samuel 25). David helped a needy foreigner, and was very fair with his soldiers (1Samuel 30).

No doubt Saul was seen as “loving” and “inclusive” for not killing who God said to kill. He used doublespeak, and went back on his word, flip-flopping around. One minute he was all smiles, the next he was throwing javelins at you.

Later, Rehoboam’s young advisers would influence the king to take extreme positions, increasing taxes etc., causing the people to rebel. The evil kings often burned their own children to Moloch. They had open borders and brought in their foreign gods. They were life-long “politicians”.

David loved his soldiers, and treated them with respect. He worked to make Israel first. He loved the Lord. He would not deliver his children to be burned to Moloch, his counselors were wise. He adhered to God’s laws mostly, but made huge mistakes in having a trusted soldier murdered, committing adultery, and numbering his people. He saw his sins and repented from them. He never forgot his humble roots.
I hope this comparison has been helpful mostly to those who are not planning to vote at all. If you don’t vote, you are as guilty of the sins of the person who takes office, as if you actually voted for them. And if that person supports delivering up babies to Moloch, then you can look forward to the Day of Judgment where their little souls will rise up and condemn you for not doing what you could to save their lives.

May we do our God given duty, and help uplift the morals of society by voting for President of America in 2020.

Peace breaking out all over

Many people believed that President Trump would be a warmonger, starting wars here and there just to show how powerful he was. But the facts of the matter are, since he has taken office, exactly 0 wars have been started by him, and one or two have been ended.

Then a couple of weeks ago, there was big news that the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) had signed a big agreement with Israel, with Bahrain following just a week or so later. Saudi Arabia allowed Israeli airplanes to use its airspace for the first time, several countries including Guatemala and Chad announced plans to move their diplomatic missions/embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalm, and Kosovo signed an agreement to work towards peace with Serbia at the White House.

These are all very welcome news that in a normal world would be lauded loud and far, to see peace breaking out in the Middle East, but the Progressive media hates the president, so anything he does well is buried, and any barb that can be launched against him is tried, even when it is utterly false. (Yes, CNN tried to put down the peace agreements by saying that the signers weren’t “social distancing”!!!)

Fortunately, there are a few people recognizing the significance of these events, and have nominated President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. Here is what one such group from Australia has to say:

“He went ahaead and negotiated against all advice, but he did it with common sense. He negotiated directly with the Arab states concerned and Israel and brought them together,” Professor Flint said.

Professor Flint told Sky News host Alan Jones the Trump Doctrine is “something extraordinary” and is emblematic of the two things which guide the president.

“He has, firstly, common sense, and he is only guided by national interest … and therefore an interest in the western alliance” he said.

“What he has done with the Trump Doctrine is that he has decided he would no longer have America in endless wars, wars which achieve nothing but the killing of thousands of young Americans.

“So he’s reducing America’s tendency to get involved in any and every war.

“The states are lining up, Arab and Middle-Eastern, to join that network of peace which will dominate the Middle-East.

“He is really producing peace in the world in a way in a which none of his predecessors did, and he fully deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.”

Let’s pray for the president, that he and his family will stay safe, and that he will keep working to make peace and save lives.

Support declines for Black Lives Matter – Praise God!

This is good news! Even with a very biased question by the polling service, they found that support for the BLM protests has gone way down:

Forty-four percent of poll respondents said they disapprove of the protests, and only 39 percent approve of them. This marks a dramatic decline of support for the Black Lives Matter protests over the past three months. When the same question was asked by the same polling organization in June, 54 percent of poll respondents said they approved of the protests, while only 32 percent said they disapproved.

This represents a huge swing of 27 points against the Black Lives Matter protests, from a +22 point approval rating in June to a -5 point approval rating in September.

And in other good news, the BLM website has removed their “beliefs” section which showed clearly that they are a Marxist front, which wanted to “disrupt the western nuclear family”.

Perhaps my Seventh-day Adventist Church leaders will withdraw their support from this ungodly organization one day soon. 🙂

tallest building in Japan

Currently, the tallest building in Japan is Abeno Harukas in Osaka. It is 300 meters tall. I enjoyed watching it slowly going up and up and I walked past it nearly every Friday for a couple of years around 2013 or so. I even made a video about it:

Now today I read where: “Mitsubishi Estate has unveiled plans for the Tokyo Torch, a 390-meter (1,280-foot), 67-story skyscraper that will become the tallest office building in the country, and the second-tallest structure behind the 630-meter (2,080 ft) Tokyo Skytree.”

But that won’t be completed until 2027, so I still have a few more years left to amaze tourists, like the Hong Kong lady, who refused to believe me when I pointed to Harukas and said it was the tallest building in Japan. That might be because the little area of Hong Kong has 6 buildings that are taller!



すべて存在するものを創ったイエス・キリストの最初作はルシフアー、創られたものの中で極めの美で、完璧だった。 なぜ堕落して悪魔になったか? 神様はなぜ人間を創ったか? 神様には人間的な感情があるかな~? 人間の歴史の裏に何かが動いているような気がするけど・・・最終的にどうなるの? 今どうしたらいい?


「イエスとイエスの天使たちとサタンとサタンの天使たちとの間の大闘争」は聖書に次いで、世界で一番大事な本だと固く信じています。 より深く理解するために「スタディーガイド」を作成して、このリンクで全部読めるようにして、それに、各章の下にその章に関連する質問を付け加える事にした。


福音の解体新書 (ジャック・セクエイラ著。辻好文訳) の批評


部分的に見ればこの本は素晴らしい。 でも全体的に見れば、この本はサタンを喜ばすような本である。


違います。 これは真っ赤なウソです。
「彼らのすべての悪はギルガルにある。わたしはかしこで彼らを憎んだ。彼らのおこないの悪しきがゆえに、彼らをわが家から追いだし、重ねて愛することをしない。その君たちはみな、反逆者である。」ホセア 9:15。 「高ぶる者はあなたの目の前に立つことはできない。あなたはすべて悪を行う者を憎まれる。」詩篇 5:5。 過ちが人気であっても、神様の言葉が違う事を言うなら、どちらを信ずべきでしょうか。


神様の愛は素晴らしい。我々がそれを何かの行為で得られるんじゃなく、一方的に神様からまだ我々が離れてた時愛してくださった。 ハレルヤ! でも無条件ではない。 



The Return 2020 in Washington D.C.

Last week I heard about an even to be held in Washington D.C. called “The Return 2020”. It is in progress now up to the end of the year, but the main event will be on September 26, 2020. They are specifically targeting the time from the Feast of Trumpets up to the Day of Atonement. They are saying this is from September 18th to 28th, but actually they are off 2 days, as September 26 is the real Day of Atonement.

Looking at their main event calendar for that weekend: it looks like their focus in on repentance. That is wonderful! And that is so much more nice to see when one realizes that this is the part always missing from our SDA “Revival” programs. Yes! Repent!

But is this program really to lead to God, or…..? Explanation video here:

There is one other huge factor at play here. Progressives are planning a “Siege the White House” from September 17th to election day. Their plan is basically to make Trump hole up so he cannot move about freely. It is basically an open attempt at a coup. Some people are already starting to wonder if there will be fireworks between the Leftists and Rightists being such close proximity to each other. Really, I believe America is nearly at the point of Civil War, where such a spark could result in sweeping changes to how America is governed.

Or, could a charismatic leader arise who could make peace between both sides? Some SDAs are saying this is a good opportunity for Satan to make his appearance, but he hasn’t laid the groundwork well enough yet. First, his fallen angels will appear to people, and get them all stirred up to hate Sabbath-keepers. When things are at fever pitch, and most likely after God has already started his fireball judgments, Satan will make his appearance as an imitation Christ, and try to deceive the world.

In any case, yes, we need to pray for America and for its leaders to do the right thing, to repent and turn to God and follow his ways. It may be that God will have compassion, and hold off on his dregs of wrath for the land of light for a while longer. But as long as America kills its babies, and legalizes an abomination, and God’s people refuse to vote to stop those immoral acts, then the wine in the cup keeps getting closer and closer to the brim.

Under the Southern Cross – A Tale of the New World book review

Deborah Alcock spins a novel that is quite plausible, of a Spanish monk who somehow winds up in South America to become a somewhat unwilling priest to Indian and Negro slaves along with a few Spanish overseers working in an extremely remote mining town. He finds joy in taking care of a young Indian of royal blood, and the story is woven around their interactions.

The writing style is pedantic, but that can be forgiven when remembering that this book is 120 years old, as long as Noah preached! What cannot be so easily dismissed however, is when the scene cuts to England, and the story of the Spaniard basically becomes the story of the Englishman. Of course there is eventually a connection, but the whole first half of the book’s building on the young, royal, Child of the Sun is mostly wasted as the ending leaves the reader wondering why he was even brought into the story, if he was just to be an afterthought at the end.

This book also has the very unfortunate distinction of being what was probably in the vanguard of the currently wildly popular: “White man bad, native Indians good” narrative. To be more precise, everything regarding the Spanish is looked down on, and the native Indians along with the English are depicted as honest, upright, trustworthy people.

I’ve read somewhere on the net that this is a series with “Walter Grey”, so will look more to see if there is a sequel that does justice to the introduction of the royal Indian – Viracocha.

Anti-Trinity doctrine is false, and Trinity doctrine is false

Christ is God

The “Godhead” doctrine, however is true, as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each one, is called “God”.

The following is a letter I sent to the man who translated the Polish version of the 1858 Great Controversy. That was in 2002, and he was the first one to introduce me to the error of the “Anti-Trinity” doctrine. In my experience, everyone who believes this error not only says the Holy Spirit is not a separate person, but they all ultimately put down Jesus Christ to something less than “God”. I call on everyone to turn from this deadly error, and leave this worse than useless wrangling over exactly what the Holy Spirit is, alone, just as Ellen White has told us.
I appreciate your prayers on my behalf. Surely we must all press together and show love for each other on the platform of truth.

It seems like the concept of what “Trinity” means is not very clear. Was my drawing understandable? I tried to show that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are all God, with the Father superior to the other two. Each member of the Godhead is a separate entity, separate person/being, but each one is also God. The position of the Trinity that teaches that each member of the Godhead is exactly like the other, one and the same, is erroneous, and as our Adventist forefathers did – should be rejected. I personally know of no one who teaches this view of the Trinity now, altho this view was popular 200 years ago. If this is the view you are concerned about, you are right in opposing it. But the view of the Trinity that shows each of the 3 beings as being separate, yet each one being God, is truth, and is one of the pillars of the Christian’s platform of truth. No, it’s not a pillar that is peculiar to Adventists, but it is a pillar nonetheless.

We must be humble, and keep this advice in mind when studying this subject, 1PH Testimonies and Experiences Connected with the Loma Linda Sanitarium: “Those who seek to define God are on forbidden ground. We are to enter into no controversy regarding God,–what He is and what He is not. He, the Omniscient One, is above discussion. Those who express such sentiments regarding Him show that they are departing from the faith.”

God is above us. We will ever be learning all thru eternity, and still never realizing 100% of what God is. So any discussion we have on this is by it’s very nature – limited. We see thru a glass darkly.

That the three eternal beings are not all equal is evident as Christ calls his Father greater than himself (John 14:28). Also, since the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, is sent by the Father and by Jesus (John 14:26, 15:26), it stands to reason that the Holy Ghost is subject to them since the sender is greater than the sent.

Many, many places in the Old Testament when it uses the term ‘Lord’, or ‘God’, it is referring to Jesus Christ. When we read of the Lord leading the children of Israel etc., we must remember that it was the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ who led them. Thus, when it mentions ‘Lord’, it is referring to the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ.

2RH 1881-9-27: “It was Christ who spoke the law from Sinai. It was Christ who gave the law to Moses, engraven on tables of stone. It was his Father’s law; and Christ says, “I and my Father are one.” 2RH 1881-03-01: “The Father and the Son spoke to Moses from the rocks.”

Ellen White’s prophecy of “blasphemy to speak against spiritualism” soon to be fulfilled by BLM?

I got quite electrifying news last week that Black Lives Matter is based on spiritualistic, African “voodoo” ancestor worship.
It sounds crazy, but here is what went down at a BLM event in LA in 2015:

“Participants arrived dressed in white, in keeping with traditional Ifá ceremonies. Ifá is a faith and divination system that originated in West Africa and involves rituals of chanting, dancing, calling on deities, magic, ancestor worship and traditional medicine like reiki and acupuncture.
At the ceremony, participants joined hands and a preacher facilitated the ritual, conjuring Ford’s spirit and transferring it to the crowd.

BLM and affiliated groups like Dignity and Power Now have been working together to blend a variety of spiritual practices, including Ifá rituals and other traditional African practices, with the idea of “transformative justice” with origins in Quaker and Native American groups. …..

Thomas aims to integrate elements of African spirituality like pouring libations and invoking the presence of deceased relatives into Black Christianity. ”

If you don’t know why it electrified me, it’s because while I’ve already seen that this movement has the power to sweep everything in front of it, I did not know it had the possibility of fulfilling one of the greatest prophecies of the 1858 Great Controversy book by Ellen White, about how evil angels will appear as dead people who went to heaven and came back to tell us things, and how Ellen White writes in other places how it will be seen as “blasphemy” to speak against this almost overpowering delusion of Satan. Even without the visible manifestation of Satan’s angels now, many people are losing jobs and more for speaking out against this madness. The section of the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. that has to do with African-American history, came out with a very strange thing this week, saying being on time, working hard, having a normal family, following the scientific method etc. basically were all related to “white privilege”! Of course they always have to put their dig in against Jesus Christ too, as He is their number one enemy.

“I saw that soon it would be considered blasphemy to speak against
the rapping, and that it would spread more and more, and Satan’s power
would increase, and some of his devoted followers would have power to
work miracles, and even to bring down fire from heaven in the sight of
men. I was shown that these modern magicians would yet account for all
the miracles wrought by our Lord Jesus Christ by the rapping and
mesmerism, and many would believe that all the mighty works of the Son
of God, when he was on the earth, were accomplished by this same power.
I was pointed back to the time of Moses, and saw the signs and wonders
which God wrought through him before Pharaoh, most of which were
imitated by the magicians of Egypt; and that just before the final
deliverance of the saints God would work powerfully for his people, and
these modern magicians would be permitted to imitate the work of God.”
A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White 1851.

Get ready, get ready, get ready!
Especially Seventh-day Adventists who already know these things – get ready!
Keep your eyes focused on Jesus.

Black Lives Matter affiliated group leader Jessica Byrd says movement is a “rebellion”

Black activists will hold a virtual political convention on August 28, 2020. The convention will be organized by the Electoral Justice Project of the Movement for Black Lives, a collection of more than 150 organizations.

They plan for the convention to make a “black liberation agenda” according to Jessica Byrd, director of the Electoral Justice Project. They plan to make a platform and demand the next administration in the White House to implement them in the first 100 days.

“What we have the opportunity to do now, as this 50-state rebellion has provided the conditions for change, is to say, ‘You need to take action right this minute,’” Byrd said.

Well, there you have it. They admit to be doing the same thing as the instigator of all rebellion.

People, repent!, wake up!, turn away from sin and turn towards Jesus!

“Seventh-day Adventist pioneers and their protest against systemic racism” by Kevin Burton is rank error

This is a rebuttal of Kevin Burton’s article in the Adventist Review, which claims that basically everything the early SDA pioneers stood for, was intertwined with a stance against American “systemic racism”.

The original article can be found here: systemic-racism

Kevin Burton is a Ph.D. Candidate (Florida State University), who teaches in the History and Political Studies Department at Southern Adventist University and is writing his doctoral dissertation on Millerite and Seventh-day Adventist involvement in the abolition movement.

So it should be obvious that he is trying to tie the core of SDA beliefs to his specialty. And it is no wonder that right now his thoughts on the matter of race in the SDA Church are in high demand.

It appears that he is very well read in early Adventist history, as may be imagined. And while he doesn’t appear to be quite as far removed from true SDA belief like George Knight is, he seems to have some similar biases, as he has reviewed a book titled “Adventist Maverick: Celebrating the work of George R. Knight” in which he writes: “Eve sinned before eating the forbidden fruit” and says of this book about Knight that one: “can now drink in the wisdom of Adventism’s most influential author within the last 35 years”.

After George Knight had disparaged Bible writers by calling them “goat herders” at a meeting of his I attended at Southern Adventist University in 2010, I told him directly that all the words in the Bible were from God. He laughed at me. With “wisdom” like that, you can get a pretty good idea whose side Kevin Burton is on.

Anyway, regarding his most recent article in the Adventist Review. He makes quite a bold statement in the first paragraph: “The second advent movement was inseparable from the abolitionist call for the immediate and total destruction of slavery and the demand for equal rights for the oppressed.” Well, it’s odd that no one had that idea until over 160 years after it happened! It is true that many of the early pioneers were abolitionists, but they were first and foremost Seventh-day Adventists who grew out of the Millerite Movement of 1844.

“they made protest against racial injustice inseparable from their Adventist faith.” No they didn’t. This is revisionist history. Mr. Burton seems to have forgotten that not all Adventists were Americans, and that this is not true even of all American Adventists. Some, like Joseph Bates, did so. Many did not. Some Adventists were even Southern sympathizers.

“Adventists were inspired by their Christian faith to fight against systemic racism in America.” Now this term “systemic racism” was not even used back in the 19th century. It has a very specific construct in 2020, as it means police brutality against blacks. Never, ever did “racism” mean that among the Adventists of 160 years ago. Some black Adventists were NOT involved in “black protest”. Painting broad brushstrokes is, in fact, being racist himself.

He speaks favorably of the Bates’ family working against the law prohibiting interracial marriage in Massachusetts, but fails to mention the times that Ellen White, inspired, wrote that “there should be no intermarriage between the white and the colored race.” –Manuscript 7, 1896.

Then Mr. Burton gets in earnest about trying to twist the facts to support his political views: “in the 1850s and 1860s, Sabbath-keeping Adventists petitioned against more issues, like the death penalty (believing that both slavery and capital punishment “represented systems of brutality that coerced individuals””. Well, it’s very possible that a few did write against the death penalty, but, as in the example above of interracial marriages, that certainly was not God’s position! God mandated the death penalty, and to attempt to make us SDA believe in 2020 that our spiritual Adventist forefathers were against what God instituted, is reprehensible.

“The second angel warned that Babylon was fallen, and Millerites came out of the Protestant churches (Babylon) because those churches supported slavery. Ellen White specified that any Seventh-day Adventist holding pro-slavery sympathies must be immediately disfellowshipped.” Now he is just making up history as he goes along. This is completely in error. I’ve read plenty of Ellen White material, and unless he has access to some secret vault articles that the public has no access to, he is not being truthful here. Tellingly, he has not given a reference for this bald- faced untruth. Ellen White makes it clear that the Adventists left the fallen churches because those churches rejected William Miller’s message, showing to all that they weren’t interested in seeing Jesus come back at all. That’s why the Millerites left the fallen churches.
*Reference Advent Movement Illustrated

“Finally, Seventh-day Adventists connected the third angel’s message against worshipping the beast with the antislavery cause. Revelation 13:1-18 reveals that the two-horned beast enforces idolatry, and Adventists identified America as this beast because it professed to uphold religious and civil liberty (the two horns) but, in reality, denied those privileges to religious and racial minorities.6” I have checked out his Ellen White references supposedly supporting this statement. They do nothing of the kind. Check Testimonies Vol. 1 p. 259, 358, & 360. His other reference is to a sermon by Charles Fitch, who died just before October 22, 1844, so never could have even known what the Third Angel’s Message was, as no one understood it until AFTER October 22, 1844.

“By incorporating antislavery arguments into their presentation of the three angels’ messages, Seventh-day Adventists made a protest against systemic racism an important part of their fundamental beliefs. They challenged their spiritual descendants to carry on this faith.” Since we’ve already debunked his claim regarding this earlier, there is no need to do it again. He is just reiterating his falsehood in order to make it stay in your brain, make you feel guilty, and to make you leave the firm platform of truth that God has founded for His renmant church.

Of course we should be against racism. At the same time, we shouldn’t jump on the media’s bandwagon just because this is a hot topic now.

Why do I feel deja-vu all over again, just like what happened after 9/11, and our Adventist “scholars” and “leaders” fell all over themselves trying to make us feel bad for having supposedly anti-Islamic views? When are we SDAs going to wake up, and throw off the chains of Sadducees and Pharisees who are working together to destroy Jesus in the person of his saints?

Let’s be good Bereans, and follow our perfect example, the one altogether pure and lovely – Jesus Christ.