Are vegetarians really more depressed?

Vegetarians Are Nearly Twice As Likely To Be Depressed As Meat-Eaters, Study Finds

This is the title of a recent article by CBS news in Philadelphia. Quoting:

The 350 committed vegetarians who participated in the study had a higher average depression score when compared to the meat-eaters, according to the study, which was published in the Journal of Affective Disorders.

The vegetarians’ diet tended to feature lower vitamin B12 consumption, as well as greater intake of nuts that contain omega-6 fatty acids, which have been linked with an increased risk of mental health problems.

Hmmmm, while I agree that lower B12 levels might have something to do with moods, my take on this issue is that most vegetarians (in advanced countries anyway) are vegetarian by choice. In other words, they think more about what goes into their body than most non-vegetarians. Most likely, they are also more thoughtful about other things in life, which could really make one go crazy seeing all the madness swirling around the world today.

Yes, I’m vegetarian, for reasons of health, religion, and compassion. I love animals – so I don’t want to kill them for food unless I have to. We should be preparing for the heavenly kingdom where nothing will die, and God has told us thru Ellen White that the 144,000 will do away with meat eating. There are many, many studies showing that a vegetarian diet not only increases longevity, but also general health.

It is true, however, that we shouldn’t become obsessed with our food. I know several vegans who have turned their noses up at me because I eat eggs and yogurt once in a while. Even if someone eats meat, we shouldn’t look down on them, but we should be faithful in telling them they need to work towards stopping it. Now if they are eating unclean foods like shrimp or pork, then we must show them straightly from God’s words that they must stop.

Any vegetarians reading this – Do you feel depressed?