Day: August 15, 2018

kale and other greens help prevent colon cancer

This should be quite obvious, but some researchers found out that eating things like kale, cabbage, and broccoli helped prevent colon cancer in mice.
greens against cancer!

What the article didn’t state, is whether it is to be eaten fresh or cooked. Personally, I’m convinced the best benefits are from the raw plant, as the enzymes are not killed off in the cooking process.

That reminds me that two evenings ago in Yonago, I was at the “dine-in” section of a supermarket. I had bought some kale, and in between eating my rice balls, potato rings, and tomatoes, I would take up a leaf and munch on it. The mother of the family of 4 sitting just inches away told her family that it was odd to eat it that way, but that different people have different likes and dislikes. I didn’t let them catch on that I could understand them, as they would’ve been embarrassed, but I thot it was noteworthy that they considered it “unusual”.

Let’s all eat our greens with pride, and gross out all those dead animal eaters – ha!

530 million people watch one online show!

I’m still trying to wrap my head around that number. That represents 40% of everyone alive in China, and about 1 in 15 humans living on the planet now. All to watch some fiction show about ancient concubines in the Chinese court try to out trick each other:
most watched internet streaming show in history

Now if we could just get them to watch some Three Angels’ Truth from Amazing Facts or somebody….