Day: November 13, 2015

Should Adventists vote for Ben Carson?

The last quote on that CNN article says: “I don’t identify myself as an Adventist,” he said. “I identify myself more as an American who happens to believe in Christ.”
Now whether they quoted him correctly, or not, I’m not positive, but taking the other things he’s said into consideration, it looks exactly right.

Here’s my personal take on the matter. First, I thot maybe this was God raising up a mighty hero to do something awesome like with Joseph or David or something more. But then I found out he was breaking the Sabbath, and now that he doesn’t even identify as one of God’s remnant people.

So while I still believe he is the most morally upright in most areas like abortion etc., and think he would be the best choice among the current contenders for President, his turning his back on his SDA identity is a troublesome, big black spot on his garment.

The standard SDA view of looking at everything thru the lens of “Maybe he will bring in the Sunday Law” is flawed in my estimation. Of course if the candidate states that is one of their goals, then we should avoid them, or else be culpable with them. But the fact is, when the time comes, it won’t matter who signs the bill into law, because the NSL is going to be a grass-roots call for action, not a top-down executive order.

I’ve seen so many SDAs refuse to vote for anybody, or even vote for those who promote abortion, as they think that will help delay the NSL. That type of reasoning is purely selfish, pleasing his Satanic majesty.

11 week old preborn is jumping human (not blob of cells)

Many people say that human babies are not really “human” until around the 20th week or so in the womb. However, as with all creatures God has made, humans start out small, and develop and so on. Saying that a baby human is just a “blob of cells”, or even “a cancer-like thing” as I’ve heard some pro-death supporters write, is refuted graphically in the following video of an 11 week old baby practicing for the high jump while still in the womb:
baby jumping in womb

Here’s a video of a 12 week old doing the same thing. Makes me wonder if they are jumping for joy that someone is not going to chop off their limbs and scrape them out?
12 week old jumping inside mother