Month: March 2018

Addiction Resources and Treatment Centers

While I don’t know about the following resources/treatment centers personally, they have contacted me to spread their information more widely. Overcoming addictions of any kind is a good thing, so altho I’m not sure if these are based on Biblical ideals or not, they seem worthwhile. If even only one person is potentially helped by this post, then I will give God all the glory.

Addiction Resource was founded in 2014 to provide a community for those recovering from addiction and to help patients find the highest quality care for a successful recovery. Our goal is to provide resources to help patients and their loved ones so that they may stay on the road to recovery, and can successfully overcome addiction for life. We believe in our ability to help improve the lives of others, and belief is what motivates us to educate and support our readers every day.

Addiction Resource is not a treatment center and does not accept payments or advertising offers. Instead, we work to provide free resources to help people better understand their addiction and motivate them to make the first step in seeking support.

Addiction Resource web site

Recovering Champions is a comprehensive drug & alcohol treatment program in Massachusetts specializing in substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. The Recovering Champions Treatment Center, located in Falmouth, offers high-quality clinical treatment, medication management, and additional support services, including:

12-step guidance and instruction
Addiction education
Individual and family therapy
Yoga, meditation, fitness, and nutrition

At both of their locations, clients enjoy the tranquility and stunning scenery of Cape Cod along with the best the region has to offer, including outdoor experiences, local food, and beautiful vistas.

(Note: Yoga is not spiritually sound. Perhaps you can ask the staff to just do stretching exercises.)

Leftist crackdown on Conservatives in America similar to China’s crackdown on “terrorists”

I’ve thot this for quite a while now, but the news this morning is just shouting this out at us – Progressives are following China’s government in their willingness and methods to crush all opposing ideas.

China’s govt. has established a “social credit” system, where you get points taken away for certain things from skipping train fares, to avoiding taxes, to bribery, to being a Christian or anyone who does not agree 100% with their Atheistic Communist Party. Starting in May this year, they will start using this “social credit” score to determine whether to allow you to even ride on a train or airplane! China bans people from transportation

While the Left in America is not quite there yet, there are many troubling signs that they are going down the same path. That path entails not just silencing everyone who doesn’t agree with them, but forcefully restricting their ability to disseminate ideas and physical movement.

Twitter is blocking people from even quoting material from articles it deems bad: Twitter censorship As this article shows, just trying to tweet something that has no violent overtones at all is banned if from a Conservative, but super-violent tweets from Leftists that show people killing others etc. is allowed.

Then there is the case of Amazon reviews. Authors rely on the number and quality of reviews in order to get their books displayed prominently in Amazon rankings. Yet Amazon is just willy-nilly deleting reviews from Conservative authors books, and deleting some reviews those Conservative authors make: Amazon deletes reviews

Of course just the other day I had the personal experience where Youtube shut down my channel for no real reason other than that I’d violated their policy. They reinstated me the next day, but there are many examples of Conservative, or just anti-establishment channels have gotten shut down for a while, or forever, including Natural News (a health channel featuring Mike Adams), Prager U, InfoWars etc. Mike Adams says his Youtube channel was probably taken down because he believes in just two genders! I understand there are many channels that need to be shut down, as there are many bad people trying to push absolutely disgusting things on the internet. But to shut someone down just because they hold to a different view than yours? That’s totalitarianism.

What’s this got to do with God’s people as we come up to the end time?
A lot, because we see the Atheistic Communistic ideas of hatred for God is dovetailing with the Atheistic Progressive ideas of hatred for God. While they are not currently openly working together, it is easy to tell that they are working towards the same goal – the eradication of all truth, and eventually the eradication of all those who follow the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

May we be firmly grounded in the truth ourselves, and use this window of freedom wisely, because it appears to be closing up quickly.

Youtube deletes my entire channel, no real reason given (Reinstated!)

Well, knowing how Progressive Youtube is (meaning totalitarian), I was kind of expecting them to take down my videos one day for telling the truth as it is in the Bible, but this is just weird. I got an email today saying that “Google アカウント は、Google ポリシーに違反する行為に使われていたと思われるため、無効となりました”.

Which says that I’ve gone against their policy, so my account (Earlysda) is unavailable anymore. Just now, in checking, I see that not only are all my 100+ videos gone with their 800K+ views, but that all my comments on all other peoples’ videos are gone too. It’s like my 11 years on Youtube has been erased in an instant.

I hope Youtube fixes this, but since Google is such an evil company, I will count myself lucky if I don’t get either a police knock on the door, or a hitman who will run me off the road.

If anyone knows another video sharing service, please let me know.

Updated morning of March 16: When I woke up this morning, wondering what to do, I did a search on the net for my most viewed video. I clicked on the link, expecting it to show that the video had been deleted, but it displayed normally!

So what happened? I don’t know, but here is my guess. The day before this happened, I made some comments on videos regarding Stephen Hawking’s death, that he was a poor scientist because there cannot, by definition, be more than one black hole in a universe. And also, he fought God,
so basically he wasted his life, but I hope he repented before he died. Probably someone got royally upset at that, reported me to Youtube for “hate speech”, and they quickly deleted my account. When a human actually checked the facts, they saw that I had don’e nothing wrong,
and reinstated my account.

But I have learned from this, that if I want to help keep my videos up, which I know will be taken down when the Sunday Law question starts becoming agitated, I need to either stop commenting on other articles on Youtube, or else comment under a different name.

huge amounts of water under earth’s crust refutes evolution

Often in talking to Evolutionists, they like to pooh-pooh the idea that there is enough water on this planet to ever cover the whole earth. I always ask them to take a globe, and think for a minute about what all that blue color means, as 71% of the earth is covered with water. Also, the mountains on the earth would fit comfortably in the deepest trenches in the oceans.

I’ve read somewhere that if you flattened out all the mountains on the land, it would just take around 100 feet (meters?) of water to cover 100% of the planet.

Anyway, we can read in inspired writings that there were jets of water that came out of the earth at the time of Noah’s Flood. They had tremendous force, and hurled huge rocks high up into the air. Personally, I think they might have even created comets and blasted pockmarks on the moon etc., but am not sure about that at all, as 95% of the craters on the moon face earth.

So it is interesting to see that scientists are finding more and more clues that there are huge amounts of water far under the crust in places and forms that they thot couldn’t exist. Here is one science news article showing that ice was found in a diamond. They estimate the diamond came from 500 miles or so down (that’s highly speculative), and it includes ice with a new atomic structure, so they have named it Ice-VII. Seems our ordinary ice is now called Ice-I – ha!
massive amounts of ice in mantle

Another article says

A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface. The finding could help explain where Earth’s seas came from.

massive ocean in mantle

SDA layperson forbidden to hold Bible study in condo commons area in Florida

It’s getting stranger and stranger in America. Now condominium associations are trying to forbid residents from using the commons area for Bible studies or play religious songs on the organ. Seems that playing poker and having jazz is just fine, but not if it is religious.

Now, a SDA lay minister lady is taking them to court: Condo Bans Senior Citizen Bible Study, Christian Music
Let’s pray that she will win this case for freedom.