Month: June 2015

we are under obligation to keep all the statutes, including the feast days

Recently there was an article on Advindicate about whether we should keep the feasts of the Lord or not. The author was quite against the feasts, and recommended me to check what James White wrote in the first volume of the Present Truth magazine in 1849. Here is my response:
Yes, the Present Truth was a wonderful impetus to the 7th day Sabbath message – Praise God!
We need to remember that just a couple of years earlier, James and even Ellen White were against the 7th day Sabbath. Joseph Bates was the main promoter among the Advent people.
Here are two quotes from volume 1 of that magazine, written by James White.”The law of Moses, was a law of shadows, which were abolished when the new, second, and better covenant came.”

“while the Gentile Christians were free from these customs, as they had not been educated in them.”
But we see from inspired writings that he was mistaken.
In consequence of continual transgression, the moral law was repeated in awful grandeur from Sinai. Christ gave to Moses religious precepts which were to govern the everyday life. These statutes were explicitly given to guard the ten commandments. They were not shadowy types to pass away with the death of Christ. They were to be binding upon man in every age as long as time should last. These commands were enforced by the power of the moral law, and they clearly and definitely explained that law. {RH, May 6, 1875}
The Lord Jesus gave these commandments from the pillar of cloud, and Moses repeated them to the children of Israel and wrote them in a book, that they might not depart from righteousness. We are under obligation to fulfill these specifications; for in so doing we fulfill the specifications of the law of God. {RH, December 18, 1894}
The light given me is that we are to study more than we do the instruction given to Moses by God after He had proclaimed the law from Sinai. The ten commandments were spoken by God Himself, and were then written on tables of stone, to be preserved till the judgment should take place. After the giving of the law, God gave Moses specifications regarding the law. These specifications are plain and explicit. No one need make a mistake.

In the day of judgment we shall be asked whether we have lived in harmony with these specifications. It is because we do not carry out these specifications in all our dealings, in our institutions, our families, and in our individual lives, at all times, and in all places, that we do not make greater advancement. It is by the directions that God has given that we shall be judged at the last day. {AUCR, March 25, 1907
So let’s keep all of God’s commandments, statutes, and judgments, as we are going to be judged by them, and so we can make greater spiritual advancement. 🙂
Many of us Seventh-day Adventists basically sing this tune:
Be like Jesus, this my song,
In the home and in the throng;
Be like Jesus, all day long! (unless it’s a feast day)
I would be (somewhat) like Jesus.

Thailand Mission to print 1858 Great Controversy

The Thailand Mission is getting ready to print the Thai edition of the 1858 Great Controversy. This book was translated around 7 years ago and we printed 1,000 copies privately, but now it has been edited, and the Thailand Mission is going to print it thru the help of an organization set up to print/reprint Ellen White books in the Thai language.

May God receive all the glory.

Update July 12, 2015:
I’ve gotten word that somehow the funds have dried up, and that no one is willing to work to do the layout work to print it.
Please pray for this project.

anti-terrorism laws enabling US courts to prosecute foreigners while in their own countries!

The NY Times (no friend of Christian principles) reported today how US government anti-terrorism laws are being interpreted broadly to mean that they apply to foreigners in their own countries. There are some examples cited in the article showing how some Muslim jihadists were travelling in Africa, and suddenly found themselves in a jail in New York.

nytimes article on foreigners being basically abducted and tried in the US

This development looks to have direct implications for the Little Flock at the end time who refuse to bow to the beast, and who wish to honor God by keeping his day holy from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.

“Second Advent Waymarks and High Heaps…” by Joseph Bates

Joseph Bates was one of the co-founders of the Seventh-day Adventist church. He was the driving force not only in getting the fledgling movement to accept the 7th day Sabbath message, he was also the pioneer in getting the SDA church to follow the health message, perhaps to a fault.

I’ve just typed in his book called: “Second Advent Waymarks and High Heaps, or a Connected View, of the Fulfilment of Prophecy, by God’s Peculiar People, From the year 1840 to 1847” by Joseph Bates (1847), and put it up on the internet. link to book

The most striking things to me about it are the documentation of the arguments used against the SDA movement, the way that nearly all of the former Advent believers rejected their experience in the 1843/1844 movement, the study by Joseph Bates into the holy days of God, and the way of looking at world events and interpreting them to mean that the final end has come (something we SDAs still are prone to do).

May this book be a blessing to all, as we learn from our history, believe it, and move to higher planes as Jesus leads.